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ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 02:28 PM

Secrets Of Quran Miracles

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Secrets Of Quran Miracles


Bases of the Scientific Miracles in Quran & Sunnah

Why We Study Scientific Miracle¿

The encyclopedia Index


Numeric Miracle


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Astronomy & Space

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Earth Science

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Health & Medicine


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Nature & Life


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Secrets of Quran & Sunnah


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Legislative Miracles


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Picture & Verse

ÕæÑ æÂíÉ
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Unseen Miracles


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God's Creations


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ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 03:50 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Bases Of Miracle

Bases of the Scientific Miracles in Quran & Sunnah

The scientific miracle is the science that looks in the miracles in the Quran & Sunnah which were recently discovered in the age of science. Allah Almighty is the one who descended Qur’an to be valid in every time and place and He put in that book many scientific facts so that human can’t author a similar book to that divine book.

What are the benefits of scientific miracles?

We can identify five benefits as the following:

1.To increase faith of believers.

2.To persuade atheists and disbelievers that Qur’an is the book of Allah Almighty and that it is sincere. Also, a proof that conformance between Qur’an and science in the era of science is an evidence that Qur’an is preserved by Allah Almighty and it was not exposed to any kind of distortions at any time for more than 1400 years.

3.To increase believer’s realization concerning the scientific field on a basis of faith not like what western people are believing as they used to present these scientific facts from the atheism point of view as they claim that everything was done by nature not by a great creator who says about Himself:(Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakil (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.)over all things)

{Sûrat Az-Zumar - The Groups –verse 62}.

4.To be a scientific method for calling to Allah to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

5.To demonstrate that Qur’an and sayings of prophet Mohamed peace be upon him contains many sciences in different fields.

The Qur’an has a magnificent and concise technique in demonstrating the scientific fact; we can find lot of scientific facts in just few words.

This is the point of inimitability as these facts were not known at the time of Qur’an but discoveries of scientists displayed these miracles. Hence, a group of rules should be existed to ******* that kind of science to put us apart of mistakes or the exaggeration in understanding meanings of different verses in the Qur’an.

Bases of the Scientific Miracles

1.While searching in the miracles of Qur’an from the scientific side, we have to know and to be sure that science is a follower to Qur’an not the opposite. So the researcher should give his trust first to the Qur’an, after that he or she can search in other books and researches to find scientific facts that are in conformance with the koranic facts.

2.Researchers and readers on the scientific miracles of Qur’an must know that explanation of the verses considering the scientific point are changing and evolving according to the development of sciences and that without any kind of contradictions with science itself, so we find that these scientific explanations are valid in every time from time to time where we find that human books are valid only for a short period of time and is limited only to the time of its release.

3.Allah Almighty descended the Qur’an in Arabic ******** so that we should not deviate from the meaning of the Arabic words in the dictionary and if we can’t conform between the verse and the scientific fact, we should stop contemplating in that verse and wait till other people in another time to understand the right meaning of the verse which is in conformance with science .Miracle in Qur’an is clear and doesn’t need any kind of complicated interpretations as He Almighty says: (Alif-Lam-Ra. (This is) a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected and then explained in detail from One (Allah), Who is All-Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things).){Sûrat Hûd -Prophet Hûd- verse1 }

Also we shouldn’t deal with that matter in hastiness and say our own opinion but we have to be controlled by ********, explanation and the sincere supplication to Allah Almighty and that work must be for the sake of Allah without to waiting any reward from anyone.

4.We have to believe that Qur’an is the balance so if a theory is in conformance with Qur’an, then the theory is right and if that theory is against the Qur’an so it is a wrong theory. That is because there is no absolute right or wrong in the Experimental sciences as you can find a right theory at a time but after a short period of time the same theory became wrong.

5.The Holy Qur’an speaks only about scientific facts not myths so the researcher must know that the discovered scientific fact which is a miracle in Qur’an or Sunnah should not be known when Qur’an was descended. On the other hand we have to know that there are many known facts in Qur’an from past times like benefits of honey which is a known fact from thousands of years, but He Almighty included this fact in the Holy book of Qur’an as a proof that this book includes only right facts because people during years of civilizations used to mix facts with myths and legends. Therefore if Qur’an is a human made, we might find mixes of right and wrong facts inside it.

