Secrets Of Quran Miracles - الصفحة 42 - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي


اخر عشرة مواضيع :         الصهيونية في مواجهة الثورة الأكاديمية (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 4 )           »          مذكرات البرقعي (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 1 - عددالزوار : 268 )           »          قصص القرآن غزوة بدر الكبرى (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 54 )           »          اجْعل لكَ أثراً في الحياة !! (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 58 )           »          أركان الحج (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 57 )           »          العشر من ذي الحجة وبناء الإنسان (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 73 )           »          بشراكم دخول عشر ذي الحجة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 71 )           »          العشر والنحر (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 75 )           »          ظاهرة العزوف عن الزواج: الأسباب والحلول (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 88 )           »          بكاء السلف (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 74 )           »         

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قديم 07-11-2014, 06:38 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The spider and the atheist

For many years atheists used to criticize this likening, but the scientific researches had proved the accuracy of the verses of Qur’an …
Allah almighty says”The likeness of those who take Auliya' (protectors and helpers) other than Allah is as the likeness of a spider, who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew.”[ Sûrat Al-‘Ankabût(The Spider)-verse41],this is a wonderful verse to prove the greatness of the holy Qur’an and to be a clear reply on atheists who claim that the Qur’an is a human made.
Here, we will see that house of the spider is weak not only from the construction point of view but also from the social side.
Spider house is weak
House of the spider is definitely the weakest as all creatures build strong houses to afford bad weather but the spider builds its house in the open area where it is exposed to rain, wind and moisture. And we can find the strangest kind of spiders is that one which lives in water.
this kind of spiders lives under water and gathers bubbles and usethis bubbles to fill the house and it can breath through that house , there are small capillarieswhich cover its body to help in gathering the bubbles….look at the house which is consists of bubbles that can be destroyed under any circumstances!!!
The water spider lives under water and it builds the house by bubbles so it is so weak as it lasts only for houres or days then it is destroyed by any outside factor , after that the spider builds another house and so on , the water spider lives alone all of his life.
The weak engineering
Most of creatures and insects build its houses in 3D designe, but the spider build it in 2D or flat and it get affected by temperature, moistureand wind so the spider may eat its own house to produce another threads to rebuild the house again!!!!
Scientists are thinking to gather large amount of spiders’threads to use it as a protection shields or in the planes industry but they have to gather large number of spiders in one place to produce that amount of threads, the problem is that spiders start to eat each other as they don’t like cooperation or Sacrificing.
The weak family
Mother may eat her husband or sons or any other spider ……!!!!It is only a separated life which is similar to the life of the atheist who onlybelieves in his or her life. That is clear in the life of people in western countries where you find mother and father denies there sons as there is no social communication between any of them.
The social life is weak
All of us know about the society of bees or ants or locusts …..The only creature that lives alone in non-organized societies is the spider. Spider is selfish where ants and bees may defend each other to death.
The marriage is weak
Some species of the spider have very strange life where the wife eats the husband after marriage! So, the husband may run away.
What a miserable marriage. Scientists say that the phenomenon of spider is unique in the life of all living organisms.
Threads are weak
Scientists say that spider’s thread is stronger five times than the steel! Despite that it can easily destroyed, why? Because spider is not able to produce thick threads rather it produces so thin threads as it is ten times thinner than the hair of the head.
Hence, if Allah almighty said “the frailest (weakest) threads”, here a scientific error will be identified but He almighty says:” the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house” and this isthe preciseexpression. Allah says:” And who is truer in statement than Allah?”[ Sûrat An-Nisâ’(The Women)-verse87]
A photo by the microscope for the glands of the spider which produces the silk through special proteins, that silk is in a liquid status and then becomes solid after exposure to air, spider is a magnificent engineer but unfortunately its engineering is so weak
The similarities between the atheist and the spider
• There are 37000 kinds of spiders on earth and scientists are not able to imitate the threads of the spider as that creature has got a magnificent engineering technique in building and designing, exactly the same as atheist who used to do a perfect work in this life but in the hereafter all of his or her works will equal nothingas Allah almighty don’t accept none of those works.Allah says: (And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust)[ Sûrat Al-Furqân(The Criterion)verse 23])
• Scientists say that there is a contradiction in the threads of spider as it is very strong but its house is very weak. the same as atheists as you find them are contradicted in their thoughts , when you ask them who created the universe , the answer is no one or the coincidence but if you told them that no one did produce the car , indeed they will consider it as a fun!!!!!!!
• The sight power of spider is limited to only few centimeters, exactly like the atheist who just sees this life as all things and don’t put the hereafter in his calculations.
• Spiders are aggressive and ravenous creatures and may hurt others by its poison…. The same as atheist who used to distribute his or herpoisons (wrong thoughts and disbelieving) between people.

The thickness of the thread is between 0.001- 0.004 millimeter and it is elastic as it may expand to 140% of its length. Scientists say that thicknessof the thread is 30 times less than the thickness of the human hair , if you want to imagine the relation between human hair and spider thread so you can see the difference between the thread and the cable
Spider life and atheist life
My beloved, we will examine some western statistics which produced by the atheists themselves to compare between the weak life of spiders and the weak life of atheists who believe only in this life and who used to consider the Satan and money as the leaders and gods.

The black widow is one of the most dangerous kinds of spiders as it eats her husband after the sexual intercourse …what a miserable creature
Do you know that in America, each year there are 300000 Cases of rape (American ministry of justice)[1] and there is a rape every two minutes [2]!!!!!!!......this society had lost all social relations… exactly as the spider.
Do you know that 17.6% of the American women were exposed to rape minimum one time in life! And 20% of them are children who are less than 12 years old!!!!And quarter of the university students in America exposed to raping during their studying in university (fisher 2000).
And every 15 seconds there is a raped woman in America (sexually or physically)by a friend or a colleague, also 20% of girls are raped in the teenager period[4].also raping children is estimated by thousands of cases in that first world according to recent statistics. !!!
We can summarize the miracle of that holy verse”The likeness of those who take Auliya' (protectors and helpers) other than Allah is as the likeness of a spider, who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew.” as following:
1. The holy verse mentioned that the female spider builds the house not the male as Allah says: “who builds (for itself)” not who builds for himself. This scientific reality wasn’t known 1400 years ago at the time of the descending of the Qur’an.
2. The weakest house in the whole nature is the house of spider and this scientific fact wasn’t known at that time.
3. The holy verse determined in a clear sentence that the weakest is the house not the thread which is considered to be a miracle which testifies that this book was descended from Allah the almighty and it is never a human made.
Thanks Allah for the blessing of Islam.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
[1] (Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women, Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey, November, 2000).
[2] (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) calculation based on 2000 National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice).
[3] (UN Study On The Status of Women, Year 2000).
[4] (New York Times, 8/01/01).
[5] National Geographic.
[6] R.F. Foelix, Biology of spiders, Oxford university press, 1996.
[7] The Wonders of Spider Silk,
[8] A SPIDER'S WEB, The University of Houston's College of Engineering,
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The miracle of guarding the Qur’an

