The tolerance of Islam with non-Muslims - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي
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افتراضي The tolerance of Islam with non-Muslims

The tolerance of Islam with non-Muslims

Yasser Tag El-Deen Hamed

Islam also showed tolerance toward non-Muslims by saying: "Allâh does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allâh loves those who deal with equity." [Surat Al Mumtahanah: 8].

So, we see in the Ayah how did Islam differentiate between those who fight it and those who do not fight it, but Islam decided to protect Dhimmis (Non-Muslims living in and under the protection of a Muslim state) and Al Musta'man (those who live under the protection of a Muslim state even if they do not pay tribute) to protect them and secure their worship. Islam asserted the good treatment of non-Muslims in many positions because the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Beware, if anyone wrongs a contracting man, or diminishes his right, or forces him to work beyond his capacity, or takes from him anything without his consent, I shall plead for him on the Day of Judgment."[1]

This is clear in the Conquest of Makkah when the Prophet (peace be upon him) entered with Muslims. The Prophet (peace be upon him) came to the masters of Makkah, and he said to them: What do you think I am doing with you. They said: An honorable brother and the son of an honorable brother. So, he said his famous statement which captured the people of Quraysh after the Conquest of Makkah, "Go, you are free."

`Umar ibn Al Khattab restores history again when he opened Jerusalem and signed a document between him and the inhabitants of the city which Colmen chapman mentioned part of it[2] in his book: Jerusalem for who? In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is the covenant which was granted to the citizens of Aelia for themselves, goods, churches, and crosses whether in bad or good conditions. Their churches shall not be confiscated or demolished and no constrains shall be imposed on them regarding religion and none shall undergo harassment.[3]

The look of the Jews to this document recorded by Angelese Raboport, the historian, in his book (the history of Palestine) saying: We have to admit that such a declaration in the beginning of the middle age century to which all the Muslim armies committed was a just declaration and was full of tolerance. The Byzantium emperors and bishops of the church could never express such feelings before by the name of the one who called them to the religion of love. The declaration of the Caliph was enough to cause a profound impact not only in the spirit of the Jews but also in the spirit of the Christians of Syria and Palestine. Some of them were suffering from injustice and tyranny, while others were suffering from the oppression of the church regarding the different views they believed; all were suffering from the shackles of staff and the burden of high taxes.[4]

History repeats itself with Jerusalem, but that time with (Saladin), the Muslim leader who liberated the city from the hands of the Crusaders. James Reston briefly explains the way which Salahuddin used to restore the city of Jerusalem. He said: "By ideal behavior when they took over responsibility in Jerusalem in the year 1187, (Salahuddin) gained much praise as a wise leader, especially when compared with the destruction and chaos which the first Crusaders caused at their invasion to the city in 1099, and by protecting the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other Christian holy sites, and by his tolerance with other religions. All these things remained in the mind of Christians for a long time and showed how a person could be a good Muslim by forgiving his enemies and making other righteous deeds which brought him a good reputation, humanity, and wisdom."[5]

In this regard, we find (Sir Thomas Arnold)[6] in his book (call to Islam) said: "If we look at tolerance which spread this way to Muslim Christian subjects in the beginning of the Islamic rule, we shall realize that the idea about how did Islam spread and that the sword was the main factor is far-reached. The thing which pushed people to Islam forcibly and attracted it to it was the creed."[7] He added, "We may find other factors helped to decrease the Christian people, in fact. But we did not hear about any attempt orchestrated to force non-Muslim communities to accept Islam, or about any systematic persecution intended to eradicate the Christian religion. If caliphs had chosen to implement one of the two plans, they would have swept Christianity easily the same way (Ferdinand and Isabella) eradicated Islam from Spain, or the which which (Louis XIV) used with the Protestant doctrine or by the easiness which kept the Jews away from England for 350 years. The Eastern churches in Asia totally excluded from the Christian world where no one stood by their side as being cast from Christianity. Therefore, the presence of these churches until now proves the tolerance of Islamic governances toward them."[8]

Thus, the certificates of non-Muslims continue to prove the features of Islam and refuting doubts, for the features of tolerance are obvious in its creed which contains tolerance and is not complicated. Allah does not will to impose hardship on the believers or in transactions.

[1] Narrated by Al Bayhaqy.

[2] A priest in the Episcopal Church (Anglican), English, specialist in Islamic studies, internationally famous for his activity in the field of inter-religious dialogue.

[3] Jerusalem for who? Colin Chapman. P. 105.

[4] Palestine is the land of divine messages / Rouge Garudi - translated by `Abdus-Sabour Shahin. P. 144.

[5] Jerusalem for who? P. 110 - 111, quoted from (James Ruston p. 95).

[6] English, professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Oriental ********s in London.

[7] The tolerance of Islam / Dr. `Umar ibn `Abdul-`Aziz Al Qurashy p. 147, 148 - quoted from (calling to Islam / Sir Thomas Arnold).

[8] Ibid.

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