عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 29-10-2022, 09:13 PM
الصورة الرمزية ابوالوليد المسلم
ابوالوليد المسلم ابوالوليد المسلم غير متصل
قلم ذهبي مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2019
مكان الإقامة: مصر
الجنس :
المشاركات: 135,015
الدولة : Egypt
افتراضي Satan and Satan's Mischief's in Heart

Satan and Satan's Mischief's in Heart

Maulana Faizani

Actually Heart is the Steering wheel of body in human beings and all animals. If the Angel prevails behind it, then Man's physical actions and words all become active towards goodness and welfare. However, if Satan prevails, then it is observed that the same person possessing all those goodness, understanding and education gets involved in wickedness, cruelty and various kinds of tragic events.
Of course, in both cases according to the person's field of authority and area of work, the good and evil affairs are diverse. You will find the more complete detail of this issue in the book of "Analysis and Solution of Man's Atom".
However, in brief we mention that Satan by using the Cells of Heart and Brain does mischiefs and director ships. It won't be inopportune to focus thoughts hereby on Satan's activity in Heart, and to ponder on it.
1. Have you noticed? How could Man prevail and overcome the thefts of Jinni and human Devils in his outer and inner?
Yes! This wealth can be available in the simplest way when we penetrate into understanding the truth of Center of this Inversion machinery of body (Heart). Fortunately, we have, with the help of Almighty Allah, fully obtained the key of these secrets in the books of "Analysis and Solution of Man's Atom" In order to perceive those truths, hereby we explain in brief as well some related matters.
2. Have you noticed? Heart is in position of Television apparatus. It directly broadcasts the Angelic good propagation of the Sacred World, and those of the Malicious World (Evil, Satanic).
Therefore, the person is once beneficial, and meanwhile sometimes that same person is evil-doer and ill-temper.
3. Have you noticed? Meanwhile, Satan by using the egoistic and sensual forces. At required accessions, draws the person's attention towards Other-than-Allah and bothers the person through variety of worrisome temptations. So that Satan may totally make disappear the effect and pleasure of the action done by a person.
4. Have you noticed? If Satan made the Temptation effective on a person, and the person accepted it, then Satan makes him totally attentive therein.
Therefore, short-sighted people and those of little Light of Faith are unconsciously shaken and distressed every now and then by Satan. Somehow, sleep and peace of these people are even disturbed.
5. Have you noticed? No matter how much a person controls, still hidden voices are coming one after the other to his Heart to make him remember various kinds of Temptations or to experience unseen pressures.
Until Satan stimulate the person by one of the Temptations, and consequently, the person gets involved by different deceits in disturbing and troubling his own fellow human beings or brothers.
6. Have you noticed? Any kind of physical, financial and verbal worship is in the position of messages to be transmitted. Heart as the transmitter mechanism (machinery) and the Light of Faith in Oneness of Almighty Allah and other conditions are in the position of battery or generator of electricity.
This system is taking person's performance to the Presence of Almighty Sacred Proud Being.
This is the most complete formula for the acceptance of prayer and obedience's to the Presence of Almighty Excellency Compassionate and Beneficent.
7. Have you noticed? While sending such correspondences (messages), Satan also by using the battery of Nafs and the conservatory section of Brain, throws some parasites therein.
If these parasites do not quickly disappear and do not vanish, and if they remain, then the acceptance impact of that action will be delayed.
In case if this continues, then instead of Luminosity, darkness and depression come to Heart. Therefore, the Messenger, Muhammad peace be upon him, has said:
"Worship your Lord such as if you see Him, if you do not see Him, He Almighty definitely sees you." (Hadeeth)
8. Have you noticed? One should realize with full attention these unconsciously induced parasites in Heart, such as, "what did that person do?", "what did these people do?", "why did you not do this way?" or "do this and do not that thing", and similar worldly affairs etc.
These are parasites, the more one puts them under censorship in order to stop their effect, and the faster hid deeds directly reach the Presence of Glorious of Glorious Proud Being.
9. Have you noticed? These parasites (noise) do not only occur during verbal worships, but during financial and physical worships as well.
If the person is not alert and watchful in his work, then Satan will nullify his actual action after it is performed, through hypocrisy and sam'a (talking to others about it, letting others know about it).
10. Have you noticed? How does Satan render void (make futile) the accomplished financial, physical, verbal and other actions?
Yes! After that particular action is performed, Satan keeps suggesting to the person to talk about it to people so that they may know that you are a charitable person.
Of course, in this case, it becomes hypocrisy and it is void. However, if the purpose is to encourage others, then it is not hypocrisy. In this particular case, it is a matter between Heart and Almighty Allah, and the people of Heart (spiritual people) as for what purpose it was declared.
11. Have you noticed? To bother those whom you have given donation or some assistance, for the sake of Allah, is also as parasite, and this sufficiently contributes in nullifying the actions.
Therefore, one should never bother the receiver of help in any ways, in order to indebted him to oneself, after one has done any kind of help.
Neither, one should expect any service from the person in return for the assistance and donations accomplished purely for the sake of Allah. For, the reward of those actions will be nullified.
Almighty Allah says:
"Do not render vain your acts by reminding of your generosity and bothering the people to whom you have given assistance and help purely for the sake of Allah." etc (2:264).

سُئل الإمام الداراني رحمه الله
ما أعظم عمل يتقرّب به العبد إلى الله؟
فبكى رحمه الله ثم قال :
أن ينظر الله إلى قلبك فيرى أنك لا تريد من الدنيا والآخرة إلا هو
سبحـــــــــــــــانه و تعـــــــــــالى.

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