Secrets Of Quran Miracles - الصفحة 66 - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي


اخر عشرة مواضيع :         النظرية التربوية عند المفكر النمساوي (محمد أسد) (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 25 )           »          حكم طواف الإفاضة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 31 )           »          الحلق أو التقصير في الحج (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 22 )           »          حكم قصر أهل مكة في الحج (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 28 )           »          الأضحية في الإسلام (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 17 )           »          حكم طواف الوداع للمعتمر (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 38 )           »          القطار الأفغاني والكابح الداعشي! (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 48 )           »          السودان بين الاندثار والانبعاث (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 33 )           »          هزيمة حزب العدالة والتنمية التركي.. الأسباب والتداعيات (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 51 )           »          البحر الأحمر وصراع النفوذ (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 53 )           »         

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قديم 19-02-2015, 07:38 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Unseen Miracles

معجزات الغيب



قديم 21-02-2015, 07:31 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Wonders of the Miracles of the Unseen World in the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, the Prophet of Mercy

Let’s contemplate the following Hadiths that tell us about our current world; they prove that Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, is the messenger of Allah…

At a time when myths, legends, ignorance, and worshiping idle gods prevailed, at a time when people used to fight for years over a female camel!!! at a time when baby girls were buried alive not for any other reason except for being a female!! and at a time when man would buy a god that’s made of dates and when he feels hungry, hewould eat it; at that time prophet Mohammad, the prophet of mercy, PBUH, was sent to spread the message of Islam and with him came light, guidance, and righteousness; he came to change the world until the Day of Judgment. Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, however, wasn’t a normal person because he was sent from and inspired by Allah, the exalted, the creator of this universe and everything elsewho knows best. Allah intended for the message of Islam to spread all over the world. Accordingly, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, requireddivine miracles to prove that he is the messenger of Allah and Allah could have never sent him without providing him with such miracles; but what are these miracles?

Allah, the greatsupported Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, with great miracles about the unseen world. He, therefore, talked about events that would happen hundreds of years later at a time when no one could have predicted that they would take place. In fact, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, even had no time for such issues at that time because he was concerned about the problems of theUmmah (nation or his people) and the message of Islam and had extremely hard tasks in convincing the infidels and polytheists to change their corrupted beliefs. Hence miracles were accompanying Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, wherever he went. Allah, the almighty, for instance, has cleft the moon asunder for the sake of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, and helped him gain victory over his enemies. Moreover, the enemies ofIslam reverted to Islam and were honest soldiers for their Prophet, beloved, and leader. If we assume, therefore, just for the sake of argument, that this noble Prophet, PBUH, wasn't telling the truth and was aspiring fame, might, and fortune, why would he get himself involved in talking about unseen events that would take place after his death? What would he get out of these hadiths if he weren’t honest? Such hadiths, accordingly, are but practical evidence of the truthfulness of his message and that he’s the messenger of Allah, the almighty.

Now, Dear brothers and sisters, let's contemplate the hadiths of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, the Prophet of mercy and how they are 100% in consistent with today's world and what we face today:

The emergence of tribulations, lying, and the acceleration of time

Abu Hurairah narrated Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said: “the Day of Judgment won’t come until tribulation shows up, lying increases, markets get closer to one another,and time is accelerated."[Narrated by Imam Ahmad]. In this noble hadith, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, is foretelling the current world in which we live for tribulation, lying, and markets have all increased and markets have become closer to one another. Time has also accelerated since the digital communication methods are transmitting to us events and images everywhere and from distant places so asto be aware of what’s happening all around us.

Referring toGlobal Economy

Talking about the signs of the Day of Judgment, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said "among the signs of the Hour (the Day of judgment) is the pervasiveness of wealth and trade.” Narrated by an-Nasa’i and in another version Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said: “till women share their husbands in trade." narrated by Imam Ahmad. Today, trade has become the backbone of global economy; a fact that wasn’t known at the time of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, for agriculture was more widespread back then.

Dear readers look at how women have been playing a role in media, factories, teaching, as well as political and commercial positions and there are businesswomen organizations and others,none of which was known at the time of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:32 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

“And no person can ever die except by Allah's Leave”

Many events call us to think in the unlimited power of Allah Almighty, Read the following article…
A miracle in New York City
Two brothers who worked together as window-washers fell from the roof of a 45-story luxury apartment building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan-USA when the scaffold they were standing upon gave way.

The scaffold had not been properly secured to side of the building. Almost after the brothers stepped onto the scaffold from the roof of the building, it gave way.

One brother was killed immediately, and the other was in critical condition at the Weill Cornell Medical College of New York-Presbyterian Hospital but he made a gradual recovery - in what doctors’ say is a "miracle".

Alcides Moreno fell 47 stories, hitting the pavement at the *****alent of around 120mph, but he is still alive.

