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ابوالوليد المسلم 26-07-2021 04:12 PM

Wudoo’ After Eye Operation [الوضوء بعد العملية في العين]
Wudoo’ After Eye Operation [الوضوء بعد العملية في العين]

ابتسام أزاد

[الوضوء بعد العملية في العين]

Fiqhi Counseling_استشارات فقهية

Explained and translated in Dhul Qa’dah, 1442 - July, 2021

Q: Assalamu alaikyum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister. I have a question. My mother is gonna go through eye surgery soon. During the post surgery recovery period she is not allowed to wipe or wash her eyes with water. How can she make wudu in those days?

Wa ‘alaikumus salāmu wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh.

Alḥamdulillāhi waṣ ṣalātu was salāmu ‘alā Rasoolillāh, ’ammā ba’d.

(1) Making water enter inside eyes is not Wajib (compulsory) nor Mustahabb (recommended), while Wudoo, or Ghusl (bath).

(2) If there is any mediplast tape over her eyelid then it is enough to carefully wash face and wipe the mediplast tape along with the eyeris gently, in a way that water cannot reach inside her eyes.

(3) If there is no mediplast tape over her eyelid then she will perform Wudoo’ as usual carefully washing face and wiping directly her eyelids and eyeris gently, in a way that water cannot reach inside her eyes.

(4) If wiping eyelids and eyeris is also harmful for her as prescribed by a trustworthy physician, then she will perform Wudoo’ washing all other organs of Wudoo’ except where she had operation, then she will make Tayammum instead, due to not being able to wipe eyelid and eyeris in the case.

(5) There is no condition of performing this Tayammum directly after Wudoo’ with no interruption; there is nothing wrong if this Tayammum is done after Wudoo’ a bit later.

(6) The mediplast doesn’t necessarily have to be put in a state of Taharah (purity).

(7) Tayammum is done as such:
1. Say ‘‘Bismillaah’’ with the intention of doing Tayammum.
2. Then strike the ground once with the palms of the hands.
3. Then dust them off.
4. Then wipe the ‘back of the right palm’ with the ‘palm’ of the left.
5. And next wipe the ‘back of the left palm’ with the ‘palm’ of the right.
6. At last wipe the face with both palms.

Allah knows best.
Translated and clarified by
Ibtesam Azad
Fri, Jul 9, 2021

1. الوضوء لمن أجرى له عملية ليزر في عينيه
2. صفة التيمم
3. غسل داخل العينين في الوضوء والغسل
4. وضوء الممنوع من استعمال الماء_الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز
5. طهارة من به جبيرة
6. الوضوء لمن به جرح_الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز
7. التيمم عن الجرح_الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز
8.طهارة أصحاب الجبائر_ الشيخ عبد العزيز بن باز
9. المسح على الجبيرة كالخفين باتفاق_الدرر السَنية
10. وضوء وصلاة من أجرى له عملية في عينه_الشيخ الدكتور صالح الفوزان
11. التيمم للجرح على أعضاء الوضوء_الشيخ صالح بن محمد العثيمين
12. الكحل المستعمل داخل العينين_الشيخ الدكتور عبد العزيز الفوزان
13. غسل داخل العينين في الوضوء والغسل_الشيخ وليد السعيدان

الساعة الآن : 07:24 PM

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