Secrets Of Quran Miracles - الصفحة 28 - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي
القرآن الكريم بأجمل الأصوات mp3 جديد الدروس والخطب والمحاضرات الاسلامية الأناشيد الاسلامية اناشيد جهادية دينية اناشيد طيور الجنة أطفال أفراح أعراس منوعات انشادية شبكة الشفاء الاسلامية
الرقية الشرعية والاذكار المكتبة الصوتية

مقالات طبية وعلمية

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قناة الشفاء للرقية الشرعية عبر يوتيوب

اخر عشرة مواضيع :         حدث في مثل هذا اليوم ميلادي ... (اخر مشاركة : أبــو أحمد - عددالردود : 4418 - عددالزوار : 854940 )           »          إشــــــــــــراقة وإضــــــــــــاءة (متجدد باذن الله ) (اخر مشاركة : أبــو أحمد - عددالردود : 3949 - عددالزوار : 389817 )           »          معنى قوله تعالى: {ليبلوكم أيُّكم أحسنُ عملاً} (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 52 )           »          تخصيص رمضان بالعبادة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 39 )           »          ذكر الله دواء لضيق الصدر (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 32 )           »          بيان فضل صيام الست من شوال وصحة الحديث بذلك (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 41 )           »          صيام الست من شوال قبل صيام الواجب (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 35 )           »          صلاة الوتر بالمسجد جماعة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 34 )           »          قراءة القرآن بغير حفظ (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 42 )           »          الإلحاح في الدعاء وعدم اليأس (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 41 )           »         

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قديم 20-09-2014, 11:57 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Eastern swap

Zoologists have discovered recently that eastern swap generates electricity based on the solar energy.. …

Zoologists have discovered recently that eastern swap generates electricity based on the solar energy. Such a phenomenon might be common among insect communities for it becomes more active when it becomes hotter. All glory to Allah, the great, insects have made use of the solar energy before us humans. Who could have taught these insects such a developed technology? It’s definitely Allah, the great who says in the holy Qur’an:

There is not an animal

(That lives) on the earth,

Nor a being that flies

On its wings, but (forms

Part of) communities like you.

Nothing have we omitted

From the Book, and they (all)

Shall be gathered to their Lord

In the end. Ana’am or Cattle: 38 (ibid)


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:01 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Ants Die

Entomologists declare that as soon as an ant gets sick and dies, it secretes a distinctive smell that’s …

Entomologists declare that as soon as an ant gets sick and dies, it secretes a distinctive smell that’s referred to as the death smell and so another ant carries it and puts it away to avoid the spread of diseases. Researchers confirm that in so doing, ant communities resemble those of humans. Miraculously, the Holy Qur’an has revealed this fact at a time when people believed that such creatures have no intelligence what so ever. However, Allah, the creator of this entire world and who knows what is secret and what’s yet more hidden says:

There is not an animal

(That lives) on the earth,

Nor a being that flies

On its wings, but (forms

Part of) communities like you.

Nothing have we omitted

From the Book, and they (all)

Shall be gathered to their Lord

In the end. An’am or Cattle: 38


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:02 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Plants that Talk to other Plants

Scientists at the University of Western Australia are trying to study a weird phenomenon about sound frequencies. …

Scientists at the University of Western Australia are trying to study a weird phenomenon about sound frequencies that are transmitted by plants and how plants are affected by human sounds. Scientists have found, according to the journal of trends in botanical sciences 2012, the first evidence that plants steadily chat and communicate with other plants through sounds that man can’t hear and such sounds require highly accurate devices to record them. The study found that plants not only communicate with other plants through sound but they are also affected by sounds. Scientists expect that sound plays a significant role in the life, growth, and development of plants. Such discovery of acoustic vibrations of plants means that plants speak. Having known such discovery, we shouldn’t find it weird that one of the miracles of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, was that he talked to plants especially when the tree’s trunk longed for him. We shouldn’t also find it weird that plants celebrate the praises of Allah, the almighty; Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur'an:

“The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving!” Isra’: 17: 44


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:03 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Noble Plants

Dear readers, could you imagine that plants do a favor for other plants, cooperate with them, and warn them that a danger is coming so as to be careful; …