This study confirms that Qur’an is the only book in the entire world transmitted to us as revealed since 14 centuries, contrary to other distorted books. Let’s read these certain realities
We can say with entire certainty that the oldest book we have today with no change or modification is Qur’an, and there is no book in the world which versions are identical but Qur’an. However, is there any scientific proof to confirm this?
Qur’an copies are extraordinarily identical
If we do consider the numerous – thousand copies in the world- copies of Qur’an, we will notice that they are identical except some letters that do not change the meaning of the verse, but add other meanings. This is known as ‘’Qur’an variants’’ or Qur’an reading manners. The proof is that scientists and especially doubtful persons such as Orientalists haven’t found any Qur’an copy that opposes the current Qur’an.
This is confirmed by the noble verse: ‘’Wehave, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). (Al-Hijr –Stone land-:9): Allah has promised to protect the Qur’an, so all copies must be identical, a thing that we can witness. Although big efforts used by doubtful and atheists, they could not find any proof to show that Qur’an is distorted. This is why they had recourse to fabricated hadiths, weak hadiths and incorrect stories in some exegesis books to prove their theory, but they failed to convince people that Qur’an is distorted.
The ‘’true furqan’’ witnesses the Qur’an truth!
We may have heard or some among us have read parts from a book substituting the Qur’an, they called it ‘’ the true furqan‘’. This attempt cost them millions in order to spread doubt amongst Muslims. Nevertheless, they failed, because this book on which writers used big efforts, couldn’t publish it although huge material means devoted and big support. He who considers this attempt will notice that it is full of mistakes and contradictions, they’d rather call it ‘’the true furqan joke’’ because it’s a funny book and no one can believe in it. This is a concrete proof that it is impossible to find a book like Qur’an. Allah the Almighty says:’’And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides God, if your (doubts) are true. But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith.’’ (Al-Baqara –the Cow-: 23-24). Glorified is Allah! Even these attempts against Qur’an serve it!
Qur’an is the only book to be learned by heart
The only book on earth to be learned by heart is Qur’an, tens of thousands from old, young and children learn it completely during their life without forgetting any word. Whereas, if we try to ask religious man from other religions, about a person among them that learns his entire book, the answer would immediately be negative! The astonishing matter is that no non-Muslim man can pretend learning his entire book, simply because he considers that this is not necessary, when Muslims consider that the best, greatest and the act that Allah loves the most is to learn Qur’an by heart.
There are thousand copies of Qur’an around the world, the astonishing thing is that they all are identical, except some words orthography, writing types or page size. The written words are all the same in all copies, the meaning also is the same, all this can witness that Qur’an is really kept by Allah the Almighty.
We may understand this verse from another new point: ’Wehave, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). (Al-Hijr –Stone land-:9)the word ‘’ guard’’ Means keep Qur’an in mind and lines, so it’s a protected book since it has been revealed until the last day. But what about the other book especially the Bible? What do specialists say about it? What are the latest researches on it?
American researcher confirms that the present Bible can’t be revealed from Allah
Western scientists and many religious persons confirm now that the Bible is distorted, and has been modified during last centuries. A published BBC-report, some scientists and specialists in Old Testament declare that there are big differences between copies through time, and no copy is like another, but constant addition and distortion. David Parker manuscript expert says; we should take in consideration that the Bible is a live text in permanent change from generation to another in order to understand what people think about Allah (1).
Scientists try today to expose the manuscript found since 160 years to be available on the internet so that everyone can get it that is 'Codex Sinaiticus’. This later had been written 1500 years before, i.e.: before Islam. It contains information completely other than those in the new Bible. Hence, these several differences in Bible copies prove that it is not from Allah, so it is distorted, where as the original and correct Bible does not exist now. However, the only correct sacred book is the one we have ‘’Qur’an’’, so every confused or hesitant person must follow this ‘’Qur’an’’, because it is the real book.
The American theologian professor and New Testament Department Manager; Bart Ehrman says: (The Bible we now use can't be the inerrant word of God.)
Then says: (When people ask me if the Bible is the word of God I answer 'which Bible?)
Because we have thousands of manuscripts and no copy is like the other. This professor of theology studies at South Carolina University (5), confirms in several times that he has been studying the Bible for more than 20 years, and he concluded that he doesn’t believe in it any more. Why? For a simple reason which is the present Bible contains lots of contradictions and differences!
Qur’an speaks about constant distortion of the Bible and the Torah
This researcher confirms what did confirm Qur’an 14 centuries ago, that the bible has been constantly distorted by different writers, a fact that has been mentioned in Qur’an. Let’s consider these verses that describe constants modification stages:
1. ‘’and a group of them already were hearing the Speech of Allah; thereafter they perverted it even after they had considered it, while they knew (the Truth).’’ (Al-Baqara –The Cow-:75)
2. ‘’ (Some) of (the ones) who have Judaized pervert the Wordings from their (original) meanings (Literally: positions).’’ An-Nissa –Women-:46)
3. ‘’But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places’’ (Al-Maida –The Table-:13)
4. ‘’perverting the Wordings from their original meanings (Literally: even after their positions).’’ (Al-Maida –The Table-:41)
Let’s consider the word ‘’ pervert’’ always in the present tense, which means the continuity, and Allah the Almighty wants to prove that the distortion is permanent. If, as they pretend, the Prophet wanted to look for celebrity or money, he would have accepted the Jews and Christians writings in order to be with him. But, this Qur’an is from the Lord of the universe, also, the Torah is the word of Allah but it has been distorted. Allah sent us this illiterate prophet who transmitted to us this Qur’an as it has been revealed, and it is preserved, by Allah’s power, till now.
Researches adopt the Qur’an rule to discover the distortion
David Parker in his new manuscript outcome: Others may take it as more evidence that the Bible is the word of man, not God.
Hence, researchers follow a very important rule to prove the distortion through contradictions and differences, a rule that has been set 14 centuries before by Qur’an. Here Allah the Almighty says about His Book: ‘’ And if it had been from (any where) other than the Providence of Allah, indeed they would have found in it many difference (s).’’ (An-Nisa –Women-:82)
So, the divine book must be with no mistake, no contradiction, but the distorted one is full of contradictions, which is the case of Torah nowadays.
Ehrman says that it’s very clear that the Bible is the word of man, it’s full of contradictions and mistakes, many persons participated to write it, it has been modified; many things have been deleted and added. Everyone puts his own point of view, so we find no divine text. This is why I don’t believe in this book any more. Indeed, if there is a god in this universe, it wouldn’t be the one mentioned in the Bible!! (3).
Look how do they take in consideration the Qur’an base to know the origin of any book: indeed they would have found in it many difference (s). It means that contradiction is a human characteristic, a concrete proof that the bible we have today is distorted. Whereas, we find that all Qur’an copies are identical, this proves that it hasn’t been distorted.
The oldest Bible copy has recently been found in a monastery in Sina desert. It has been protected till now thanks to the appropriate climate of the desert that is not very humid. Researchers confirm that this copy is very different from the current Bible. This difference is a concrete proof that Qur’an is true!! Actually, Allah gave us a mean to measure any book truth. The Almighty says:‘’Will they not then contemplate the Qur’an? And if it had been from (any where) other than the Providence of Allah, indeed they would have found in it many difference (s).’’ (An-Nisa –Women- : 82)
NB: pay attention to the print on this page that may mean that the person who wrote this copy wanted to leave a proof that he is that writer through this print on the book!
West researchers ask: who distorted the Torah?
Professor Ehrman, writer of more than twenty books, the most famous writer in Newyork Times says: when we ask about the Bible we expect one answer, but the Bible is different from the other books, so it gives us contradictory answers. The reason is that the persons that wrote the Torah and the Gospel are different. The Bible is full of suffering like Jacob story full of human words, and suffering is a human nature. If Allah is strong why does He narrate pain stories?
In his new book, Ehrman ask: who modified the Bible? And why? He confirms in the book chapter that the new Torah has been written with mistakes and changes made purposely by their writers. This researcher wrote a lot about the lost Bible, who hid it and why?
In every verse, a divine character is witnessed
He who studies and contemplates the Qur’an verses, notices that it is a divine book. Each verse witnesses that it is from Allah the Almighty. Here are some examples:
1. The most beautiful names witness the truth of Qur’an: Allah the Almighty is the Strong one, the Exalted in Might, the most Merciful, the Supreme and Irresistible, the one that forgives again and again, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Exalted in Might… To prove that this Book is from Allah, it must tell us about these characters. The name of Allah is repeated 2699 times, this word is the most repeated in the Qur’an!! Look to this divine text: ‘’He is Allah, (other than Whom) there is no god except He. He is The King, The Superb Holy, The Peace, (i.e., The Giver of Peace) The Supreme Believer, (i.e., The Giver of Belief) The Supremely Hegemonic, The Ever-Mighty, The Superb Potentate, The Supremely Proud. (i.e., The Justly Proud) All Extolment be to Allah above whatever they associate (with Him).’’ (Al-Hashr (The Mustering) :23). Can people say something so?

2. Logically speaking, to accept any book as revealed from Allah, it must be coherent itself, not contradictory. Qur’an has this character, we find no contradiction, yet if we ask about it we find one answer not several as in the other books that are distorted.
3. The divine book must be totally correct in terms of scientific facts. Qur’an has this character that we can’t find in other books. The scientific proof is all theses writings confirming that the Books of other religions are in contradiction with the new science, full of legends. Whereas, the Qur’an is full of scientific facts that conform to new science and this is a proof on Qur’an truth.
4. The Qur’an story witness the truth of Qur’an: if we consider the Qur’an stories, we find that this Book is from Allah and not from a man narrating his suffering, pains and problems as in other distorted books! In Moses story Allah the Almighty speaks to His prophet after that the magicians threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people: ‘’ We said (to Musa), “Do not fear (anything); surely you (yourself) are the most exalted.’’ (Ta-Ha, 68). Look to the word ‘’ We said",such a style is not to be found in any other book. Qur’an is full of such word which proves that it is the word of Allah and not of a man narrating a story as he sees and lives!
5. A divine book must clearly and simply answer all questions. Qur’an does so, we’re never confused with it, as it explains everything, it gives us details about everything whether it’s about past, present or future. When all the books fail giving information about death moment, Qur’an precisely describes it. Let’s consider this situation of any unfair: ‘’ And if you could see, as the unjust (people) are in the perplexities of death and the Angels are stretching out their hands. “Get yourselves out! Today you are recompensed with the torment of degradation for what you were saying against Allah other than the truth, and you used to wax proud against His signs.” Al-Anaam (Cattle) :93).
In which book can we find such accurate description of death moment?!
6. No book in all the world can convince its followers that it is from Allah except Qur’an! If we ask followers of any religion if they’re convinced that their book is from Allah, we will find that most of them are not, especially researchers among them. For instance, the researcher Ehrman confirms it in his book (8), and thousands other researchers believe that the Bible is a human book. Whereas if we ask any Muslim in the world, he will surly say that he believes that Qur’an is Allah’s Book, and that each word in it is from Allah. This is the case with more than thousand million Muslims except some that are accustomed to imitate the west in everything.
Dears, I would say: it would be better to do such scientific studies to prove the Noble Qur’an origin; we will certainly wonder the world if we confirm its truth by scientific fact ********, because it’s the only understood ******** by the west. This ******** is the only mean to convince the west by the truth of Islam message and correct their point of view about our Prophet peace be upon Him.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

1- The rival to the Bible,
2- Codex Sinaiticus,
3- Bart Ehrman, Questioning Religion on Why We Suffer,
4- God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer. HarperOne, USA. 2008.
5- Bart D. Ehrman,
6- Epistle of Barnabas,
7- Bart Ehrman's 'Misquoting Jesus', HarperCollins, November 2005.