6.Concerning the scientific miracle in the Sunnah , the Hadith should be “Sahih” or “Hassan” so we don’t rely on a “weak” Hadith only if the

” weak” Hadith is in conformance with recent science because the “weak” Hadith doesn’t mean that it is wrong or not stated by prophet Mohamed peace be upon him but it means that there is a small possibility of that Hadith to be a right Hadith so we shouldn’t ignore it.

7.The researcher in the scientific miracle in Qur’an should know that the best one to explain Qur’an is the Qur’an itself then the Hadiths of the prophet and after that endeavors of old followers of the prophet peace be up on him and who followed those followers of the many considerable scholars.

8.We have to know that the scientific miracle is a target to make us nearer to Allah Almighty and to increase faith of Muslims, here we remember story of prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) as He Almighty says: (And (remember) when Ibrahim (Abraham) said, "My Lord! Show me how you give life to the dead." He (Allah) said: "Do you not believe?" He [Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: "Yes (I believe), but to be stronger in Faith." He said: "Take four birds, then cause them to incline towards you (then slaughter them, cut them into pieces), and then put a portion of them on every hill, and call them, they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise."){Sûrat Al-Baqarah- The Cow-verse 260 }.

Why don’t we discover these facts before the west?

Indeed, the reason is because of the nonfeasance of Muslims who neglect scientific researches. Late Muslims scholars who were perfect in the scientific fields and also who understood the Qur’an in the right way and accepted all divine orders to search in secrets of creation made a magnificent civilization for hundreds of years. Hence we believe that the best way is to build our sciences on bases of belief, because of that we may get many bounties from Allah who says: (Say (O Muhammad ): "All the bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He grants to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, the All-Knower."){ Sûrat Al-Imrân - The Family of Imran -verse73}

In case of any contradiction between Qur’an and science

We have to know that the one who descended Qur’an is the same one who created universe who is Allah Almighty, so it is impossible that Allah create things in a way and to tell us about these things in a different way in His book.

Therefore, we will find a complete conformance between scientific facts and the Qur’an if we understood both of them in the right way. Hence, if the science is in conformance with the verse so science is right and if not the science is definitely wrong. He Almighty says: (Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradiction.){Sûrat An-Nisâ’- The Women-verse82}

Bases of the numeric miracle

For more than one thousand years and Muslims scholars are searching in the numeric side of the Holy Qur’an, so that they counted verses, words and letters of Qur’an and tried to reach position of the middle of the Qur’an. But these statistics missed the needed accuracy because the scarcity of accurate statistical tools.

Old researchers used to commit a mistake which is the searching for the numerical symbols by substituting each letter by a number and to use the resulted number to come up to a specific result or a date of an event.

The most famous kind of symbols is “the sentences calculation” that was used by many old researchers, but what about this kind of calculation?

It depends on the substitution of each letter by a number so they used to *******:” alf”(A) by 1 , “baa”(B)by 2 and” taa”(c)by 3 etc… and the numbering differs from a civilization to another.

The problem is that this method doesn’t depend on any scientific base and it doesn’t provide any answer to why “alf” takes 1 and “ baa” takes 2 and “ taa” takes 3 etc……

In fact using this kind of researching doesn’t comply with the Islamic sharia so we should be away of this kind of researching.

Exaggerations that should be left away

Researchers in the numeric miracle in Qur’an may concentrate their efforts in searching between numbers and may overstate their finding; here they leave some other important sides about miracles in the Qur’an such as legislative miracle or the rhetorical miracle.

Hence, researcher should know that the numeric miracle is a small part of the many miracles in Qur’an and also must believe that both numeric and rhetorical miracles are existed in all words and letters of Qur’an.

Benefits of the numeric miracle

Some people used to minimize the importance of studying the numeric miracle and some of them are researchers and scientists as they believe that it is more important to study some koranic sciences such as: explanation, Islamic jurisprudence, worships, etc……

But we believe that this time is the era of numbers and technology advancement as this era is called the era of numeric technology as figures and numbers controls life of people and because Qur’an is valid in all time so that by exerting efforts we can find a numeric miracle in it as a challenge for all humanity.

So, the aim behind the search and study of the numeric miracle is to increase our faith by the ******** of this era, Allah Almighty says: (and the believers may increase in Faith){Sûrat Al-Muddaththir - The One Enveloped –verse31}. This miracle is a method to strengthen believe of believers as He Almighty says ( And that no doubts may be left for the people of the Scripture and the believers) {Sûrat Al-Muddaththir - The One Enveloped –verse31}

But those who don’t believe in the Qur’an and don’t consider that this holy book contain miracles, Allah says about people who are like them: (and that those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) and the disbelievers may say: "What Allah intends by this (curious) example?) {Sûrat Al-Muddaththir - The One Enveloped –verse31}

Today, we can find many people who attack Qur’an and claim that this book is not a divine act but it is a human made; here the hard mission of the numeric miracle appears as He Almighty says: (Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein many contradictions.){Sûrat An-Nisâ’- The Women –verse82}.

