Secrets Of Quran Miracles - الصفحة 27 - ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي


اخر عشرة مواضيع :         متابعة للاحداث فى فلسطين المحتلة ..... تابعونا (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 13074 - عددالزوار : 345581 )           »          مكاسب الصحابة الكرام: نموذج في الكسب الحلال (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 41 )           »          رسول السلام سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلّم (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 63 )           »          أسطورة تغيير الجنس (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 64 )           »          كنز من كنوز الجنة (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 68 )           »          قواعد نبوية (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 26 - عددالزوار : 4690 )           »          كتاب( مناظرة بين الإسلام والنصرانية : مناقشة بين مجموعة من رجال الفكر من الديانتين ) (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 116 )           »          الشاكر العليم (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 105 )           »          هل هذا شذوذ أو ازدواج في التوجه؟ (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 123 )           »          زوجي مصاب بمرض الفصام (اخر مشاركة : ابوالوليد المسلم - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 116 )           »         

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قديم 24-06-2014, 08:21 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Billions of germs on our skin

The above is a microscopic photo which illustrates billions of bacteria on our skin and ….

The above is a microscopic photo which illustrates billions of bacteria on our skin and there are many types of these bacteria. Scientists say that each one of us holds different types of bacteria!!!!Also they found that these bacteria can develop and change its shape according to the psychological and physiological status of us. Therefore, we can understand why Allah Almighty ordered Muslims to make ablution before each prayer because these bacteria are affected by water. Allah Almighty says about that: (Never stand you therein. Verily, the mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety is more worthy that you stand therein (to pray). In it are men who love to clean and to purify themselves. And Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure (i.e. who clean their private parts with dust [i.e. to be considered as soap) and water from urine and stools, after answering the call of nature].){Sûrat At-Taubah - The Repentance –verse 108}

Thanks Allah for the blessing of Islam


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 24-06-2014, 08:22 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Allah has not put for any man two hearts inside his body

This verse testify that Qur’an is miraculous as man can’t carry two natural hearts in his body but he can carry one natural heart and another implanted one from a donator , what about woman?......

Life with one organ, is it possible?

People might imagine that having two of some organs is redundant. We have two lungs, two kidneys and two eyes -- each doing the same job at the same time.

Dr. Tony Neff, a professor of anatomy and cell biology at Indiana University - Bloomington, warns against downplaying the role of duplicate organs. It takes both organs in those sets to carry out their job fully; although one can function alone, the process it carries out will not be done at full capacity, and the rest of the body suffers.

Scientists say that we can see with only one eye, but the eyes' function of providing depth perception will suffer and we'll bump into things much more frequently seeing with one eye than you would with two.

What would happen if we had an extra heart?

Physiologist Bruce Martin, a colleague of Dr. Neff's at Indiana University says: ” our body is a system, and it's built so that the system is always functioning at its full capacity. When the system is attacked -- for example, through starvation -- all parts of the system suffer at the same rate. Conversely, when one part breaks down, the whole system suffers. If our lungs become irreparably damaged -- say, through emphysema -- the rest of the system will slow down to accommodate the broken part”.

Glory to Allah, isn’t the same as what prophet Mohamed peace be upon him said 1400 years ago to his companions about the believers and how they should deal with each other’s as the prophet says: “believers with each other’s should be nice, merciful and sympathetic as the human body if one part of it is ill, the entire body will suffer exactly as the ill part”[Narrated by Muslim and declared by Alalbany as a Right Hadith].

Physicians say that our system is already functioning at full bore; the addition of an extra heart wouldn't do much.

There are many odd births around the world such as a born baby with two heads or more than two arms and two legs. But it was never found a case for a man with two hearts because heart is the responsible organ for organizing circulation, but what about woman?

Woman can hold two or more hearts when she is pregnant, she hold one baby or more so she holds more than one natural heart inside her body.

Heart is the most important organ in the body as it organizes the circulation and moves blood in very complicated system and recent studies proved that heart has a vital role in thinking and creativity of people

But in some cases a child may be begotten with two hearts but before he reach age of Manhood he die as a child.

Recently, scientists succeeded in implanting another heart in man who has some heart difficulties and they use this technique to boost the ill heart by adding another heart from died people, so that they can live with two hearts but we can’t see a man lives with two natural hearts.