قديم 07-11-2014, 06:41 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Free Book: Innovative Way to Manage Time

There is nothing that may a believer regret other than a moment that passed in this life without remembering Allah …
One of our respected sisters presented to me the idea of preparing an article about time management in which I summarize the way I utilized time. It will be for brother readers to benefit and help them in utilizing and investing in time optimally. Verily, this idea has begun by writing these lines, but I found that the topic deserves more than one article. Therefore, this is the first article in a series I called "an innovative way to manage time," It includes my personal experience with time. I ask Allah to make it useful knowledge and dedication for Allah's sake. The ideas contained in this series reflect the views of my own. I have been through a real experience that anyone can repeat and come up with much better, because Allah Almighty is the facilitator who avails reasons. We ask Allah Almighty to accept.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:42 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Innovative Way to Manage Time (1)

Time is the most important grace that we ignore. The following is my own experience in managing time and best investing in it in the light of the Quran and Sunnah …
There is nothing that may a believer regret other than a moment that passed in this life without remembering Allah! There is not a much better moment for a believer than accomplishing work that pleases Allah Almighty, and he feels the blessing of this Great God…. Time is a major boon to us by Allah, but most people are unaware of the gift of time.
Some Western scholars have repeatedly published books about time management, these books have achieved high sales rate in the world. This confirms that people’s attention to this important aspect and their eagerness to learn new in the art of time management and investment at the best possible way. In addition, it is to achieve their goals and interests, and consequently to reach the happiness that every human being is looking for.
But if we look at these books, we find it focused on one goal: the world and its adornments. Measure for success for them is what an individual has achieved of material gain, fame or power. However, they ignore the simple idea of what fate awaits each and every one of us after death. This idea was the first step that made me head toward research, writing, reasoning, and reflection.
I have had a lot of ideas, theories and perceptions about the universe, time and nature. I aspire to create a new theory in physics, medicine, or ********. I embarked on a journey deep in these sciences. For years I served science out day and night with a view to know "everything" but life is short. Whatever I live, I would not get from science more than just a drop of an ocean!
I started to think of a way that makes me gain the largest amount of science in the shortest period of time. After thinking and a long search, I found that the only book that contains the whole world science is the Quran! Indeed, I learned physics from the Quran and learned mathematics from the Quran and learned medicine from the Quran. It is true that I did not become a doctor or a physics specialist, but the happiness that I got as a result of my interest in the Quran is more than words can describe. It is a wonderful sense that cannot be expressed by other than only one word that subconsciously comes out: (Praise God).
Without Allah's mercy and His guidance and grace, I could not have got to that happiness. Joy is something very complex and not easy to reach the summit of happiness, though, the researchers, thinkers and philosophers have written much about this subject. Nonetheless, I find that one verse from the Quran can give you the real road to happiness. Each verse of the Book of Allah Almighty contains a program that can radically change your life. This is my experience with the Quran for more than twenty years.
Cause for writing these Articles
One of our respected sisters presented to me the idea of preparing an article about time management in which I summarize the way I utilized time. It will be for brother readers to benefit and help them in utilizing and investing in time optimally. Verily, this idea has begun by writing these lines, but I found that the topic deserves more than one article. Therefore, this is the first article in a series I called "an innovative way to manage time," It includes my personal experience with time. I ask Allah to make it useful knowledge and dedication for Allah's sake. The ideas contained in this series reflect the views of my own. I have been through a real experience that anyone can repeat and come up with much better, because Allah Almighty is the facilitator who avails reasons. We ask Allah Almighty to accept.
You should set a target in front of you and draw the appropriate way to achieve this goal (or set of goals). You must know that the first step on any route is the most difficult, but once you have started down this road "through the management of time," you will find the task easier and easier.
Time Determines your Destiny on the Day of Resurrection
This article, my dears, is not a piece for mere reading or a story to enjoy. It is a matter of life or death! Time is our most prized possession of the world. Allah has given us unknown time limit, and that is the age which we live on this earth. Everything of what Allah has foreordained will happen during these years. This period starts since your childhood up to your death. Then, everything stops, and another kind of time starts, either permanent paradise, or eternal punishment…, See where to put yourself from this moment, and do not wait for surprise!
The first thing you will be asked about before God on the Day of Resurrection: It is your time! How you have utilized it. Have you performed the prayers on time?! Have you invested in one of the year's months, Ramadan, and fasted? Have you invested your time in charity, giving some money on the poor? Or have you spent your time in useful knowledge? Have you done well to your parents and those around you? Have you spent a little time and considered the Quran? Have you invested your time in obedience to your Creator ... too many questions, we will consider… all revolve around time ... What have you prepared for this meeting: to meet the Creator of the universe and Lord of the Mighty Throne, Almighty?!
I have found that the road to time management and then happiness is achieved only by the Book of Allah, because the books written by humans rely on trial and error, but the book of the Creator of humans has given us the right outcome in advance. Any of His verses is a constant law that can be applied without expecting a faulty result, but the results always come true and useful. Thus, we ensure the best investment of time, without wasting our time in experiments and theories that may succeed or fail. Due to my dependence on this idea, lost time has been reduced to zero. Every moment I live, there is a benefit, because I live through for only one goal ... the satisfaction of Almighty Allah.
Time is the only thing that cannot be stopped or controlled. This is a universal law that Allah has made constant. Each second passes, takes with it part of your life that will never return! Man is a number of seconds, and the last second of your life will expire suddenly! Therefore, you should rush to exploit these seconds, and make it harnessed to the benefit of work in the world and the Hereafter...
Will you live with me this wonderful experiment?!
Dear Believer! The most important thing in managing time correctly is to determine the goal since the first moment, and think of the great results that you gain if you have thought correctly in managing and investing your time optimally. My advice is not to wait until you finish reading this article, but to take the initiative for decision-making in managing your time. Time is very precious and very short. The decision you have taken will be right! Therefore, it does not need to think about or discuss. There is no fear of error, the project which you will be taking is from the Holy Quran and Sunnah, and so the results are guaranteed.
The first thing you gain from your time management, you will feel the worth of time and the value of life that Allah has blessed you, besides, the value your existence in this world. You will live in happiness every moment, because your goals will be condensed in a single goal: the satisfaction of Allah, and yours of Allah! Yes, your satisfaction of Allah is very important, because most people today are dissatisfied with their Creator without being aware of that. I will explain to you this idea, which some may consider weird, through these examples.
You are satisfied with Allah, if you get a disease, and you felt happy because Allah wants to purify you of sins by this disease. You are satisfied with Allah, in case, your means of living narrowed, debt accumulated, you did not find anyone to give you some dirhams or dinars, then, you felt happy because Allah wants to give you reward as a payback for lack of money, and consider you among the people of Paradise because of your contentment of what Allah had given you.
You are satisfied with Allah, if you are suffering from grief or depression due to loss of a relative, a friend, or a lover, and then you find yourself patient and seek reward from Allah, you felt very happy because Allah wants to make you on the Day of Resurrection in the company of the patients who will enter Paradise without reckoning.
But if the opposite happened and you began to ask questions: What is the sin that I have done to Allah to be afflicted by this scourge? What is the sin that I have committed to deserve this shortage, worry or grief? Or say to yourself: It is a miserable life ... Too tough life ... Income is little ... Drowned in concerns ... I live from lack of death! And similar expressions you say it always and whenever anyone asks you how are you ... If you do that, you are dissatisfied with Allah, His justness, and choice for you, and on the other hand Allah would not be pleased with you.
But how does consent of reality and predestination come? It is a very simple process. It is to be convinced that what has befallen you would never have missed you, and what have missed you, would never have befallen you. You will not leave this world before you have consumed the subsistence that Allah has blessed you with. And to be convinced that not anyone would take your subsistence. You are satisfied when inflicted by anything and considered a test from Allah in which there will be good. And to be convinced that everything is in Allah's hands. He is the Creator of the universe and in His hand the reins of the heavens and the earth. Whatever happens to you is by the will, predetermination, knowledge and wisdom of Allah Almighty. If you have known that already then you will realize that everything that happens to you is for your benefit and for the sake of doing good and benefit, but on condition that you believe that Allah is mastering the universe and wants your advantage.
Either you learn how to manage your time and your life, otherwise your life will be like a ship buffeted by the waves ... It does not know where to go and how it is heading and for what purpose it is going. O my lovers, life is like a short trip on a ship, danger surround you on every side, and at any moment can be thrown at your destination, so whenever your plan is drawn very nicely, as you will have access to the beach safely!
Feasibility study is more important than practical application
In any project there was a task often neglected by many people, a study of the project adequately. Whenever, the study is better, more comprehensive and more accurate, the practical results of the project will be better successful. Therefore, before you start this experiment "The experience of time management” you should be aware of the benefits of this experience and what you will achieve and how it will change many things around you. You must plan well for this experiment and live "the art of time management" in every moment.
Time management benefits