Mr. Moreno suffered severe brain, spine and abdomen injuries and both his legs, his right arm and ribs were broken. But after undergoing a series of surgeries he is awake, able to talk and is expected to walk again.

"If you are a believer in miracles, this would be one," Dr Philip Barie, a surgeon at New York's Presbyterian Hospital where Mr Moreno is being treated, was quoted as saying by the New York Times newspaper.

"Above 10 floors, most of the time we never see the patients because they usually go to the morgue... this is right up there with those anecdotes of people falling out of airplanes and surviving," Dr Barie said.

The building where Alcides fell down almost 500ft, he survived but his brother died.

Dr Barie said that "although there is more work to be done, we are very optimistic for his prospects for survival".

Here we have to ask ourselves, how can two men fell from the same height at the same time one survives and the other dies?

No human being can give us an answer, but Allah Almighty gave us an answer for these questions as He Almighty tells us in the Qur’an about His unlimited power concerning the matter of life and death by saying: (And no person can ever die except by Allah's Leave and at an appointed term.){Sûrat Al-Imrân-(The Family of Imran) verse145}.

No one can delay the appointed term

The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occurred on February 2003, when the Space Shuttle disintegrated over city of Texasduring the re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in the death of all seven crew members.

The crew of the space shuttle who died in the shuttle during their mission

The disintegration was a result of damage sustained during launch when a piece of foam insulation the size of a small briefcase broke off the Space Shuttle external tank (the main propellant tank) under the aerodynamic forces of launch.

Launches were often given the go-ahead as engineers came to see the foam shedding and debris strikes as inevitable and unresolvable, with the rationale that they were either not a threat to safety, or an acceptable risk.

During re-entry the damaged area allowed the hot gases to penetrate and destroy the internal wing structure, rapidly causing the in-flight breakup of the vehicle.

The Columbia Accident Investigation Board's recommendations addressed both technical and organizational issues. Space Shuttle flight operations were delayed for two years by the disaster, similar to the Challenger disaster.

After four years of investigations, they concluded that despite the fast reaction of the crew to the alarm system, the crew were not able to stop the accident and it seemed that they did all of what they should do in these critical situation.

Unfortunately theydied because of the accelerating increase of the speed of falling as they became unconscious and they could never be able to get their conscious back.

Also the report of investigation stated that no one could survive from that terrible accident.

Columbia Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery


We are in front of two different accidents, the first one for a worker who fell down from 500 feet in a speed of 120mph and he survived without any protection or alarm systems.

The second accident happened for a group of astronauts whowere supported by huge team of experts, scientists and professionals with hundreds of computers and complicated systems to supervise and secure the whole process of launching and controlling the space shuttle, but all of that did not prevent that accident to take place.

What is behind the survival of that worker and the death of the astronauts?

Indeed there is only one explanation that is the worker’s appointed time of death didn’t come yet but the appointed time of the space team came by the order of Allah Almighty.

Below, you can contemplate in four wonderful verses to understand and get an answer for the above critical question:

1. (And no person can ever die except by Allah's Leave and at an appointed term.){Sûrat Al-Imrân-(The Family of Imran)-verse 145 }.

2. (And Allah grants respite to none when his appointed time (death) comes. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.){Sûrat Al-Munâfiqûn-The Hypocrites –verse11}.

3. (And when their term comes, neither can they delay nor can they advance it an hour){Sûrat An-Nahl-The Bees –verse61}.

4. (And every nation has its appointed term; when their term is reached, neither can they delay it nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment).){Sûrat Al-A‘râf-The Heights- verse34}.

These holy verses tell us that no one may die before the exact time which was determined by Allah the creator , knowing that most of recent psychological diseases are caused by people’s anxiety about their future (professional career, money, children,etc…..)And ignoring that all of these concerns and the time of their death is predetermined by Allah Almighty and no one can change it.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:34 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Unseen Miracles 1

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

1- Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him told us about many signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he said: (one of these signs is that money will increase and trade will increase) [Narrated by Al-Nasaei] today, trade became the backbone of the world economy. That wasn’t known at the time of the prophet when trade was known but agriculture was the most famous activity. Who told our prophet about that?

2- The prophet said that day of resurrection will not come till: (husband obeys his wife and to be impious to his mother and turns away from his father){Narrated by Al-Termizi} ,today courts are full of cases between parents and sons and daughters because of the impiety of those sons and daughters ……. that wasn’t known at the time of the prophet. Researchers confirm that the phenomenon of impiety is increasing which is a clear evidence that day of resurrection is near .The question is, who told our prophet about that?

3- The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you){narrated by Al- Bukari}, today we can see there are a lot of money between people so that we can find some people who possess billions, this phenomenon wasn’t known at the time of the prophet, don’t we be ready for day of resurrection?