Allah Almighty says concerning that: (Allah has not put for any man two hearts inside his body){Sûrat Al-Ahzâb - The Confederates –verse4}. Allah says that He Hasn’t put two hearts as it is an indication that He Almighty will not put two hearts in a child who will grow to be a man.

Now, we know this reality but before the medical evolution, Muslims used to read that verse without seeing its effects, so Muslims must believe in each single word in the Qur’an because that is the truth and Allah Almighty says about Himself at the end of the verse: (But Allah says the truth, and He guides to the (Right) Way){Sûrat Al-Ahzâb - The Confederates –verse4}.

Thanks Allah for the blessings of Islam


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 24-06-2014, 08:23 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Alcohol more dangerous than cocaine and other drugs

The result of this study was a shock for those who claim that Alcohol is not dangerous and its harms are little…..

A study held by British experts said alcohol was most destructive because it was so widely used and had devastating consequences not only for drinkers but for those around them. They believe that alcohol is more dangerous than illegal drugs like heroin and crack cocaine
The study evaluated substances including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and marijuana, ranking them based on how destructive they were to the individual who took them and to society as a whole.
Heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamine, or crystal meth, were the most lethal to individuals. When considering their wider social effects, alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine were the deadliest. But overall, alcohol outranked all other substances, followed by heroin and crack cocaine. Marijuana, ecstasy and LSD scored far lower

"Just think about what happens (with alcohol) at every football game," said Wim van den Brink, a professor of psychiatry and addiction at the University of Amsterdam. He was not linked to the study but co-authored a commentary in the Lancet.
Researchers say that when drunk in excess, alcohol damaged nearly all organ systems. It was also connected to higher death rates and was involved in a greater percentage of crime than most other drugs, including heroin

From the practical point of view, observers believe that alcohol is being blamed for an "unprecedented level" of fire tragedies in Scotland.

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Service chief officer, Brian Sweeney, said fatalities and casualties across his area were at a 10-year high. He says that Since Christmas, his crews have put out almost 250 house fires, which injured 68 people, and killed five others.
Brian says “during the seasonal period the problem is alcohol, alcohol, alcohol. We fundamentally need to change our relationship with alcohol.”
"In my opinion, for example, the economic crisis is not the greatest crisis facing Scotland at the moment. The greatest crisis facing Scotland is our dependency on alcohol, our consumption of alcohol - it's binge drinking and being under the influence of alcohol." He added.
Islam is magnificent, isn’t it?
According to the religion of Islam, Muslims are not allowed to even site with people who are drinking alcohol. Recent researches and studies confirm that alcohol is a destructive drink for both people and community but the main problem is that people can’t stop drinking simply because it became a fundamental habit and also part of their life.
Western countries are fighting against alcohol and paying billions of dollars in the treatment from its consequences and stop drinking programs.
Hence, the divine order prohibits Muslims from drinking as Allah Almighty says: (O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab , and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.) { Sûrat Al-Mâ’idah - The Table spread with Food -verse90}.
Also in another verse He Almighty says: (Shaitan (Satan) wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from As-Salat (the prayer). So, will you not then abstain?) { Sûrat Al-Mâ’idah - The Table spread with Food -verse91}.
The question is: Who inspired prophet Mohamed peace be upon him to prohibit alcohol according to its dangers which are identified by all recent scientific researches?
Indeed, He is Allah Almighty who swears by that as He says: (By the star when it goes down, (or vanishes)* Your companion (Muhammad ) has neither gone astray nor has erred* Nor does he speak of (his own) desire * It is only an Inspiration that is inspired* He has been taught (this Qur'an) by one mighty in power [Jibrael (Gabriel)].){ Sûrat An-Najm -(The Star -verse1-5}.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


قديم 24-06-2014, 08:24 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

One centimeter is the length of a fetus

It is a real photo of a fetus in the fifth week, its length is one centimeter ….

It is a real photo of a fetus in the fifth week, its length is one centimeter, and despite its size many details are clearly seen. This fetus contains thousands of millions of cells and all of these cells came from one ovum and one sperm controlled by an accurate program during the entire life of the baby. Glory to Allah Almighty who perfected all of His creations as He Almighty says: (Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists),* Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood)* Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous,* Who has taught (the writing) by the pen* Has taught man that which he knew not.){Sûrat Al-‘Alaq - The Clot –verse 1-5}


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 24-06-2014, 08:25 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Alcohol is a disease

Many researches confirm that alcohol is bad and cause damage……

Many researches confirm that alcohol is bad and cause damage for health and those who say that alcohol is good for hearts are totally wrong because drinking alcohol destroys the immune system , destroy the liver cells and negatively affects brain and leads to psychological disorders, The prophet peace be upon him says: (Allah is the one who descended the disease and the treatment and made for each diseases a treatment so don’t be treated by any prohibited treatment), Who told our illiterate prophet this scientific fact?