Psychologists confirm that any work you want to perform you should beforehand be aware of its benefits so that it will be working effectively and gives the desired results. When I have considered the Book of Allah, I have found that the Creator Almighty make desirous of Paradise. When He commands us to do something, it is accompanied by the benefits we gain from this deed. When He forbids us from doing something, He shows the negative aspects of this work and its damage. There are many verses in this area.
Therefore, when the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to tell us about the importance of time, he used the most important moment in the history of a believer, which is standing before the Creator Almighty. He said: Before one leaves the judgment on the Day of Resurrection, he will be asked four ... one of them is how he spent his time. The linkage is between investment of time to satisfy Allah, entering Paradise and questions that face all of us. We will therefore enumerate some of the benefits of investment of time and use every second in useful work.
Time management and happiness
Modern studies show that man who knows how to take advantage of his time in useful and beneficial work, will be happier than those who spend their time without a return! Happiness is linked to useful work that you offer. A flashback to the days of my university where I had a lot of time, I did not know anything about utilization of time until I started memorizing the Qur'an. Then I have embarked on a journey of happiness with the Book of Allah. Quran teaches you how to invest your time fully, every moment there is remembrance, worship, kinship, useful work or beneficial knowledge...
This is what made me feel very happy that I did not know before. Utilization of time was the key to true happiness. If you want to get happiness, learn how to invest your time, and do not leave your life and your time depending on the circumstances surrounding such as a boat swapped by waves, the result will be drowning!
Time management provides you satisfaction and success
Most people are not satisfied with the realities of their lives due to lack of knowledge of the importance of time. This is causing them a lot of mental disorders. Psychologists assert that most mental illnesses result from dissatisfaction with reality. This issue causes psychological problems and pain of not less than organs' pain. I have found after long experience that the best way to overcome this problem is by assigning part of your time and invest it in considering and listening to the Quran.
Contemplating the verses of the Quran and pondering their meanings makes you realize that everything in the universe is in the hands of Allah. Nothing happens without His permission and nothing occurs with you without predetermination, knowledge and wisdom of Him Almighty. This makes you happy with all of what is happening with you, and makes you feel Allah's follow up and knowledge of what is happening to you. Many psychiatrists do not do anything to their patients more than listening to their concerns and problems, and this in itself is a treatment for psychiatric patients. When you know that Allah sees, hears and knows everything that happens to you, you will feel satisfied with the reality of what is destined for you.
As a result, the investment of time in the remembrance of Allah Almighty gives you the satisfaction of your reality. This makes you feel happy and increases your energy in accomplishing your business or study and thus, you have stepped a step on the road to success. So, successful time management means to succeed in school and work.
Often, one of us will be faced by two or several options and he has to make the right decision! Recently, psychologists affirmed that decision-making process is not instantaneous, but is subject to many interactions and cumulative information stored in your brain. So whenever your investment of time is better, the more your brain is organized and the more your decisions are true and correct!
Time management and money
Most of time management research depends on one outcome which is gaining money. We as Muslims do not put making money as a target, but as a means to achieve higher goals such as giving charity to the poor and supporting family and spend money to gain the satisfaction of Allah. Making money is a means of gaining the approval of Allah! Therefore, a believer needs time management culture to be able to live in some luxury without extravagance and miserliness. Islam is a religion of moderation ... Extravagance is the work of devil, and paucity is also the work of devil. Moderation is the best way that Allah Almighty has commanded us to follow.
Allah has linked in many verses of the Quran between subsistence and piety. The most important element of piety is using time in good deeds, besides, trust in Allah Almighty and His gift and that He is capable of providing livelihood to his worshipers. We need trust in Allah. When you utilize your time in satisfying Allah, Allah will avail everything to serve you. He will facilitate means of living, and therefore I say: successful management of time means more of getting a living from Allah.
Countless benefits of effective time management
If we want to enumerate the benefits of effective management of time, we will need folders ... But suffice it to say that the proper management of time in light of the Quran and Sunnah means: get a lot done in a short time ... Means solve many problems with less effort...
Means social and psychological stability... Means more emotional stability and a sense of happiness, strength and optimism ... Means get rid of negative accumulations that plague the human energies... Means get rid of sadness, anxiety, and it means you have started a new life that words cannot describe, but once you've lived this experience, you will realize the magnificence of organizing and managing time.
In the world of ants we find the best types of time management. The ant does not leave a minute to pass without an action. It cooperates and coordinates with other members of the group. It utilizes time in a wonderful way that man may be unable to do! Scientists consider ants to have a technique in managing time. Can we learn from these tiny creatures?!
Organization of time depends before everything on the time available for you every day. The day is 24 hours. There is a time to sleep up to 6 hours (preferably in two stages: 4 hours a night and two hours in the daytime). Thus what is left of our 24 hours? 24 - 6 = 18 hours. We should subtract from this period the time that man needs to get rid of waste, take food, drink, and wash, an average of two hours. 18-2= 16 that is what is left for us. Nonetheless, there are other things that Moslems should do; on top of them is prayer, which is sacred time. It should be on top of our concerns. We need at least an hour to perform five prayers and what remains with us is 16-1= 15 hours.
There is a work period that most people are committed to (for a living), such as a job, a business, trade or study in a school or university... or otherwise. This period is about 8 hours a day. Then, 7 hours remains for effective leisure time 15-8= 7! Imagine that most of the time is exhausted on the basic human needs, leaving only 7 hours that can be exploited in other things. But most of us do not benefit from these seven hours!
This period is sufficient for doing many things. First and foremost is memorizing the Quran. However, most people say they cannot find time to do such work; knowing that this is the most important work in the life of a believer, because it will change a lot in him. Through the creative way, we will see that man can utilize the 24 hours and invest them effectively, even the time of sleep!
Using time during sleep
One of the strange things is that the brain stays in a state of activity, work, and retrieval and organization of memories during sleep. Nonetheless, sleep increases the ability of human creativity. Therefore, we should use this period to listen to the Holy Quran and learn. The theme of learning during sleep poses a concern to scientists today. They are trying to monitor processes that take place in the brain of the sleeping individual, and the extent he was influenced by listening to the words while he is asleep. This is done by the functional magnetic resonance scanning device (FMRI)
Using time during work
The most important rule of success is to develop a goal, make this goal your concern thinking of throughout the day and work on it until it is achieved. Thus, the working time is necessary to accomplish a lot. Many people can accomplish many things during his time every day. For example, one can listen to the Quran during his work, driving his car or while sitting at his desk. Quran has always been my concern: How to understand, how to memorize it, how to learn new things of the Quran every day, and how to live each moment with the Quran ... Therefore, I found blessing in time. This rule is overlooked by many people.
You can make use of your time by thinking about the goal you seek to achieve. For me, my first goal was: How do I become a writer on scientific miracles, so I utilized every minute in thinking and asking questions: How can I achieve this goal, what do I need for that ... Because of continuous thinking and the grace of Allah Almighty, I have achieved this goal in few years.
Even the time of your sleep can be invested in learning new things. I have been using this method for years, where I listened to the Quran while I was sleeping. This helped me a lot to memorize, and to cure some diseases. Listening to the Quran is a cure for many diseases, on the condition that you trust this "free" divine healing! And when you enjoy better health, you should be able to carry out more and thus invest your time in a better way.
Use of lost time
There is a large lost time that includes transportation and visits to friends, relatives, and the daily work. Besides, the time specified for children, the wife, and parents, or to watch TV or listen to the radio and much time wasted on the Internet, etc. These times must be exploited. You will learn how to do so.
Through the second article in this series, we will live with the practical steps in time management process: how to achieve optimum utilization of our time, and how to achieve success in work or study by managing time, and how to solve any problem in a very short time ... And other useful information and important rules that are needed by each and every one of us in his life.
Finally, here are some quick tips
· See the time as a precious treasure in your hands. Allah has given you this treasure. Will you dissipate it without charge?!
· Forget any problem you encounter and do not give it more than a minute or two of your mind ... And then move to think of another case.
· Before going to sleep try to think what you must do in the next day ... After waking up, try to think about what you will accomplish in this day…
· Make more supplications, forgiveness and reciting the Quran! These things will make you more comfortable and contribute to the stability of the heart and brain, which helps you to be creative and think a better way.
· Think of God's creatures! Consideration will help to innovate and to take the right decision. And thus this will save you time which you waste with wrong decisions.
· Do not be fooled by the world and its adornments, wealth and rich people! A good example is Korah, the possessor of an extraordinary wealth which strong men failed to carry the chests’ keys. However, Korah was eclipsed by the earth because of his ego. What has he benefited from his knowledge and wealth?
· Don’t feel that you are a failure. This feeling is the enemy of time. Notwithstanding, try again and again and you will succeed, otherwise, you will get reward for trying.
I conclude this article with a great situation that every ignorant of Allah and meeting with Him will encounter. How he wishes at the moment of death that he has a lifespan of just a few moments to do good. But it is hard ... Fate has come and he won’t get one additional second. Almighty said,and spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed on you, before Death should come to any of you and he should say, "O my Lord! why didst Thou not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good". . But to no soul will Allah grant respite when the time appointed (for it) has come; and Allah is well acquainted with (all) that ye do."[Al-Munafiqun: The Hypocrites, 10-11]. After this situation: Do you appreciate the value of time and you work from this moment on utilizing every minute from your time in what pleases Allah Almighty?!