4- Today, women are playing a vital role in economic and politics and also they have a basic role in factories, information and many trading positions and there are separate associations for business women. All of these weren’t known at the time of the prophet and no on even thought that it may happen. The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till women participates withtheir husbands in trade) {narrated by Ahmed}, Glory to Allah Almighty.

5- The prophet says: (day of resurrection will not come till man do adultery with woman in the street), look at some western countries where people are used to do such action in the streets and on beaches. Unfortunately some Muslim countries are used to imitate these western countries. Who told prophet Mohamed peace be upon him about that?.

6- The prophet said: (wait for day of resurrection to come if people waste the trust) {narrated by Al- Bukari}, today, we can see many cases in courts because of wasting the trust between people. We can find millions of cases because of embezzlement and cheating. That wasn’t known at the time of the prophet and no one ever imagined that trust between people will be lost.It is a proof that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty.

7- Today, we can hear some rumors about the imminence of day of resurrection, one of these rumors that day of resurrection will be in December 2012 because scientists said that some horrible phenomena will occur on that day. The truth is in December 2012 some usual phenomena will happen. Allah Almighty says about day of resurrection: (They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): "When will be its appointed time?" Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (Alone). None can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden through the heavens and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all of a sudden." They ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it. Say: "The knowledge thereof is with Allah (Alone) but most of mankind know not."){Sûrat Al-A‘râf-The Heights-verse187}


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Unseen Miracles 2

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

The unseen miracles 8

The prophet said”one of the signs for the imminence of day of resurrection is that men will imitate women and women will imitate men”{narrated by Abo-Naeem} now, this phenomenon is spreading and we can find many countries that allow marriage between man and man and also between woman and woman. That wasn’t known at the time of the prophet, who told him this future phenomenon? Isn’t clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty?

The unseen miracles 9

The prophet says (adultery and drinking alcohol are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection)[Narrated by Al-Bukhari], if we walk around in the streets of many countries we can find people are drinking alcohol and performing adultery and because of that AIDS is around us in all over the world. Who told the prophet peace be upon him about that?

The unseen miracles 10

(Appearance of pen…)[Narrated by Ahmed] is one of the signs that day of resurrection is near according to the saying of the prophet peace be upon him. Today, we can see the magnificent development in writing by using computers in magazines, newspapers and books as there are millions of printed papers in a daily basis. Who told the prophet this piece of information at the time when only a few number of people were perfectly writing in the entire city of Mekka. This is clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty.

The unseen miracles11

The prophet said: (“me and day of resurrection are sent like those”and he referred by his two fingers) [Narrated by Al-Bukhari].the scientists say that the age of universe is 13.5 billion years andthe age of man is indeed less than that because Allah Almighty sent the prophet only 1400 years ago and if we divides 1400 by 13,500,000,000 theresultis0.0000001

Hence the prophetic likening is precise to demonstrate that day of resurrection is so near to us.

The unseen miracles 12

The prophet said about one of the signs for the imminence of day of resurrection: (people will build high buildings…) [narrated by Al-bukhari and Muslim], now we see many countries are racing to build the tallest building like these skyscrapers, who told the prophet peace be upon him this piece of future information1400 years ago?

The unseen miracles13

The prophet said: (day of resurrection will not come till trials appear, lying increases, markets becomes near to each other and time converges) [narrated by Ahmed]

Today, it is easy to find all of these phenomena as we find lot of trials, lying and the excessive use of information technology which made markets so closed to each other. Who told our prophet peace be upon himabout all of that?

The unseen miracles 14

The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come till science disappear)[narrated by Al- Bukhari], today we can find some scholars who permit usury, accept kiss between man and woman and allow smoking in the holy month of Ramadan. Today, some TV stations let those kind of scholars to appear on air and speaks to people, isn’t right that science disappears and illiteracy appears?


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:35 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Unseen Miracles 3

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

The unseen miracles 15

The prophet peace be upon him said some people will permit alcohol and will name it by different names) {narrated by Ahmed} today, there are different names for alcohol such as beer, vodka, whisky, all of these names weren’t known at the time of the prophet, who told him this information?

The unseen miracles 16

The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of resurrection will not come tillyou see some great things that you didn’t see before or even talked yourselves about it.)[narrated by Ahmed], look at all of these new inventions such as internet, mobiles, TV, weapons , some diseases like AIDS and swine flu,…..all of these are clear evidences that Mohamedis a prophet from Allah Almighty.

The unseen miracles 17

The prophet peace be upon him said to his companions: (at the end of the time you will find humiliation,defamation and ****morphosis, they asked when and the prophet replied when you see a lot of musicinstrumentsand songstresses) [narrated by IbnMaga].

