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![]() What is Islam? Maysun Sami Ahmed Peace, mercy and blessings of God: And may the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. It is the salutation that is specific to Muslims, and it was said in its meaning that it is supplication for you with goodness, protection and safety from all evil At the outset we want to get to know the Islamic religion, what is Islam, what is meant by it, what does it aim and what does it want? What is his message? Islam is submission to God Almighty, the Lord of the worlds, the Creator of people, submission to Him by doing what He commanded and leaving what He forbade, and devotion to Him alone only. for God does not accept from us humans that we associate something else with Him. or that we worship someone else with Him. The meaning of Islam is to be satisfied with the rule of God Almighty without objection or hatred, and to do what God has commanded of good deeds, and leave the forbidden things and bad and harmful actions that He forbade us. One of the characteristics of the Islamic religion is that it is a universal religion for all nations and for all people, as well as a human religion. And the Islamic nation is a moderate nation and mediator in everything, and it is a good nation, and in the Hereafter it bears witness to the rest of the nations. The second lecture In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful God Almighty has told us in many verses in the Holy Qur’an - and the Qur’an is the religious book for Muslims from which they take their religion and belief – He told us that the prophets whom God sent to guide mankind, their message was all one. And that all the prophets were on the religion of Islam, so Islam is a name for the religion that God revealed to all the prophets, so the religion of the prophets and messengers is one religion. Islam believes in the messages of all the previous messengers and does not differentiate between any of them. All of their messages call for the worship of one God who has no partner, and the reason for calling us the nation of Muhammad, as Muslims is that the Prophet Muhammad Blessings and peace, is the last of the prophets, and through him the message of Islam was completed, and in this naming is a feature, a characteristic, and an honor for us, the last of the nations. The name Islam carries in its meaning the correct beliefs that guide people to happiness in this world and salvation and victory in the Hereafter, as well as the term Islam includes all the beliefs brought by the messengers and prophets throughout history. If the messages of the Messengers were numerous, this does not mean that they were different in their origins and objectives. The religion that God legislated for mankind is one in its origin and content. Third lecture Characteristics of Islam Islam connects man to God and does not accept that there should be a human mediator between him and God Almighty.. No one can erase a sin, or forgive the sin of others, and all human beings before God Almighty are equal, there is no difference between them at all. And God is close to all the believing people. He answers the supplication of the supplicant if he calls upon him, and asks of him and he never returns anyone disappointed if he asks of God with sincerity. The religion of Islam respects the prophets and messengers, peace and blessings be upon them, and emphasizes the principles and immutable values, and at the same time opens the way for permanent growth and development in all fields, and above that it is the religion that contains a complete law and Sharia, and it is the religion that educates and raises the righteous person. It is a religion that glorifies God Almighty, honors man, and makes everything in the heavens and the earth mock for him. Islam is a religion of faith, belief and action. in Islam there is no class of clergy, and it is impossible to find in Islam an institution similar to the Christian church that specializes in the secrets and rituals of religion. Islam recognizes the difference of nations, and considers the difference to be a natural thing. It does not accept coercion and compelling anyone to change his belief by force. Rather, it accepts faith that is formed as a result of personal conviction and free will.
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