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:43 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Innovative Way to Manage Time (2)

Time is a neglected treasure and it is a lost wealth ... Most people are unaware of the importance of time for their lives and their end, and here are some creative tips to utilize time in the best possible way in the light of the Quran and Sunnah …
As we have said and we always say: time is a treasure in your hands and either you use this treasure for more happiness and success, or you remain unaware of it and thus you lose a lot of things ... The Holy Quran has introduced the best method to manage time. It is enough to know that all the time of a believer is occupied by useful work, and there is no free time and here the greatness and wonders of the Qur'an are reflected.
What more verses that encourage the believer to use his time and warn him of proximity of his end, consider with me this scene which the Quran has portrayed. Any of us will encounter it, that is, the moment of death:
"(In Falsehood will they be) Until, when death comes to one of them, he says: "O my Lord! send me back (to life),- 100. "In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected." -"By no means! It is but a word he says."- Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up". [Al-Muminun: The Believers: 99-100]
The situation is difficult and hard, and you will not get an additional second after the moment of death. This is what makes the believer fully occupied. ... He has no time to waste, and he has no free time “to kill" and he does not have depression, obsession or worries. Nonetheless, he is occupied in obedience to his Creator, in order to please and know Him.
And now, my lovers here are some practical steps to manage time successfully. Of course these steps are derived from the Quran and the Sunna. Preferably, if you, my dear reader, start from this moment remediation of what you missed, you should apply these steps. Your method in applying should be based on your trust in Allah. Almighty said, "It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (Their faults), and ask for ((Allah)'s) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast Taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)" [Al-Imran: The Family of Imran: 159]
Practical steps for managing time
1. The most important step you should do is to consider that your lifespan in this world is limited and very short. You should take advantage of every second, minute for one ultimate goal which is the satisfaction of Allah. All your deeds, words and mind will be seeking the pleasure of Allah. It will not help much if any work is not directed to Allah. The splendid example in this step is given to us by the master of mankind, Muhammad (pbuh), who has devoted all his time to Allah. The evidence for that is that he did not get angry unless one of the sanctity of Allah had been violated, which was an anger for Allah and for Allah's satisfaction. If we meditate on the words and deeds of the Prophet (pbuh), we will find them all to Allah Almighty. Therefore, the believer who follows the guidance of the Prophet, he will be rewarded, even if he errs!! The evidence is that the Prophet told us that when the believer strives to accomplish a work or an issue and he errs, so he will have a reward, but if he succeeds, he will gain double reward!
2. But how do I know that my deed is for the sake of Allah! Especially, since everyone says they are working towards the sake of Allah. However, their actions do not show that at all. I will give you an example to clarify this complex issue. When I visited a number of sites for preachers, authors and writers in Islamic countries, I found a large number of them put the words "Copyright" and some of them emphasized this expression by adding the following words: may not be copied or published or .... In any visible, audible or written way…
Some of them exaggerate in depriving themselves from reward by writing: Copying, printing and publication of this article is prohibited ... The strangest thing I have ever seen was someone writing on the CD-ROM: copying of this disc is a theft, Allah will charge you for on the Day of Resurrection ... They argue that this work cost them huge amounts of money if they allow copying, they will lose money!
I ask Allah for forgiveness of these words: Do you think that who deals with Allah loses? Is the great Creator who created the heavens and the earth, and who has sustained ants, birds and fish in the darkness of the sea unable, can this god fail to sustain a man publishing knowledge for the sake of Allah!! By Allah, if the publication of this knowledge was seeking the pleasure of one of the rich, the rich man would not miss this effort, would be openhanded and compensate him for what paid, but he might give it exponentially. This is the case of people who are poor compared to Almighty. So, how is the richest when approached by a believer who had spent everything to disseminate useful knowledge and to gain the satisfaction of Allah? Is Allah going to forfeiture him and Allah is the kindest??
I have followed a simple technique in my articles, which are a boon from Allah that these articles are for the sake of Allah, without placing the rights of publication. But, I invoke Allah for good for those who contribute to the publication of these articles, even if they did not mention the author or the site taken from. You know that this technology has made these articles spread; it makes me wonder about the large number of readers who read these articles! Did you know that my living has not decreased? The reason is very simple, which I deal with a kind but is the kindest, the best of Sustainers. Did you know that this technology made these articles spread in a way that I feel surprised to the number of the readers who read them! Did you know that my living has not decreased? The reason is very simple. I deal with a kind but is the kindest, the best of Sustainers.
The West did not outperform us unless it has respected time, kept accurately appointments, and exploited every moment in creativity, invention and development. Therefore, the issue of time management is very important for us as Muslims, for the development and advancement of our nation for the better. We do not wait for others to invent and create and then, we take their ready products without tiring or effort! Therefore, we are more deserving than them to invest our time and take advantage of their experience and studies results. However, we always take what is compatible with the Book of Allah because we take the world as a way into the afterlife. So, we had won the world and the Hereafter, if Allah wills.
3. So O lovers, the third step is to have trust in Allah, Almighty, in His donation and in His ability. Everything you pay, do or publish seeking to please Allah will be compensated by Allah to you ten-fold to seven hundred times or more. Whoever comes with good will have ten-fold alike... and Allah will double to whom he wills. Almighty said and He is the best:"He that doeth good shall have ten times as much to his credit: He that doeth evil shall only be recompensed according to his evil: no wrong shall be done unto (any of) them." [Al-An'am: Cattle, 160] Therefore, I request you beloved brother to do any work, especially worldly matters and to seek the pleasure of Allah. Nonetheless, any work that is not targeting the pleasure of Allah will fire back as sadness and regret over the doer.
I remind you of the first to fuel fire on the Day of Resurrection, perhaps you may be surprised that the first batch to enter fire of hell are a group of scholars and readers of the Quran!! What is their fault? A guilt that may be simple from our perspective but while for Allah it is great. They sought with their knowledge this world that was the cause of entering hell. This is the logic if a person works for not his master, he does not deserve to be paid. Therefore, the Prophet said to our master Abu Hurayrah, Did you know the first to fuel fire? A man learned science, read the Quran, he says, O Lord, I learned science, read the Quran for you, it is said: lied! You learned to be called scholar, and read the Quran to be called a reciter and it has been said ... dragged on his face and thrown in hell...
Consider with me this black destiny, and this is why we warn of the danger to seek with your knowledge or deeds other than Allah. If you learn, let your knowledge for Allah, and let your deeds if you work are for Allah. If you spoke out so be seeking the pleasure of talking with Allah. If you think, let that be for Allah. .. If you love, let it be for Allah. If you hate, let your hatred be for Allah. If you become happy, angry, sad, contended with or accompanied by… all your work should be for Allah and His pleasure, fearing Him and feeling greed as the prophets of Almighty were. "So We listened to him: and We granted him Yahya: We cured his wife's (Barrenness) for him. These (three) were ever quick in emulation in good works; they used to call on Us with love and reverence, and humble themselves before Us." [Al-Anbiya: The Prophets: 90]
4. If we look at the story of "Bill Gates," the richest man in the world, what is the work done to deserve such vast sums of money. For god sake, he did not do more than of a very ordinary work, that is any simple worker if he doubled effort and energy as this man, he will get it. However, how did he obtain this wealth? That Allah wants to give us an example through this man that provision has nothing to do with effort, work and fatigue, but it is in the hands of Allah who gives to whom He pleases. He gives it to a believer to increase his reward, and he may give it to an atheist to be heartbreak for him on the Day of Resurrection.
Our master King Solomon had been given supreme authority that had not been given to anyone other after him. Our master Muhammad had been given knowledge, good manners, and humility that have not been given to one of the worlds. Allah, who gave these good worshipers, is able to give you as requested or even more. However, you are not the one to determine that, but Allah chooses the right time and the appropriate grant, why? Because He knows best what is in yourself, what is good for you and He is the best knower of your interest.
And finally, these quick tips that if applied, they will be to the benefit and good if Allah wills.
· No matter how you spend your time in the remembrance of Allah, it will not detract from the time anything.
· As that money is to Allah, as well as the time belongs to Allah who gives you the freedom to utilize it. See how to deal with this trust which Allah has placed on you, whether you forfeiture or reserve!
· Do not leave a day passes without learning something new and useful.
· Do not leave a day passes without doing useful work.
· Always look on the world as an inevitable temporary stage and it is only one hour, compared to the Day of Resurrection which will extend to fifty thousand years. You should arrange your affairs carefully during this time because you are going to eternal life: either Paradise or Hell. We ask Allah to be of those who responded to the command of their Lord in rushing withgoodness, Allah says, "Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous,- 134. Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for Allah loves those who do good;- 135. And those who, having done something to be ashamed of, or wronged their own souls, earnestly bring Allah to mind, and ask for forgiveness for their sins,- and who can forgive sins except Allah.- and are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done. 136. For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath,- an eternal dwelling: How excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive)! " [Al'Imran: The Family of Imran: 133-136]

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:44 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Innovative Way to Manage Time (3)