Today, you can see the Widespreadof music all over the world and also those tens of thousands of women dancers and singers. Also, there are thousands of satellite channels that presentdancing and singing day and night. This phenomenon wasn’t known at the time of the prophet, and no one ever predicted that this phenomenon may occur one day.

The unseen miracles 18

Before Islam people used to believe that Sirius star is a god who can benefit and harm people, but the Qur’an corrected this wrong beliefand confirmed that Sirius is a star which was created by Allah Almighty who says: (And that He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the star which the pagan Arabs used to worship)){Sûrat An-Najm -The Star -verse49},isn’t a clear evidence that Islam is a divine religion as it let people get rid of the habit of worshiping some creatures that cause no harm or benefit.

The unseen miracles 19

Allah Almighty says: (And they will find all that they did, placed before them){Sûrat Al-Kahf -The Cave-verse49},this verse confirms that man will find what he or she did in front of him or her ,the question is how can we imagine that man may find all of previous events between his or her hands? The Theory of relativity say that if we became able to move in a speed equals to the light speed ,time will stop at that point and if we exceeds that speed we might be able to see the past events.

Glory to Allah Almighty

The unseen miracles 20

The scientists say that the universe is expanding till vacuums and gaps occurs which will cause the universe to collapse. Allah Almighty told us about this cosmicphenomenon as He Almighty saysWhen the heaven is cleft asunder){Sûrat Al-Infitâr-verse1},glory to Allah Almighty.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:41 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Spread of Islam

Islam now is the fastest religion in the world, and it is expected to be the first religin in 2025 ….

Let's reat these new statistics about the number of Muslims around the world:

According to recent statistics: the number of Muslims in the world has exceeded 2 billions, distributed all over the world. Also, Islam is growing by 3 % per year, and in 2025, Islam will become the leading religion in the world. This was prophesized by Allah Messenger (peace be upon him) who said, ‘This matter [i.e. Islam] shall reach what the daylight and the night have reached.’ This means that Islam will reach every area and locality of the world where daylight and night take place. This has been achieved in reality. Who has informed Allah Messenger about this?


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


2- Two-thirds of Britons not religious, suggests survey,, 21-3-2011.

3- Number of Christians falls by almost 10%, survey finds,, 23-12-2011.

4- America becoming less Christian, survey finds,, 9-3-2009.








قديم 21-02-2015, 07:43 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The big lie of astrology

For many years people used to believe in astrology, but the right scientific base of astrology is established in the twenty century, let us read …

People who believe in astrology around the world are spending millionsof dollars to predict the future and to analyze the personality.

But what is astrology?

Astrology is defined as it's a relationship between astronomical phenomena and some events in human world. Others believe that astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes.A horoscope is a chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, the astrological aspects, and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth.

The nearest star to earth is about 4 light years. It means the outgoing light from that star takes 4 light years to reach earth which is 10 million millionkilometers.The question, is it a realistic thought that there is a possible effect for that star in spite of this huge distance?

Astrologists are trying to make people believe that they speak scientifically but in fact they not. But people are losing much money and became depressed because of those astrologists.

Galaxy Andromeda or M31 is the nearest galaxy to our planet, it is 2.25 million light year far from earth, how can a star in a galaxy contains one hundred thousand million star affects the destiny of a man on earth?

Nowadays, the scientists discovered that the farthest galaxy from earth is twenty thousand million light yearsand that galaxy contains more than one hundred thousand millionstars. The scientists used the latest technology to discover that galaxy, is it rational to believe that a star in that galaxy may affect our life on earth. Difficulty, human can see the light of these stars so how can we get affected by the movement of these stars?

The prophetic miracle

Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him came in a time when people used to believe in myths and legends, at that time Astrologists were like information agencies as what they say was reliable and trusted. The prophet corrected all wrong thoughts and beliefs when he said about astrology: "anyone comes to an astrologist and believe in what he says; Allah Almighty will not accept hisprayers for forty days."

Here, we have to think and believe that if Mohamed is not a prophet from Allah Almighty he would accept what his people do and agree them in what they believe about astrology.

Allah Almighty says: (Say (O Muhammad ): "I don't tell you that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor (that) I know the unseen; nor I tell you that I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me by inspiration." Say: "Are the blind and the one who sees equal? will you not then take thought?"){Sûrat Al-An’âm –verse50}

Astrology and mental illness

Islam prohibits anynonscientificpredictions likeastrology, He Almighty says: (Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which you are now, until He distinguishes the wicked from the good. Nor will Allah disclose to you the secrets of the Ghaib (unseen), but Allah chooses of His Messengers whom He pleases. So believe in Allah and His Messengers. And if you believe and fear Allah, then for you there is a great reward.){Sûrat Al-Imrân –verse 179}.

Scientists proved that astrology causes many mental and psychological disorders to people who believe in it as the one who believes in astrology, if expected events didn’t happen;itdrives him or her todepression and series psychological diseases.


Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him wants us to build our beliefs on scientific bases not on myths and legends so he told the believersany one goes to an astrologist and believe in what he says, so he became a disbeliever by the message of Mohamed (religion of Islam))([narrated by ahmed]

Allah Almighty alerts us that we have to be attention by what our prophet says by saying: (Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad ) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad ) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to Allah, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins, in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire), for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.){Sûrat At-Taubah –verse128}

In another verse He Almighty tells us that He ordered His prophet to tell people that the prophet himself doesn’t know the future by saying: (Say (O Muhammad ): "I possess no power of benefit or hurt to myself except as Allah wills. If I had the knowledge of the Ghaib (unseen), I should have secured for myself an abundance of wealth, and no evil should have touched me. I am but a warner, and a bringer of glad tidings unto people who believe."){Sûrat Al-A‘râf-verse188}

Finally, People should know that our destiny is between the hands of Allah Almighty who is the only one who knows the unseen.We have to remember the holy verse: (And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.){Sûrat Al-An’âm-verse59}.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


1- Matts Roos, Introduction to Cosmology, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.

2- Michael Rowan-Robinson, Cosmology, Oxford University Press, 1996.

3- Malcolm S. Longair, The Cosmic Century, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

قديم 21-02-2015, 07:44 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

New facts about the pyramids: a new miracle of the Qur’an

Last scientific discovery stated the following: French and U.S. researchers assert that the huge stones used by the Pharaohs to build the pyramids are just clay that has been heated at high temperatures…

Will the pyramids that we know as one of the Seven Wonders survive in the world? Did scientists find an answer to the puzzle of how the pyramids were built in ancient Egypt? Are some people still believe that the Jinn are the builders of these pyramids? Is it possible to believe that creatures from outer space built the pyramids of Egypt? ...

These speculations filled the world and lasted for several centuries, but the new discovery made by scientists from France and America will change the scientists` look forever. It will also give a simple scientific explanation to the mystery of building the pyramids, but more odd is that this mystery has been in the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago!!!

It was believed that the pharaohs have carved the stones but the question here is: How come all the stones are so identical that you cannot find a distance between one stone and another? And where are the equipments and chisels that were used in carving those stones? Until now, they have not been found? This discovery confirms that the scientists were wrong when they thought that the pyramids were built of stones. The nearest answer to logic and truth is to say that the civilization of the pharaohs was built on the clay!!

This is a picture from top of Cheops the Great ` pyramid, as we can notice this pyramid was the highest building in the world with a height up to 146 meters. Millions of stones were used in the construction: each stone weighs several tons. It is an enormous work that gives evidence to the powers the Pharaohs reached before 4500 years ago.

New scientific facts

One of the scientific facts that the great pyramid with the height of 146 meters was the highest building in the world for the last 4500 years and continued until the nineteenth century, The new theory proposed by French Professor Joseph Davidovits, the director of Geopolymer Institute asserts that the pyramids were built mainly of mud and that clay was used as a mean to move the stones on special railway.

The research suggests that the mud and other materials were taken from the Nile`s soil and these materials were put together in tight stone molds .Then they were heated at a high temperature, leading to the interaction of these materials and forming them into stones-like volcanoes stones, which were formed millions of years ago. Scientist Davidovits affirms that the stones which were used to build the pyramids were mainly from limestone, clay and water. The tests made by using Nanotechnology (the branch of engineering that deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers) proved the existence of large quantities of water in these rocks; such quantities do not exist in natural stones.

Furthermore,there is also consistency in the internal structure of stones whichconfirms that it is unreasonable that these stones were brought, then were carved in this way. The most realistic possibility is that they poured the clay in molds to make identical stones just as today as we pour plastic tools in templates so all the pieces are quite equal and similar.

Electronic microscope was used to analyze samples of the pyramids stones. The result was closer to the opinion of Prof. Davidovits and the quartz crystals appeared clearly as a result of heating the mud. He stated that we don`t have in the nature like these stones which his confirms they were made by the Pharaohs. The analysis by Mini E scale indicated the presence of silicon dioxide too. This is another proof that the stones are not natural.

The picture shows Professor Michel Barsoum standing next to the Great Pyramid. He stress that these stones were poured into molds of clay! This what he proved in his researches after results of long experiments that these stones are not natural. Pro. Michel Barsoum confirmed after Electronic microscope analysis that they are a result of a quick interaction between clay, limestone and water at high temperatures.