Dear readers, could you imagine that plants do a favor for other plants, cooperate with them, and warn them that a danger is coming so as to be careful; we glorify Allah, the almighty. According to an experiment, it’s been found that cabbage warns other plants form dangers (such as the voracious grubs for cabbage) through sound. Scientists considered such sound frequencies as the speaking of plants for they have realized that the close plants which “heard” the warning secreted a poisonous material to keep the grubs away from it…..all glory to Allah, the great! Such cooperation and sacrifice among plants set an example for us humans to imitate. Plants are generous with each other and offer each other free services. We glorify Allah, the almighty who described plants as noble and generous fourteen centuries ago; Allah says in the holy Qur’an:

“He created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and He scattered through it beasts of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble (generous) creature, in pairs.” Luqman: 31: 10


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:04 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Beautiful Plants

Scientific studies assert that plants feel happy when they cooperate with other plants and even rejoice when they achieve the happiness of other plants and save them from dangers.. …

Scientific studies assert that plants feel happy when they cooperate with other plants and even rejoice when they achieve the happiness of other plants and save them from dangers. In other words, plants rejoice and make others rejoice as well for recent studies have proven that the color green cures depression and makes people happy when they look at it. All glory to Allah, the exalted who says in the holy Qur'an:

“And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)-" Qaf: 50:7

The above verse proves the accuracy of the description of the holy Qur’an.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:06 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Horse Air Conditioning System

Horses are but one sign of the signs of Allah in this world. These creatures that Allah mentions in the holy Qur'an are considered weird creatures that are worthy of meditation and we're going to live with a new invention about the air-conditioned heads of horses…
Scientific News
Canadian scientists say that the heads of horseshave air conditioning systems that operate when their body temperature rises while running fast. According to a report of Canadian researchers that was published in the Nature Journal, horses have a special anatomy system at the bottom of the skull; this system cools the blood that gets to the brain. The head temperature of sport animals such as horses must remain less than forty degrees Celsius when exercising to the max otherwise they will suffer form brain damage.
The method through which horses perform this task remained a mystery for horses seemed to lack the normal thermoregulatory systems of other animals, but nowDr. Keith Baptiste and his colleagues at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada believe that they have solved that mystery. These researchers have discovered that carotid arteries that transits blood to the brain are surrounded by two boughs that contain some air (around 300-500 Mg of air) which comes from the respiratory system. Hence, when horses exercise and sweat, blood heat turns into these boughs.
Such guttural boughs were found in other animals that resemble horses such as zebra and monkeysas well as some kinds of bats and even in American forest mouse. Guttural boughs were first discovered in the heads of horses in 1756 and since then many theories attempted to know their functions.
Dr. Keith Baptiste says that in the eighteenth century some thought that these boughs help horses in swimming through carrying their heads above water and he asserts that these animals haven’t developed anatomically to master swimming for horses don't swim well. It's hard to imagine, therefore, that these boughs developed to carry out this function. These boughs must have a useful function because they endanger the health of horses for they are likely to be infected with bacteria and parasites that might be fatal. Thus, they must have a certain purpose.
The research team used sensors to measure temperature changes at three different positions, when the blood moves in the arteries and then through the guttural boughs and when it reaches the brain. These sensors were implanted in four horses and then these horses were exposed to a series of variant exercises. This experiment showed that the temperature has fallen after the blood passed though the guttural boughs. Dr. Keith Baptiste says that this discovery will force many to change their ideas about horse anatomy system.