In this article information that we may have known or heard of many times, however, has any one of us thought of its results and its impact on our practical life? A simple piece of information may be a reason in a total change of a human…
In our journey with time, we pause, reflect and benefit from the experiences of others. The goal is to optimize investment of time. We perhaps wonder when we know that the Quran is the first book that provides a great way to manage time. In each verse there is a divine guide that teaches us how to invest the time and achieve success in this world and the Hereafter.
The Quran shows importance of time in a wonderful verse where Almighty says:"To every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your Allah is One Allah. submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give thou the good news to those who humble themselves,-" [Al-Haj: The Pilgrimage: 47] Here we find an indication that man does not live more than a few moments in the real scale of time. If we assume that a man lived seventy years, it means that he lived 70 ÷ 1000 equal to 7% of the day only, which is some of the day.
This means that life is very short and in this is a reference to the need to focus on utilizing time and using it for charitable work, what benefits and to achieve success for the individual and the community. Hence, we would like to offer our readers some tips for creative time management, and say: Learn how to predispose yourself to invest time through the following:
· Stay away from worries which are the biggest destroyer of time. Avoid any problem that may lead to another problem, and so worries accumulate and disrupt effective thinking.
· Take away any problem that may impair the quality of your life and waste your time. The best way to avoid problems is to rely on Allah, be committed to prophetical supplications for Allah to shun from you all the evil that Allah knows.
· Leave doubt, mistrust, spying, backbiting and gossip... They are fierce enemies of time management.
· Leave staring at what Allah has forbidden, this looks lead you to speak and then to more forbidden relationships. Finally, you will find that you wasted half of your time in things that do not benefit or harm you.
· Leave lying because it requires more energy than telling the truth! Lying needs many justifications. It leads you to more lies, and loses peoples' trust in you. So unknowingly, you lose time.
· Your brain is like a computer with a limited space, do not fill it with frivolous and useless ideas, but do not allow any harmful information to enter and settle in your brain as they confuse you and waste your time.
· Correct an error immediately ... Declare your mistake and deal with mistakes quickly and do not leave them to exhaust your time and effort. Err if not addressed immediately, it will lead to a series of errors that are difficult to treat, and thus will be a means of wasting time to no reward.
· Do not be arrogant. Arrogance is a characteristic that is hated by Allah and His Messenger. Arrogance leads to chase people away from you. It takes you to the vanity and disease of greatness, where you do not see the facts as they are. This leads to a waste of time
· Do not overreact and get angry! Anger leads to a complex series of emotions and harmful effects on the body, such as high blood pressure, accelerating heart rate and overload the brain more than its capacity ... All of these lead to diseases, sudden death and thus losing time.
· Do not insist on your mistakes and do not stand blindly loyal to your opinion but find the balance which you always refer to and which is the Word of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. Insisting on the wrong lead to further thinking and further brain strain in working to prove the validity of this error. You will not be able to do so, because error cannot be right. Therefore, it is better to acknowledge the error, and look for a way to deal with it instead of insisting upon...
· Do not drink alcohol, do outrageous or listen to music even if it is quiet because they raise emotions and the dispersion of the mind. Of course, this is my experience, if you like, you can apply. Try it, you will not lose anything. I would advise you to leave listening to music and change it by listening to the Holly Quran. Today, there are many means available for all to listen to the Quran through small devices that are cheap and easy to carry
· Do not resort to anyone other than Allah. Do not seek assistance or require anything except from Allah, and Allah will create for you the reasons, employ who assists you and will help you save you time, effort and money.
· You have to request what is best for you, because this is the greatest way to gain time and make the right decision. Everything I’ve done in my life is after I have requested Allah what is best for me and I have been successful by 100%. Everything that I have not requested Allah, it often fails. Requesting Allah what is best for you save you time, because if you rely on yourself, you plan, think, calculate and drown yourself in options and you may take the wrong decision. While requesting Allah what is best for you means that Allah will take the appropriate decision for you, so would you like Allah to choose for you?!
· Do not carry on a grudge, no matter how the abuse was! But hand the matter to Allah Almighty. Put in your mind that death is close to you. You should forgive and take more good deeds, because the world is very trivial, and does not deserve that you bear any grudge against anyone, but pray to Allah to guide them.
· Wherever you sit, try to direct the talk towards the remembrance of Allah, the Quran and beneficial knowledge (and in a manner which does not make others feel the change). In this way you can use time in useful knowledge a speech that pleases Allah Almighty.
· Do not mock others who may be better than you.
· Do not worry, nor grieve! Anxiety and fear of the future waste time and overtask the body and affect the immune system, which increases the likelihood of exposure to disease. ******* concern by trust in Allah. You should know that what has befallen you would never have missed, and what misses you never have befallen you. Everything that happens to you is from Allah, why grief and fear?
· Do not despair! Despair is death, and death means a halt in time. Therefore, optimism and positive thinking lead to the investment of time, whereas despair frustrates man and leads to depression. Thus, brain stops thinking, and waste time to no reward.
· Mastery of work will save time and, unfortunately, this is what is followed by the West today, which led to their superiority to us. When you have mastered your business, you will save a lot of time spent in maintenance and repair.
· Leave what does not concern you. This is due to a good Islam. Because intervening in matters that do not harm or benefit, lead to the wasting of time in vain talk, and may return damage to you.
· Stay away from controversy because it is a waste of time, unless argument aims to gain or give useful information.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:45 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Innovative Way to Manage Time (4)

Following up with our beloved these creative tips in the art of time management effectively, and learn about new ways to invest time in the light of Quran and Sunnah…
Time is a great boon of the Creator's Almighty blessings. Allah has given every one of us a limited life span to use it in good deeds to gain pleasing Allah. Life is limited and very short. So, to ensure happiness in life and the hereafter, the believer should make himself a plan, determine his priorities and keep away anything that may affect this plan negatively.
Music and its negative effects
After an experience with music for years, I realized that listening to songs is a big waste of time. I have wasted three-year term with the music on the grounds that it “refines the soul” so I spend ten hours playing and hear the singing and sometimes influenced. I think that listening to music is food for the soul, as some people say, but the devil was happy and decorated me this way. Then I left music for the sake of Allah, and the Prophet saying had the greatest impact on this transformation. The Prophet peace be upon him say: (Whoever leave something for the sake of Allah, Allah compensates him better) Allah has already compensated me by the Quran, I have memorized it without any significant effort
Music is associated with exciting feelings and emotions. Man cannot ******* the 'consumption of music'. He can not only hear music, but it will evolve to hear singers, and be affected by them and their words ... Just like alcohol, a person cannot ******* abuse of alcohol. He starts drinking little and by time becomes addicted to alcohol. Also, smoking cannot be confined to use a little, but it develops into addiction. It is of paramount to quit smoking, music and looking at the forbidden ...Allah will help you to do so, but on condition that you make your work for the sake of Allah.
Supplication is the shortest way to invest time
Have you ever asked yourself why the Prophet peace be upon him pray to God in everything, in the morning, evening, before eating and after and when entering the market and ... Man's sense of proximity to Allah in every moment, makes him surer of himself and more able to make the right decision.
For example, there is a lot of time youth loses in search for a wife! Have you tried asking Allah to help you choose the appropriate wife He wants her for you?! This is what I called Allah for. My wife has been a great help to me to gain time, and this research, articles are only the results of this prayer!
A better pleasure of this world is a good wife. Look with me how many young people spend hours on the Internet, at the university and among relatives in search for a suitable wife. He may have to experience failures, or a prohibited emotional relationship that fails ... The solution is simple, it's prayer.
This is what happened with Moses, peace be upon him when he saw two women and he watered for them, turned back to a shade of a tree and called Allah: “O my Lord! truly am I in (desperate) need of any good that Thou dost send me!" [stories: 24]. And immediately Allah responded to his prayer: "Afterwards one of the (damsels) came (back) to him, walking bashfully. She said: "My father invites thee that he may reward thee for having watered (our flocks) for us." …) [Stories: 25]. Thus, Allah has provided him with a righteous wife who will help him in this world.
If we think about stories of the Prophets, we will find them resorting to prayer in all their affairs, problems and difficulties. Why not you resort to prayer in every aspect of your business, and Allah has vowed to respond? Prayer will save you time wasted in the search because Allah will facilitate and achieve what you want with less effort and in shorter time!
The experience of putting our trust in Allah Almighty
At one stage I did not have any program for managing time!! However, after I memorized the Quran, I decided to leave all things to Allah, who makes me causes subservient, and He who will bless in time, blessing time is more important than the time itself! I will give you an example from my experience: When I was at the beginning of my journey in writing scientific articles, writing a scientific article takes me one full month of effort and preparation, reading and re-formulation and correcting, but after having relied on Allah and delivered Him everything: my time, will, choices and decisions ... Writing an article takes only one day. If you save 29 days, is not that a pool it is a blessed time, which is more important than the time itself?
In this sense, we realize the meaning of the words of Almighty:" Whoever submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy hand-hold: and with Allah rests the End and Decision of (all) affairs. “[Luqman: 22]. Whoever submits his whole self wholeheartedly to Allah Almighty, not afraid of the future and mourn the past, for that Allah Almighty said:" Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to Allah and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." [al-Baqarah: 112]"
Time management by using the good word
A good word does the effect of magic! Through courtesy without lies, hypocrisy, fraud or deception, but spoke the good word, you can comfort the others and this will help you gain confidence, and thus provide the time you waste in sterile debate of no benefit.
A person may lie to you sometimes, do not waste your time in convincing him of his lying to you, but it is enough to say to him, for example: this is a point of view, or: God knows ... Or any words to end the talk and save your time. However, in the call to Allah, you must correct others information to as much as possible.
Tolerance is a free method of time management. Promise yourself to tolerate others, be patient of the harm and forgive those who insult you. This method saves you a lot of fruitless discussions, the give and take, so when one considers many real-life stories, which could end in tragedy, we find most of them were susceptible to a solution process which is very simple: tolerance.
Perhaps I am reminded of a story of a student in the Faculty of Engineering defrauded by his friend after "eating" an amount of money on the pretext that it would give him a huge profit. This young man asked me to advise and I told him to complete his studies and Allah will compensate him better than what was taken. Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, He will compensate him better. His answer: "Whoever is silent on rightness is a dumb devil" and he will complain in court! I told him that his time is more important, because the man who cheated on you and take some of your money is a bad guy with no morals and does not fear Allah. So, instead of wasting your time in court, if you win this time in the practice of engineering, you will earn more money. Let your trust in Allah be more, but unfortunately he was confident in the court more!
The fraudster lured the engineer again of more money and in a smart way took more money from him. This young man came again to me for advice. I told him "Leave this bad man and Allah is able to give you two fold of what he had taken. He said, "From where?" I said to him, "Allah, who sustains the infidel, atheist and the sinner, is capable of giving a believer who says", "there is no god but Allah" Nonetheless, he returned again to court….His story dragged through a number of years and the fraudster went to prison…. Then, the young man went to prison on the grounds of an orchestrated fabrication by the fraudster. Thus, the young man missed time and money and at the end he did not get his rights but wasted a lot of time…
Here, we are aware that man when he finds himself in front of several options, he should choose what pleases Allah. Allah Almighty commanded us to practice tolerance, forgiveness, pardon and forgiveness, and vowed that he is going to compensate us better than that, why do not we trust Allah and his tender and living? The Almighty says: "The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. for ((Allah)) loveth not those who do wrong." [ Shura: 40]. He also says:" let them forgive and overlook, do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [Nur: 22].
Applying the "Separation Principle"
Perhaps the most important process by ( but the most difficult) what I call the "separation principle" to decide any issues of concern to thinking, fragmented, and address each case individually, not overwhelm them on that, this will save your time and a half at least. I will give you an example from my experience, and how I have achieved many, many wonderful application of this principle. It is difficult to apply only at the beginning, but then you feel fun and strength.
At the beginning my interest in research I used to go to a public library. I spend hours reading books, but sometimes I encounter a situation or a problem with a friend, I leave the reading and start thinking about this problem: What happened, what the result will be, how I will address this problem, what I expect to happen in the future, how I will face this friend, why this friend told me this way, and what was intended ... Half of the time allocated for the study is lost in negative thinking that can only lead to worry, anxiety and fatigue
Therefore, I resorted to the principle of separation in time management. Time devoted to reading a book was given to this book. If I encounter a problem or a situation, I postpone thinking about it for another time. I assign time that commensurate with the magnitude of the problem. Often, man gives the problem much more than it deserves. Therefore, you should promise yourself not to integrate the daily problems with each other, but these problems should be separated from each other. You should assign each problem a short time to solve. Otherwise leave the worries and problems and seek the help of Allah Almighty, who will resolve them for you, because Allah Almighty is capable of solving your problems no matter how great they are!
The principle of anticipating events
This is a very wonderful principle. It is summarized that your fears that something will happen, such as illness or the prospect of losing a job or loss of trade or fail in a course in the university, or failure in marriage ... These things consume a significant portion of your time, which will occur on each event, and your fears and your mind will not prevent it from happening! So what if I could think of other things useful, this means a substantial savings in time. Here, we find a wonderful verse says: "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." [Al Bagara, The Cow: 216]
Effective Time
This is the time that can be invested in the work of a useful new. Effective time = (24 hours - the number of sleeping hours - the number of feeding hours, getting rid of wastes and the time given to the family, children, etc.) Each one of us may compute the effective time based on his daily needs. In the best cases the effective time would not increase of ten hours per day. This is the time a person can invest in new and useful work.
If we assume that one of us spends his time each day for two hours in following television programs such as sit**** and other non-beneficial ones. Thus, the rate of time loss is 2 / 10 = 0.20 or twenty percent of the time. Consider that fifth of your time is lost in negative thinking. If this period is exploited in something useful, you will gain fifth of your time without feeling!
I used to waste several hours each day in negative thinking which is not useful, such as fear of failure or fear of disease or thinking of what a friend of mine said about a problem occurred with another friend, or why he did it well or did not do as well as ... And so on.
I have applied this rule every day. I have invested these two hours in reading a book, an article, memorizing new verses from the Quran, learning a Prophet saying, or learn a new prayer ... Over the whole year I was able to exploit a large number of hours in positive thinking (more than 700 hours), So each one should consider for himself: How much waste of his time in negative thinking and anticipating calamities, though you like it or not, it will happen.
And now here are golden tips
· Consent of what Allah has decided and gave us, even if it is poverty, hunger, disaster, or disease…
· Trust in Allah and that He always chooses what works best and benefits ourselves
· You should stick to received prayers of the Prophet peace be upon him, because supplication is what achieves what you want, and without it, you will suffer a lot to do the work itself!
· Consideration and memorization of the Quran helps you make the best decisions!
· Forgiveness, forgiveness and then forgiveness! This is my advice to those who likes to invest their time freely.
· Do not get angry except for Allah. Do not strain your nerves for something fleeting in this transient world.
· Remember that your life could end at any moment, and then you should not become depressed, sad or worried.
· Finally, if one of us went to meet one of the rich people, he spends few days preparing, thinking and dreaming! So how would be if it is meeting Allah Almighty? What should we prepare for this meeting? Is this the meeting to think about and prepare for it? It is undoubtedly the most important meeting in the life of any creature who will see his creator and sustainer...
· The best way of time management is found in the Quran and the ethics, life and behavior of the Prophet who is the best example to follow, and imitate him without thinking of loss. Since you are imitating the best human, you are always the winner… It was enough that his ethics were the Quran… and it was enough he was of great ethics...
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

