Dammah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer in Riwayah of Hafs [ضم هاء الضمير في رواية حفص] - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي

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قديم 23-07-2021, 07:19 PM
الصورة الرمزية ابوالوليد المسلم
ابوالوليد المسلم ابوالوليد المسلم غير متصل
قلم ذهبي مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2019
مكان الإقامة: مصر
الجنس :
المشاركات: 134,060
الدولة : Egypt
افتراضي Dammah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer in Riwayah of Hafs [ضم هاء الضمير في رواية حفص]

Dammah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer in Riwayah of Hafs [ضم هاء الضمير في رواية حفص]

Dammah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer in Riwayah of Hafs[ضمّ هاء الضمير في رواية حفص]

Qur’anic Counseling _ استشارات قرآنيّة

By Ibtesam Azad

The first reply was on Friday, Shawwal 25, 1440 - June 28, 2019
Last amendment on Tuesday, Dhul Hijjah 3, 1442 – July 13, 2021

Q: (From Australia) Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah. I have a question. Why it says we have to read with Damma in عَلَيْهُ﴿when it's already Damma in Quran ? How is it an exceptional rule ? Jazaakillaahu khaira.


Wa ‘alaikumus salāmu wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh sister.

Alḥamdulillāhi waṣ ṣalātu was salāmu ‘alā Rasoolillāh, ’ammā ba’d.

(1) Haa’ Ad-Dameer means Haa’ of pronoun that refers to masculine gender third person.

(2) The original Harakah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer in Arabic ******** is that it is read with Dammah[1]. But maximum Arabs have read this Haa’ with Kasrah for it’s being preceded by Yaa’ Sakinah or Kasrah; and that is due to Mujanasah (مُجَانَسَة - resemblance); therefore for it’s being easier to pronounce as well[2].

(3) In Soorah Al-Fath : Ayah 10, the pronoun of singular masculine third person ‘Haa’/هــin the word ﴾عَلَيْهُ﴿ is read with Dammah (ُ) according to the Riwayah of Hafs as shown in image (1).

(4) Likewise the word ﴾أَنْسَانِيْهُ﴿ in Soorah Al-Kahf: Ayah 63, the pronoun of singular masculine third person ‘Haa’/هــ is read with Dammah (ُ) according to the Riwayah of Hafs as shown in image (2).

(5) Dammah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer in Riwayah of Hafs for these two mentioned words ﴾عَلَيْهُ﴾ و﴿أَنْسَانِيْهُ﴿ is applicable in both Tareeqs : Ash-Shatibiyyah and Taiyyibatun Nashr[3].

(6) Due to the presence of Dammah on the letter Haa’, after the gradual stages of An-Naqt (النّقْط – dotting letters to distinguish one from another) and Ash-Shakl (الشّكْل – putting Harakahs to distinguish a vowel from another) in our Mushafs today, a contemporary reader might not understand the reason of the word ﴾عَلَيْهُ﴿ being special; particularly if he is among those who have not gone through the linguistic researchon Dammah – of it’s being the original Harakah of Haa’ Ad-Dameer.

(7) And these two examples ﴾عَلَيْهُ﴾ و﴿أَنْسَانِيْهُ﴿ differ from others in two aspects[4]:

[1] Haa’ Ad-Dameer in these two words has been read with Dammah(ُ), regardless of the other Riwayahs where Haa’ Ad-Dameer in the same two words has been read with Kasrah (ِ), due to Mujanasah (مُجَانَسَة - resemblance).

[2] Haa’ Ad-Dameer in these two words has been read with Dammah (ُ), regardless of the other similar words in the same Riwayah (of Hafs) where Haa’ Ad-Dameer has been read with Kasrah (ِ), due to Mujanasah (مُجَانَسَة – resemblance).

Allah knows best.

[1] Consulted with a Scholar of Qira’at [1], he has a PhD degree in the Science of Qira’at and has obtained Ijazah in both Al-Qira’at As-Sughra and Al-Kubra, teaches at Ma’had Ash-Shatiby, Jeddah; via voice message; Mon, Dhul Qa’dah 25, 1442 - Jul 5, 2021; 4:40 PM Riyadh time.
Consulted with a Scholar of Qira’at [2], he has a PhD degree in the Science of Qira’at and has obtained Ijazah in both Al-Qira’at As-Sughra and Al-Kubra with the highest Isnad among the contemporary scholars as well; via voice message; Sun, Dhul Hijjah 1, 1442 - Jul 11, 2021; 1:59 AM Riyadh time.

[2] Consulted with a Scholar of Qira’at [2], he has a PhD degree in the Science of Qira’at and has obtained Ijazah in both Al-Qira’at As-Sughra and Al-Kubra with the highest Isnad among the contemporary scholars as well; via voice message; Sun, Dhul Hijjah 1, 1442 - Jul 11, 2021; 1:59 AM Riyadh time.

[3] Consulted with a Scholar of Qira’at [2], he has a PhD degree in the Science of Qira’at and has obtained Ijazah in both Al-Qira’at As-Sughra and Al-Kubra with the highest Isnad among the contemporary scholars as well; via text message; Mon, Dhul Hijjah 2, 1442 - Jul 12, 2021; 11:39 PM Riyadh time.

[4] I presented these two aspects to a Scholar of Qira’at [2], he has a PhD degree in the Science of Qira’at and has obtained Ijazah in both Al-Qira’at As-Sughra and Al-Kubra with the highest Isnad among the contemporary scholars as well and he agreed saying ‘‘Yes correct’’; via text message; Mon, Dhul Hijjah 2, 1442 - Jul 12, 2021; 11:39 PM Riyadh time.

سُئل الإمام الداراني رحمه الله
ما أعظم عمل يتقرّب به العبد إلى الله؟
فبكى رحمه الله ثم قال :
أن ينظر الله إلى قلبك فيرى أنك لا تريد من الدنيا والآخرة إلا هو
سبحـــــــــــــــانه و تعـــــــــــالى.

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