2-Alcohol affects the entire body

The sensitive and complicated systems such as nervous system, liver and endocrine are strongly affected by Alcohol which cause tongue cancer, heavily getting out of salivary and the expansion of esophagus and blood vessels. Recent studies confirm that most Esophagus cancer patients are alcoholics. One day a man asked the prophet peace be upon him about alcohol as a treatment, the prophet replied: (alcohol is a disease not a cure){Narrated by Muslim} Glory to Allah!! Who told the prophet this medical fact?

3-Alcohol affects our stomach

Studies confirm that Alcohol negatively affects the stomach as it causes Congestion of the mucous membrane, chronic ulcers and stomach cancer. Also intestine might be affected by dangerous inflammations and mal absorption because of the alcohol beverages, the prophet peace be upon him says ) all intoxicants are wine and wine is prohibited){Narrated by Muslim}


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 24-06-2014, 08:26 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

The black seed

Many Studies confirm that the black seed contains a material that……

Many Studies confirm that the black seed contains a material that enhances our immune system and strengthen our considered to be a powerful antibiotic and it expands our blood vessels, The Prophet says: (use the black seed, in it is a treatment for all diseases except death)[narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Studies say that the black seed is a cure for the Bacterial diseases as many researchers consider it as a natural antibiotic. Also it is a treatment for the chronic eczema by applying the black seed oil on the infected area. Mixing the black seed powder with honey and milk is a cure for Frigidity. Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him says ( black seed is a cure for all diseases) {agreed upon it}.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 20-09-2014, 11:50 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Nature & Life

الطبيعة والحياة


قديم 20-09-2014, 11:52 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Mountains of Clouds

The above picture which was taken by scientists represents a several-km-height …

The above picture which was taken by scientists represents a several-km-height cloud while the lower picture is a mountain that’s also several-km-height. It might be surprising to realise that the holy Qur'an talks about mountains of clouds; Allah, the almighty says in the holy Qur'an:

Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap? - then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He turns it away from whom He pleases, the vivid flash of His lightning well-nigh blinds the sight.” Nur or Light: 24: 43

The holy Qur’an talked about the mountains of clouds fourteen centuries before scientists took photos of them, a proof of the inimitability of the holy Qur'an. We can't but glorify Allah, the exalted.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 20-09-2014, 11:54 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Designing Birds

Scientists confirm that the design of birds’ wings is amazing and puzzling for it’s …

Scientists confirm that the design of birds’ wings is amazing and puzzling for it’s completely wrapped with flexible feathers that are capable of adjusting with all kinds of flying conditions and so are the tail, legs, beak, and head. Every part of the body of birds is a miraculous technique in every sense of the word. What’s more amazing though is how birds manage to jump suddenly from seas upward and then maneuver, move, and fly for a long time. Allah glory to Allah, the almighty who says:

Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate, and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah knows well all that they do.” Nur or Light: 24: 41

We can't but glorify Allah, the exalted.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
قديم 20-09-2014, 11:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية القلب الحزين
القلب الحزين القلب الحزين غير متصل
& كــ الخواطــــر ــلـــم &
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2007
مكان الإقامة: هناك .. الحزن مدينة لا يسكنها غيري .. أنـــا ...!! كان هنـــا !!^_^ 10
الجنس :
المشاركات: 6,024
الدولة : Yemen
افتراضي رد: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Retirement Age

Biologists have discovered that old people should continue to work and that the retirement age is wrong because aging-associated diseases have enormously. …

Biologists have discovered that old people should continue to work and that the retirement age is wrong because aging-associated diseases have enormously spread among those who had stopped working after a certain period of time. All glory to Allah since there’s no retirement age in Islam for Muslims continue to work until the last moment of their lives. Allah, the exalted, for instance says in the holy Qur’an:

And serve thy Lord

Until there come unto thee

The Hour that is Certain. Hijr: 99 (Ibid)

“The hour that is certain” means death. It follows therefore that worshipping god never stops even if man is dying. All praise to Allah for the grace of Islam.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
موضوع مغلق

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