Horses are considered as one of the most significant means of transportation that Allah has subjected to man over the years. Scientists confirm that if it weren't for this developed air conditioning system in the heads of horses,they could have never been able to run fast. Allah, therefore, swears by the steeds, horses that walk and run fast. Allah has even revealed one complete surah about horses in the holy Qur’an, Adiyat as a way of honoring horses and to get us to realize his great graces so that we may praise him for them; Allah, the exalted says:
“By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath) (1) and strike sparks of fire (2) and push home the charge in the morning (3) and raise the dust in clouds the while (4) and penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) En masse (5) truly Man is to his Lord, ungrateful (6) and to that (fact) he bears witness (By his deeds) (7) And violent is he in his love of wealth (8) Does he not know,—when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad (9) and that which is (Locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest (10) that their Lord had been well-acquainted with them, (Even to) that Day?“Adiyat (1- 11)
Horses’ developed vital systems that are discovered by scientists contradict the theory that nature created itself for nature could never realize the needs of horses for such systems. The only explanation, accordingly, for the air-conditionedheads of horsesthat protect them from brain damage due to hyperthermia while running fast is that it’s a practical tangible evidence that Allah the creator who created these horses has known in advance the services horses would provide to man and that's why he supplied them with such systems to guarantee that they won’t become extinct and so that they could function at peak efficiency. That's why Allah says:
“And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show; and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge.”Nahl or the Bees: 8
Man has used horses in battles and transportation and they were a reason for the spread of Islam; Allah says:
“Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies, and others besides, whom
ye may not know, but whom god doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the Cause of God, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.”Anfal: 60
We should also remember that Prophet Mohammad told us that the good will remain (as a permanent quality)in the foreheads of horses. Hence, any scientific invention should be looked at from a scientific perspective and a faith perspective. The scientific look at it helps people know the inventions of scientists to make use of them in this world and the faith look aims at seeing Allah's creatures and the mightof the creator through his creation and be aware of the graces of Allah about which he says:
“ And He giveth you of all that ye ask for but if ye count the favours of God, never will ye be able to number them verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude” Abraham: 34 (Ibid)
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


قديم 21-09-2014, 12:07 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

There is not a thing but glorifies His Praise

Scientists released many new facts which testify that Qur’an is sincere; one of these facts is that everything in this universe has a special sound. Let us read…

Allah Almighty says in the holy verse: (The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.){Sûrat Al-Isrâ’-The Journey by Night -verse44}, when we contemplate in this verse we should realize that all creatures glorify Allah Almighty.

These creatures include animals, trees, mountains, plants, stars, water, etc… and they glorify the creator without we understand their glorification.

He Almighty tells us that we don’t understand but He didn’t say we don’t hear because human hearfirst and then realize.

In seas and oceans

Scientists who study marine creatures say that sound is very important to many aquatic creatures; one of these creatures is whales and dolphins who use sound for hunting, navigating and communicating. Toothed whales and baleen whales use sound quite differently. Toothed whales and dolphins (for example killer whales and bottle-nose dolphins) use echo******** for hunting and navigating, while baleen whales (for example humpbacks and blue whales) generally produce a series of sounds which are frequently termed 'songs' that are used for communicating.

Scientists say that dolphins are using sound for navigating and communicating between each other

Scientists believe that whale is singing and the songs consist of distinct sequences of groans, moans, roars, sighs and high pitched squeals that may last up to 10 minutes or longer. It is thought these sounds could be used for communicative purposes such as to identify other individuals, for long-range contact and to warn others of threats as well as navigation.But, Muslims believe that these sounds are not only for singing and communicationbut it contains their glorification to Allah Almighty the creator.

To listen to a whale: click here .

Aquatic scientists say that the toothed whales (including dolphins) have a remarkable sensory ability used for locating food and for navigation underwater called echo********. Toothed whales produce a variety of sounds by moving air between air-spaces or sinuses in the head. Sounds are reflected or echoed back from objects, and these are thought to be received by an oil filled channel in the lower jaw and conducted to the middle ear of the animal.

On the ground

By the use of audio technology, scientists discovered that ants routinely talk to each other in their nests. They found that most ants have a natural washboard and plectrum built into their abdomens that they can rub together to communicate using sound.

Researchers by using microphones and speakers that can be inserted unobtrusively into nests, they established that the queens can issue instructions to their workers…. Glory to Allah!!!!!!

We Muslims can’t come on this piece of information without remembering the holy verse as Allah Almighty tells us 1400 years ago that ants speak to each other.

He Almightydescribe what happened when a group of ants faced the army of prophet Sulaimanwhen they were passing through a valley of ants as He Almighty says: (And there were gathered before Sulaiman (Solomon) his hosts of jinns and men, and birds, and they all were set in battle order (marching forwards)*Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: "O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaiman (Solomon) and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not.){Sûrat An-Naml-The Ants -verse17-18}.

On the other hand, researchers who managed to make the first recordings of queen ants “speaking”, also discovered that other insects can mimic the ants to make them slaves.

Research several decades ago had shown that ants were able to make alarm calls using sounds, but only now has it been shown that their vocabulary may be much bigger and that they can “talk” to each other.