Davidovits famous book entitled “Ils ont bati les pyramides” ,published in France in 2002, has resolved all problems and puzzles which were told about the way that the pyramids were built. Moreover, he put a simple geometric construction mechanism of mud. It was very convincing to many researchers in this field of science. Some researches emphasized that furnaces or stoves were used in ancient times to make ceramics and statues. The common use of fire was to build status of clay, mixed with ****ls and natural materials. After that, they lit a fire until the statue solidifies and takes the shape of real rocks. Many civilizations used the heated clay for making stones, statues and tools. All researches confirmed the this method used by the pharaohs in high buildings such as pyramids.

They made wooden rails that went round the pyramid in a spiral way like the grapes tabernacle which grows around itself and ascends to the top.

Other researches reach the same result

Other analysis using X-ray proved existence of air bubbles in the samples taken from the pyramids which were formed during the pouring stones from mud and evaporation of water from mud. Furthermore, these bubbles do not exist in natural stones and this adds new evidence that the stones are made of clay and limestone not older than 4700 years.

Mario Collepardi, an Italian Prof. studied the architecture of the pyramids, emphasized that the Pharaohs brought the limestone dust available a lot in their area, mixed it with normal soil. Then they added water from the river Nile and lit fire to a temperature up to 900 degrees Celsius. This heat gave the stone strength and a shape similar to natural rocks.

The new idea does not cost a lot of effort because workers will not carry and raise any stones, all they have to do is to make the templates in which they pour mud and transfer mud from the ground and raise them in small containers. Each worker carries a container with mud to fill the templates. Then comes the process of lighting fire until the stone is shaped and stayedin place making sure by this way that there are no spaces between the stone and the other. Using this method helped in keeping the pyramids safe for thousands of years.

The picture shows two adjacent stones of the pyramid's stones. We can notice the small oval cavity between them which is referred to by the arrow. It is a proof that the stones had been poured from mud in the rock template because this cavity was formed during casting stones, not as a result of erosion. It is originally out of these stones.

The Scientific fact corresponds with the Quran

After all these facts, we can reach to this result, which is: the technique used in the Age of the Pharaohs to build massive buildings such as pyramids, was mainly using the normal mud available near the River Nile. Then mixing it with water, placing it in templates and finally lighting the fire until it solidifies and stones are shaped the way we see today.

This technique remained hidden as a secret until 1981, when that scientist put his theory. Then in 2006, other scientists proved the validity of the theory, beyond any doubt, by laboratory analysis, this technique was entirely unknown at the time of Quran. But what does the Quran say? Let`smy brothers and sisters consider and praise Allah, Almighty.

After Pharaoh has become an oppressor and declared himself as a God of Egypt!! What did he say to his people, consider this:“Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) said: "O chiefs! I know not that you have an ilâh (a god) other than me.”( AlQassas : 38). To that extreme extent, his challenge and arrogance reached. However, the Pharaoh did not stop, he wanted to challenge God`s power and build a high monument in order to climb it to see who is Allah Almighty. Therefore, the Pharaoh wanted to prove to his people, the ones who were like him, that Moses (peace be upon him) is not honest, and that the Pharaoh is the only God of the universe!!

The pharaoh asked Haman, his deputy and partner, to build a huge monument to prove to the people that God does not exist. Here Pharaoh resorted to the technique used at that time in construction which was lighting fire on stones in order to pour the needed stones for the monument. The Pharaoh said after that: “So kindle for me (a fire), O Hâmân, to bake (bricks out of) clay, and set up for me a Sarh (a lofty tower, or palace) in order that I may look at (or look for) the Ilâh (God) of Mûsâ (Moses); and verily, I think that he [Mûsâ (Moses)] is one of the liars."( AlQassas : 38).

But what was the result? Look and think of the fate of the Pharaoh, Haman and their soldiers, the Almighty says: (And he and his hosts were arrogant in the land, without right, and they thought that they would never return to us * So We seized him and his hosts, and we threw them all into the sea (and drowned them). So behold (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) what was the end of the Zâlimûn [wrong-doers, polytheists and those who disbelieved in the Oneness of their Lord (Allâh), or rejected the advice of His Messenger Mûsâ (Moses) (peace be upon him]. .( AlQassas : 39-40).

One might ask, is the monument the same as the Pyramid? We say it is not often. The monument is high as a tower or high lighthouse used in order to ascend to high altitude. Allah punished the Pharaoh and destroyed him. Allah Almighty also destroyed his monument to be a verse for the ones who comes after him. This monument that he build to challenge God was destroyed and we do not find it anywhere. The story of the Pharaoh and his black fate was told by Allah in this verse: “And we destroyed completely all the great works and buildings which Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) and his people erected.” ( Al Aaraf: 137 ). Already some scattered stones were found buried by sand during thousands of years.

The picture shows one of the three pyramids at Giza with the top still covered by a layer of mud. This layer is from the same stone used in building; which indicates that clay was fully used in building the pyramids. This “ Pharaonic technology” was perhap a secret of the strength of the pharaonic civilization and kept on as a secret not mentioned even in manuscripts and inscriptions. Therefore, the Qur'an tells us about one of the hidden secrets that cannot be known only to Allah, and this is strong evidence that the Koran is the book of Allah!