New Miracles

How great is the Holy Quran that is showing us, through a verse, …
Seeking it rapidly
When a photo of the Earth rotating around itself is being taken and accelerated, then we can clearly see the sequenced consecution and progression of light and darkness. As if the darkness if following this thin layer of light without surpassing it! The discovery of the Earth rotation, the overlapping of light with darkness and vice versa required great efforts, money, space crafts, devices and hundreds of scientists.
How great is the Holy Quran that is showing us, through a verse, that the night covers the day and seeks it rapidly in continuous manner, He the Almighty says: " He brings the night as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly" (54: Al A'raf). In deed, it was proved that the Earth is rotating at very high speed but thanks to Allah's mercy we do not feel its rotation.
The source of water
Granite rocks, despite its solidity and cohesion and the lack of spaces between them, it allows water to pass through very small pores. This property makes the water falling from the sky to be stored inside the Earth after it passes through the pores of these rocks, and without this feature of the Earth rocks, the water will not be able to leak into distant depths underground.
The amazing is that the Quran had referred to the source of fresh water in the following verse: " And We sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure, and We gave it lodging in the earth, and verily, We are Able to take it away" (18: Al Muiminun). This verse confirms that the source of the water inside the Earth is the rain water as in the case of groundwater which has been scientifically proven! This fact was not known at the time of Quran revelation, so who informed the honorable Prophet about it?
Medical researches had discovered benefits of the vinegar and they still finding out more benefits. It was verified that the vinegar prevents diarrhea as it contains holding materials. Also the regular and small intake of vinegar disinfects the stomach and the digestive tract, activates digestion and kills parasites in the intestine.
The vinegar is an effective antibiotic that was used in the treatment of gingivitis and tooth decay
Honest is the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he said: "tenderize is the vinegar as an edible liquid".
The Milk of Camels.
Scientists had proved recently the contribution of the benefits of Camels milk in the treatment of many diseases. The American Journal of Sciences had revealed the presence of antibiotics that are unique of its kind in the milk of camels and they said that it has cure for many serious diseases! This cure in the milk of camels is what the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, had told us about before 14 centuries! He the Almighty says: " Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?" (17: Al Ghashiya).
Do they not look at the camels
Allah, the Exalted, ordered us to meditate his creatures so he said: " Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?" (17: Al Ghashiya), and if we studied camels, we would find many wonders. The camel can tolerate high temperatures up to 70 degree Celsius and the camel of two bosses can tolerate coldness up to minus 40 degrees! Moreover, the camel can drink both sweet and salty water and has the ability to endure thirstiness for more than a month. And it can walk in the desert whatever are the conditions like dust, high temperature, storms, etc, All praises to Allah.
Prayer and emotional stability
The prayer has many great psychological effects, as when the believer complete prayer solemnity, it will help him to concentrate and contemplate which is the most important way for tension and nervous exhaustion relief. Additionally, praying is an effective treatment for anger, rashness and hastiness because it teaches the believer how to be calm and obedient to Allah, the Exalted with patience and modesty.
These things, positively affect the neuraxis and functions of the heart as it regulates heartbeats and blood flow. Also praying helps the believer to remove all the inner deposits from depression, worry, fears, psychological emotions as they all removed as soon as the believer remember that he is in the hands of the Almighty and that He will not abandon him as long as he worships him faithfully, He the Exalted says: "Successful indeed are the believers* Those who offer their prayers with all solemnity and full submissiveness" (1-2 Al Mu'iminun).
The End of the Sun
When the star grows and gets older, it explodes and decrease in size and become a white midget in an explosion that has the temperature of 400.000 degree Celsius! Scientist confirm that our sun will have the same end and burns, this burning or combustion will result in reducing the size of the sun into small dim sun in stages. Isn't it marvelous to find the Quran telling us about the end of the sun in Him, the Exalted, saying: " When the sun is wound round" (1: AL Takwir). This cosmic fact was not known at the time when Quran was revealed where the people used to believe that the Universe is eternal, therefore, this verse indicates the end of the sun that the scientists discussing currently and this is one miracle of the Quran.
The two seas partition 1
Scientist discovered the presence of aquatic partitions that separate the sweet river from the sea at the downstream and they consider these partitions as one of the nature wonders that maintain the environmental balance. All praises to The Almighty who referred to this scientific fact hundreds of years before the scientists did, He the Exalted says: " And it is He Who has let free the two seas (kinds of water): this is palatable and sweet, and that is salt and bitter; and He has set a barrier and a complete partition between them" (53: Al Furqan). It was proved that the water of the sea do not cross the borders and mix with the river but it keep its balance because of this complete partition.
The two seas partition 2
There is aquatic partitions between every two seas in this planet! For example the junction point of the Red sea and the Indian ocean is at Bab Al Mandab strait (or gate of tears strait), this point has a several kilometers area called Isthmus in which the properties of each sea kept different from the other and never mix together! And this is what the Quran told us in the following noble verse: " He has let loose the two seas (the salt and fresh water) meeting together* Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress" (19-20 Ar Rahman). The word "meeting" means mix and upset, and it was proved that the separating area undergo mixing and disturbance of the flow stream, nevertheless, each of the two seas keeps its properties though thousands of years had passed, glory to Allah.
Storage of water underground
Scientists said that the quantity of the fresh water stored underground is much larger than the quantity in rivers and lakes. This discovery is relatively new but it is not according to the Noble Quran, the book of the Almighty, in which there is a verse that refer to the storage of water underground: " And We send the winds fertilizing (to fill heavily the clouds with water), then cause the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We give it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores" (22: Al Hijr).
It was actually proved that the winds fertilize the clouds and the water of the rain is stored underground in a complicated process that no one can do except Allah, the Exalted.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 06:58 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Letter of acknowledgment to a non Muslim scientist