Professor Jeremy Thomas, of the University of Oxford, said improvements in technology had made the discoveries possible because it meant the ants could be recorded and subjected to playbacks without becoming alarmed.

By placing miniature speakers into the nest and playing back sounds made by a queen, the researchers were able to persuade ants to stand to attention.

To listen to an ant: click here .

Also, Plants are emitting soundsas researchers have developed a computer algorithm that can identify some plant species according to their unique sonar echoes. The experiments were meant to help biologists understand how bats find their favorite fruits or insects, but the research might also help engineers design high-speed systems to identify everything from widgets on conveyor belts to faces in crowds.

Researchers say that Bats might be legally blind, but they can fly straight to a desired fruit tree, even one growing amid dense foliage. They do so using a process called echo********, in which they send out a series of chirps and then listen very carefully to the returning echoes.

Inspired by this ability researchers in Tübingen, Germany, decided to see if they could invent an artificial system that would perform the same task.

The findings will be valuable not only in understanding how bats echolocate, but they should help humans as well. The vast majority of remote-sensing algorithms are based on vision, he says, so if the sonar algorithm can be perfected, one of its advantages will be the ability to function in low light or darkness.

The neuro- ethologist Steven Phelps of the University of Florida, Gainesville, says the research confirms that subtle differences in the qualities of echoes are enough for a bat to tell a spruce tree from a birch tree. "When we say apples and oranges, we generally assume the differences are obvious," he says, but "I can't imagine having to listen for them."

Human by the latest technology can’t know the difference between apple and orange by hearing but bat can differentiate between both of them.

Allah says about Himself: (So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators){Sûrat Al-Mu’minûn-The Believers -verse14}.

In the sky

Scientists have found that the sharp, violin-like sounds of a South American songbird come not from the beak but from a suite of specially evolved, vibrating feathers.

A new study offers the first hard evidence that birds use feathers for audible communication as well as for flight and warmth.

"It was very hard to mess with the birds' feathers and still have them do their display," said Kimberly Bostwick, curator of birds and mammals at the Cornell University of Vertebrates in Ithaca, New York.

“The results could lead to better understanding of the newly discovered form of bird communication.” said Bostwick

Also she added “Lots of birds make simple clapping sounds or whooshing noises with their wings, and we haven't even begun to understand how the sounds are made or how they've evolved”.

Indeed,human consider these sounds just a noise but no creature in this universe do anything without a purpose. So Allah Almighty tells us that we don’t understand these sounds by saying: (But you understand not their glorification).){Sûrat Al-Isrâ’-The Journey by Night -verse44}.

To listen to the bird:click here

In universe

Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have found, for the first time, sound waves from a supermassive black hole. The "note" is the deepest ever detected from any ****** in our Universe. The tremendous amounts of energy carried by these sound waves may solve a longstanding problem in astrophysics.

The black hole resides in the Perseus cluster of galaxies located 250 million light years from Earth. Astronomers obtained a deep Chandra observation that shows ripples in the gas filling the cluster. These ripples are evidence for sound waves that have traveled hundreds of thousands of light years away from the cluster's central black hole.

The Chandra X-ray Observatory detected sound waves rippling through the gas

Over a million billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing, this is the deepest note ever detected from an ****** in the Universe.

"The Perseus sound waves are much more than just an interesting form of black hole acoustics," says Steve Allen, also of the Institute of Astronomy and a co-investigator in the research. "These sound waves may be the key in figuring out how galaxy clusters, the largest structures in the Universe, grow."

In human cells

In recent experiments using the frontier science of nanotechnology, the researchers have found evidence that yeast cells give off one kind of squeal while mammalian cells may give off another. The research, though still preliminary, is potentially "revolutionary," as one scientist puts it, and a possible, admittedly far-off medical application.

The founder of the study of cell sounds, or "sonocytology," as he calls it, is Jim Gimzewski, a UCLA chemist who has contributed to an art museum's exhibit on molecular structure. The cell sounds idea came to him in 2001 after a medical researcher told him that when living heart cells are placed in a petri dish with appropriate nutrients, the cells will continue to pulsate. Gimzewski began wondering if all cells might beat, and if so, would such tiny vibrations produce a detectable sound. After all, he reasoned, sound is merely the result of a force pushing on molecules, creating a pressure wave that spreads and registers when it strikes the eardrum. He also reasoned that although a noise generated by a cell would not be audible, it might be detected by an especially sensitive instrument.