The miracle

1. This researcher and other dozens of researchers confirm that clay is the building material of the pyramids, and these buildings are the highest buildings, known from ancient history to the modern era. All these facts confirm that the Quran verse is true and consistent with science and one of the verses of the scientific miracles.

2. The technology of making stones from mud using heat, was not known at the time of revelation of the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not have any knowledge about the way of building the pyramids. Accordingly, this verse is to be considered a great scientific discovery as it linked between the mud and heat as a means of building in the Age of the Pharaohs. On the account of this fact, it led us to know that construction at that time was based on this method. This scientific fact has not been recognized only a few years ago by using very advanced technologies!

3. This miracle is an evidence of full consistency between the Qur'an and science and truthfulness of Allah Almighty when He said about his book: “Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allâh, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction.”(Al Nisaa:82) The verse is a response to the atheists who claim that the Quran was written by Mohammed (peace be upon him), as how can he predict such a matter as the pyramids are far from his time and he never see it before!

4. he certain facts confirm that the Greatest Pyramid in Giza or the so-called pyramid of Cheops was the highest building on earth for 4500 years. It was the Pharaohs famous buildings or monuments. Allah destroyed the monuments and buildings built by the Pharaoh, who claimed divinity, whereas pyramids which were built by other Pharaohs were saved by Allah and kept as a witness of truthfulness of the Book of Allah, the Almighty!

5. In the verse “And we destroyed completely all the great works and buildings which Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) and his people erected.” Look at the word (erected) which indicates the technique used in ancient Egypt to put the rocks on top of each other! In Arabic ******** we find the word in “Al Qamoos Al Muhid” dictionary: (erected) build an arbor, (erected the grape arbor: raise the plant on wood, (erected) the house: build the house, put the roof. The result: the word (erected) refers to putting the wood to raise stones up. That what scientists and researchers say today: the Pharaohs used the wooden rails to raise mud by climbing in a spiral way around the building just like a pergola, which wrap around the pillar upon which it is based on in a spiral way.

The drawing shows the way of building the pyramids through the placing wooden rails in a spiral way in order to transfer mud to make stones, wrapping around the pyramid up just like the bowers grape that wrap around and climb. Allah Almighty used the word (erected) to indicate the geometrical mechanismof constructing buildings and monuments. Mostly destroyed by Allah, leaving only the pyramids to be evidence of the truthfulness of the Qur’an

6. This miracle is an answer to those who claim that our greatest prophet (peace be upon him) took the Sciences and stories from the Bible or from Monk ‘Buhira” or the priest “Waraqa bin Nawfal”, because the technical construction by mud was not mentioned in the holly Book “AlTorah”.On the contrary, any reader of “Torah” comes to a conclusion that stones were brought in from places far from the Pyramids and were natural stones not related to mud. This is what prevented some western scientists from recognition of this scientific discovery because it contradicts the holly book.

7. The research presented by Professor Davidovits invalidated all biblical (The holly book of Torah) claims that thousands of workers have worked for many years in these pyramids. It also invalidates the idea that stones were brought from distant places to build the pyramids. Therefore, we are looking at physical evidence that the Torah story contradicts science.

It means that there is a big difference between the Holly book of Torah and scientific facts, and this shows that the current copy of Torah is written by humans, not from Allah Almighty. This fact was confirmed by the Quran: " Do they not then consider the Qur’ân carefully? Had it been from other than Allâh, they would surely have found therein many a contradiction. (Al Nisaa: 82). It also indicates that the Quran is from Allah Almighty because it always matches science!

Some questions to thosewho are skeptics of message of Islam

1. How did Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him know about the presence of high buildings Pharaohs build in their time? And if he has derived his information from the Torah, he would have come to the same information mentioned in the Torah. Where did he come up with the idea of architecture at all?

2. How was the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) aware that technique of clay was used in construction in the Ages of Pharaohs? And what made him talk such historical and ****physical issues as it would not provide anything to him in his massage. If the Prophet wrote the Quran (as some people claim) it would have been better that he tells them about Arab Legends which are the closet to people to accept his massage!

3. How did Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) know that the Pharaoh Claim divinity? And that he build monuments? And how did he learn that these monuments have been destroyed? And only the remains are left as an evidence of their existence in the past. Allah Almighty says: (And those are their dwellings, which have not been inhabited after them except a little. And verily! We have been the inheritors.) (Al Qassas :58)

4.Is it possible If Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wrote the Quran to say such a thing:

“Do they not travel in the land, and see what was the end of those before them? They were superior to them in strength, and they tilled the earth and populated it in greater numbers than these (pagans) have done: and there came to them their Messengers with clear proofs. Surely, Allâh wronged them not, but they used to wrong themselves." (Al Room: 9) Allah Almighty makes contemplating through these pyramids and other ancient monuments remain a mean of realizing Allah`s power and fate of arrogant people who challenge Allah.