This message is only for those scientists who made some huge contributions in
lighting the way of humanity to discovering secrets of universe….
This message is only for those scientists who made some huge contributions in lighting the way of humanity to discovering secrets of universe and they were the reason behind our understanding for the scientific miracles in the Qur'an…..
The message
Dear scientist,
Thanks for your sincere contributions in lighting our way to discovering these useful discoveries for humanity which were the reason to understand our holy book (the Qur'an), in fact there are many verses in our book that were confusing for Muslims for many years, but after your discoveries I realized what is meant by these verses which increased my submission to Allah almighty.
Allah almighty says in His holy book about scientists: (It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah) (Sûrat Fâtir-verse28), this verse praises every scientist all over the world regardless his nationality or religion….indeed those scientists who discovered secrets of universe know the unseen power behind that universe!
I say for every scientist: thank you for helping me to understand the vague meanings in the Qur'an.
Sure, my dear scientist you may be surprised of what I am saying as you may ask: what is the relation between the Qur'an and your scientific discoveries?
My answer is that the Qur'an tells us in many verses about universe, earth, seas, psychology….these verses were vague for hundreds of years but fortunately after your valuable discoveries these verses became clear which truly increased my faith.
My dear, for many times I used to be confused in front of a verse as Allah almighty says: (By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave) (Sûrat Al Zâriyât – verse 7) but I didn't find any kind of weaves in the sky till the latest discovery by a group of scientists from Germany, America and UK who used the supercomputer to draw a thumbnail for the universe, then I saw the galaxies in a tightened weave , after that I became more believer and my faith increased.
Therefore discoveries of scientists were a reason behind increasing my faith and believe.

If we look attentively at this photo, it is easy to realize that galaxies are not distributed randomly but in a long accurate weaves and the length of each weave is about hundreds of millions of light years .so, those scientists realized that there is a tightened weave in the sky, therefore they used the term (cosmic web). After that they released an article with title: " How filaments of galaxies are woven into the cosmic web ". In this research scientists used the same koranic word (weave), at this moment I realized that the verse talks about this weave as god says By the Sky with (its) Tightened weave).
Also, when one of your scientists had discovered the secret of building the pyramids and he proved that the used stones in constructing the pyramids were made by heating the clay, in fact that is exactly what Allah told us 1400 years ago when He almighty says: (Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) said: "O chiefs! I know not that you have an ilâh (a god) other than me. So kindle for me (a fire), O Hâmân, to bake (bricks out of) clay, and set up for me a Sarh (a lofty tower, or palace) in order that I may look at (or look for) the Ilâh (God) of Mûsâ (Moses); and verily, I think that he [Mûsâ (Moses)] is one of the liars.")(Sûrat Al-Qasas-verse38), here I realized that this book is sincere and that every word in it is the truth.
In another verse Allah almighty says: (Then He rose over (Istawâ) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come willingly.")(Sûrat Fussilat
-verse11), then I asked myself, what is the relation between smoke and formation of the universe?
I didn't find any answer till one of your scientists discovered the cosmic smoke and also he discovered that the cosmic smoke was formed billions of yeas ago at the beginning of the universe…..many thanks for that scientist.
This photo for a molecule of cosmic smoke which consists of small molecules, it looks like the smoke of a cigarette, scientists captured this photo by a microscope from a fallen meteorite and it was discovered that its diameter is 3 micrometer and it consists of carbon and silicon.
Scientists confirm that the smoke exists from the beginning of the universe and that smoke is distributed in the whole universe, it covers the surface of planets and it forms stars and galaxies. Source NASA
No one can forget your valuable discovery which is the deep waves when one of your scientists discovered the existence of surface waves and deep waves (1000M under the water surface) and these waves are in a dark area. Here I remembered the divine statement when Allah almighty says: (Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow (a large wave) topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!). (Sûrat Al-nour –verse40).
The Qur'an tells us about darkness and deep waves in the deep sea but I didn't realize what is meant by these verses till your discovery.

The scientists used satellites, submarines and floating laboratories to discover the deep waves but Allah told us 1400 years ago about these waves when He almighty says: (Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow (a large wave) topped by billow) Source: NASA
I thanked Allah so much when I read the western research that rate of suicide in Muslim countries is about 0%, researchers say that the reason is the commitment to the principles of Islam …..At that time, I remembered the divine statement when Allah almighty says in His holy book: (And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.)(Sûrat An-Nisâ’ -verse29).so I started to re understand the meaning of that verse and to feels its importance.
I don't forget what a Muslim scientist (in NASA) said about the rivers under sand in the desert, then I remembered what our Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him)said about this scientific fact when he said ( God will not held day of resurrection unless Arab land returns greens and rivers again ) [Narrated by Muslim.] scientifically, it was proved that one day the Arabian peninsula was full of greens and rivers as satellite photos show the existence of buried rivers under the sand of Arab land.
The scientists in NASA confirm that one day desert of Rub ' Al Khali and the Arabian Peninsula were covered by rivers, forests and animals and they confirm that this land will back again like the past , as referenced in the prophetic Hadith.
In another discovery, scientists reported that forelock area (upper and front of the brain) controls the right decision making, so as long as this area is active and efficient, the taken decisions would be more accurate and wise.
That is exactly what our prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said in his supplication (oh god, my forelock is between your hand) [Narrated by Ahmed].in this supplication there is a full submission from the prophet to his God be He exalted as God is controlling however He wants and is predetermining whatever He wants . Also scientists discovered that forelock area plays a vital role in realizing, steering, problem solving and creation.
After long studies for brain activities, scientists had discovered that the most important area is the forelock (forepart of the head ) as this area is responsible for creation and steering operations so prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) confirms that this area is so important , and this is a miracle which testify that the prophet is sincere . How could he know about that issue in a time when no one knows anything about it? God taught him all of that as Allah says: (and taught you that which you knew not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you) (An-Nisa'- verse 113)
Therefore, without your scientist I wouldn't be able to understand this fact in the right way, but I would like to mention that the Qur'an is full of many other scientific realities.
At the end
You may ask a question, O Muslims, do you have any scientific discoveries from the holy Qur'an? The answer is yes, and here is some of it.
Allah says in the Qur'an: (Verily, the likeness of ‘خsâ (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was.)(Sûrat آl-‘Imrân -verse59).the most amazing thing is that the word ‘خsâ (Jesus) was mentioned 25 times in the whole Qur'an and also Allah almighty mentioned Adam 25 times!!!
Also the Qur'an tells us about this life and the hereafter and Allah confirms that the Qur'an guarantees the happy life before and after death as He almighty says: (Whoever desires a reward in this life of the world, then with Allah (Alone and none else) is the reward of this worldly life and of the Hereafter. And Allah is ever All-Hearer, All-Seer.)(Sûrat An-Nisâ’ -verse134).
It is amazing to know that the word "life" was mentioned 115 times in the whole Qur'an and also Allah almighty mentioned" hereafter"115 times!!!
my dear scientist, if you read the Qur'an you will find that the word(Allah) is the most repeated word as it was mentioned 2699 time. Can you find a book the name of its author is the most frequent word?
What does it mean to find (in a book its author is (Allah) and He says that He is (one)) that the word (Allah) is the most frequent word and the number one is the most frequent number …it means one thing that is the author of the Qur'an is Allah the One !!
Hence, we can clearly see the greatness of the Qur'an which testify that it was descended from Allah almighty the only creator and the one God.
I won't ask you to convert to Islam ……but I am asking you to look attentively at these facts and to examine these scientific verses ….Allah almighty says Had we sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rent asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which we put forward to mankind that they may reflect.)(Sûrat Al-Hashr-verse21).

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 07-11-2014, 07:06 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Free Book: Innovative Way to Memorize the Quran

My brother believer! The way you are going to learn has several advantages …. This way does not require a specific time or system...
The first step on the road to memorize the Quran thoroughly is to believe that this project is the most important project in your life, and this project will not take part of your time!!! Allah will bless your time and you will find that the rest of your work will not stop, but it will flourish and become much easier than before.
Do not feel that memorizing the Quran will need any time. Whatever time you spent in reading, considering and memorizing that will not impact your time but your time will increase. I will give an example to illustrate that:
If you have time allotted for studying to succeed in the exam, and you took some of it for memorizing the Quran, what is the result? Memorizing the Quran will develop your grasp ability, expand your thinking range and equip you with a great ability for memorizing, understanding and comprehension. When you memorize some Surahs, you will notice that you can understand your studies in time less than used to be, and this is what I have gone through. Your performance on the test will greatly be enhanced because memorizing the Quran gives you psychological and mental stability and gives you the trust that Allah is the one who decides your exam result and not your effort or work. This stability and trust is half success.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
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