Scientists say that the genetic tape (DNA) inside our bodies emits special vibration as if it is glorifying Allah Almighty, so that it may be affected by glorification. Hence glorifying Allah Almighty may affect the healing of human diseases.

RatneshLal, a neuroscientist and biophysicist at the University of California at Santa Barbara who has studied the pulsations of heart cells kept alive in a dish, says that Gimzewski's nanotechnology expertise may be the key to establishing whether cells produce sound. "The ultimate hope is to use this in diagnostics and prevention," says Lal.


Today, scientist say that from stars to cells, dolphins to crickets, birds and bees to human beings, the universe is alive with melody, sending and receiving waves of sound.

Surprisingly, they say that something so omnipresent and so fundamental has a powerful influence on everything we think and feel.

Isn’t the power of The Almighty creator who says to themankind: (O mankind! Remember the Grace of Allah upon you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the sky (rain) and the earth? La ilahaillaHuwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turning away (from Him)?){SûratFâtir-The Originator of Creation -verse3}.

Dear beloved, don’t forget the prophetic advice asProphet Mohamed peace be upon him urges us to keep glorifying Allah Almighty by saying :“glory to Allah and praises to Him”.

After all of the above, we Muslims definitely believe in the following holy verse as He Almighty says: (The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you understand not their glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.){Sûrat Al-Isrâ’-The Journey by Night -verse44}.

We ask Allah Almighty to make us one of those who glorify His Praise


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

قديم 21-09-2014, 12:09 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

A magnificent photo for moon

Believer should contemplate in the creations of Allah Almighty to increase his faith. Let us read …

Allah Almighty urges people for contemplation as He says: (Thus did we show Ibrahim (Abraham) the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he be one of those who have Faith with certainty){Sûrat Al-An’âm - The Cattle –verse 75}.

Allah Almighty exploited the moon to serve us and scientists say that moon is located in the right position, thus if moon is closer to earth, waves are going to sink earth because of gravity of moon and its effect on phenomenon of tide. He Almighty says: (And He has made the sun and the moon, both constantly pursuing their courses, to be of service to you; and He has made the night and the day, to be of service to you* And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them. Verily! Man is indeed an extreme wrong-doer, a disbeliever){Sûrat Ibrâhîm - Abraham –verse 33-34}.

Thus we must know that moon is exploited by the power of Allah Almighty through physics rules and these rules are not the doer by itself. He Almighty says about that: (Verily! Allah grasps the heavens and the earth lest they move away from their places, and if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him. Truly, He is Ever Most Forbearing, Oft*Forgiving.){Sûrat Fâtir - The Originator of Creation- verse 41}


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:11 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles


Researchers suggest that beholding and contemplating natural scenes heals …

Researchers suggest that beholding and contemplating natural scenes heals depression for beholding gardens leads to happiness and joy. Hence, contemplating bright trees and flowers and their bright colors for one hour a day is an effective method for curing depression and frustration among other chronic psychological illnesses. In other words, today science finds a connection between raising happiness and joy on one hand and contemplating gardens on the other. This is exactly what the holy Qur’an points out briefly and eloquently. Allah, the Almighty says:

And who sends you down

Rain from the sky?

Yea, with it We cause

To grow well-planted orchards” Naml or the Ants: 60

All Glory to Allah


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 21-09-2014, 12:18 AM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Ant Habitations

This is neither a hill nor a cottage; it’s simply an anthill. Zoologists have found that such …

This is neither a hill nor a cottage; it’s simply an anthill. Zoologists have found that such anthills are as good as human houses for they are equipped with all ants need such as food storage rooms, ventilation openings, rooms for small ants, and means of sterilization. The Holy Qur'an, therefore, refers to such anthills as "habitations" (Masaken). Scientifically, such a reference is very accurate and sufficient evidence that the Holy Qur’an is inimitable. Allah, the Exalted, says:

One of the ants said:

"O ye ants, get into

Your habitations” Naml or the Ants: 18(ibid)

All Glory to Allah


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
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الاحد 20 من مارس 2011 , الساعة الان 01:21:21 صباحاً.


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