These facts are physical proofs reflected in Allah`s holly book that shows the truthfulness of this book, one might say: The theory of building the pyramids by mud had not become a scientific fact, so how do you explain the Quran with such theory, and I say: this theory did not come from a nowhere but it was a result of scientific and laboratory analysis and does not contradict reality. It matches the Quran. However the science develops, it will not discover facts, and only the ones which match the Quran, in order these facts are means of seeing miracles of Allah in his book. He said: "We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur’ân) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things? (Fusselat: 53.).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel













12- Herodotus, The Histories, Oxford University Press, 1998

13- Davidovits, J. and Morris, M, The Pyramids, Dorset Press, 1988

14- Pyramids were built with concrete rather than rocks, scientists claim,, December 1, 2006

15- Concrete evidence in Giza's pyramids,



18- MIT Class Explores Controversial Pyramid Theory With Scale Model,, April 3rd,2008.



21- The Enigma of the Construction of the Giza Pyramids Solved?, Scientific British Laboratory, Daresbury, SRS Synchrotron Radiation Source, 2004.



25- Barsoum, M. W., Ganguly, A. and Hug, G. Microstructural Evidence of Reconstituted Limestone Blocks in the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (12), 2006.
قديم 21-02-2015, 07:45 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Mohamed is the most Influential man in history

Non-Muslims say that, when they are thinking and using the scientific approach. Let us read …

Michael H. Hart is a Jewish American astrophysicistand he is the writer of the famous book “The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History”which has sold more than 500,000 copies and been translated into 15 ********s.

The said book was not directed to Muslims but Hart chose prophet Mohamed because he believes that prophet Mohamed peace be upon him was the only

Man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.

In his book hart says about the reason behind choosing the prophet as number one in the list:”My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential personsmay surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the onlyman in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's greatreligions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteencenturies after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive.”

In comparison with the rest of men in the list, Hart says about Mohamed peace be upon him: “The majority of the persons in this book had the advantage of being born and raised incenters of civilization, highly cultured or politically pivotal nations. Mohammad, however, was born in the year 570, in the city of Mecca, in southern Arabia, at thattime a backward area of the world, far from the centers of trade, art, and learning”.

Prophet Mohammad was born in southern Arabia, at that time a backward area of the world, far from the centers of trade, art, and learning.

Hart continues his talking about the history of the prophet by saying:”Most Arabs at that time were pagans, who believed in many gods. There were, however, in Mecca, a small number of Jews and Christians “.

Hart's Top 10Rank
The central human figure of Islam, regarded by Muslims as the messenger and last prophet of God. Active as a social reformer, diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, and military leader.
English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. His law of universal gravitation and three laws of motion laid the groundwork for classical mechanics.
The central figure of Christianity, revered by Christians as the Son of God and the incarnation of God and regarded as a major prophet in the religion of Islam.
Spiritual teacher and philosopher. Founder of Buddhism.
Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought and life.
One of the most notable of early Christian missionaries, credited with spreading Christianity outside of Palestine.
Widely regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process.
German printer who invented the mechanical printing press.
Italian navigator, colonizer and explorer whose voyages led to general European awareness of the American continents.
German theoretical physicist, best known for his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy *****alence, expressed by the equation E = mc2.

Hart’s top ten ranking of the 100 people who are the most influenced

People in human history

Indeed, prophet Mohamed deservesthat not only from one man but from all humanity because Allah almighty says about him: (Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad ) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to Allah, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins, in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire), for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.){Sûrat At-Taubah -The Repentance -verse128}.

Dear beloved, all people who are in the above list made an achievement by inventing a machine, writing a book or developing anideology and they returned that achievement to themselves, but prophet Mohamed peace be upon him did not do the same as he said that this religion is from Allah Almighty and that the Qur’an was descended on him as a prophet from Allah Almighty to humanity to guide them to the straightway of Allah.

At the end we have to remind you that Hart is not a Muslim and till now he didn’t convert to Islam. So, his testimony is pure from neither biasing against other religions nor on the side of Islam!!!!

Allah Almighty tells His prophet in the Qur’an to tell all people that he is the last prophet from Allah almighty : (Say (O Muhammad ): "O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah - to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He); It is He Who gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad ), the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e. Muhammad ) who believes in Allah and His Words [(this Qur'an), the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and also Allah's Word: "Be!" - and he was, i.e. 'Iesa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary),], and follow him so that you may be guided. "){Sûrat Al-A‘râf -The Heights (or The Walls with Elevations)-verse158}.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


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