We confirm that this numeric miracle doesn’t exist at any other book all over the world through all civilizations.

Bases of the numeric miracle

Because we are studying the Holly book of Allah and to be apart of any doubt, some rules and bases should be used while searching in the numeric miracle of the Qur’an.

Any scientific research consists of three elements: data, methodology and results .data is the base of the research, if data are right and methodology

Is used in a right way the result will be definitely right and vice versa.

Principles of the data

data should be extracted from the Qur’an itself and not from any other source, the book of Allah is rich by many secrets and wonders so we don’t have to use any other source than the Qur’an, from one verse we can extract lot of information such as: number of words in the verse, number of letters in the verse, repeating of a word in the entire Qur’an etc……

Also the used technique should be consistent not to be according to the desire of the researcher without any scientific or legitimate base.

Principles of the methodology

Allah Almighty says about Qur’an: (Alif-Lam-Ra. (This is) a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected and then explained in detail from One (Allah), Who is All-Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things).){Sûrat Hûd -Prophet Hûd- verse1} so, the used methodology should be based on scientific and legitimate base.

But some researchers used to adopt nonscientific approaches: sometimes they make an addition, another time they use subtraction and they may use multiplication or division. Also they may erase the repeated letters to adjust their calculation according to their own desire.

Here, we should alert Muslims that some researchers may use figures in the Qur’an to make a future prediction but that is definitely unaccepted because He Almighty says: (And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none knows them but He){ Sûrat Al-An’âm - The Cattle -verse59}.

Hence the used methodology should be constant all the way without a change from verse to verse or Sûrat to another.

Principles of the results

The research must provide a result which contains a real miracle not by coincidence through mathematical probability rules.

Also the researcher should be alert that numbers in the numeric miracle is a method to see the numeric structure in the Qur’an and seeing that structure is the target not the numbers itself. Also researcher should not use these numbers in prediction for future events and not to use it as an indication for any political or any other event.

We believe that Qur’an contains all sciences and also it contains the past and the future, but the researcher must be careful and patient and should not fall in the trap to deduct the future or the unseen because if that deduction doesn’t happen in the future, that will be a chance for atheists and disbelievers to stimulate doubts not only about scientific miracle science but about the Qur’an and Islam itself.

("Our Lord Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, you are the Bestower.") { Sûrat Al-Imrân -The Family of Imran -verse8}.

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 05:46 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Numeric Miracle

The Miracle of Adam and Jesus

http://kaheel7.com/userimages/Jesus-adam-miracl.JPGMiraculously, the name of Jesus, PBUH, is repeated in the holy Qur’an 25 …

Allah, the almighty says in the holy Qur’an:
The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.” Al-i-Imran: 3: 59
Miraculously, the name of Jesus, PBUH, is repeated in the holy Qur’an 25 times and the name of Adam, PBUH, is repeated 25 times as well. It’s worth noting here that the seventh Qur’anic verse in which the name of Jesus, PBUH, is mentioned is exactly the same verse in which the name of Adam, PBUH, is mentioned. Besides, the nineteenth verse (out of 25 verses) in which the name of Adam, PBUH, is mentioned is in chapter 19,Mariam (Mary), and the name of Jesus, PBUH, is also mentioned for the nineteenth time in the same chapter, Mary. The question that needs be answered here is whether this is a mere coincidence or a miracle?
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

“Over it (hell) are Nineteen.”

http://kaheel7.com/Eng/images/stories/3%2840%29.jpg the name of God, Most Gracious,Most Merciful.” The number of its Arabic …

Allah, the almighty says in the holy Qur’an:
Over it are Nineteen.” Muddaththir: 74: 30 The first Qur’anic verse is “in the name of God, Most Gracious,Most Merciful.” The number of its Arabic letters is nineteen. The first word in this verse is bism, in the name of, and it's repeated 134 times in the holy Qur'an including the above verse that appears in all Qur'anic chapter and the last word in the above verse is raheem, most merciful and this word is repeated 227 times in the holy Qur’an. Amazingly, the total of 134 + 227 is 361 which is exactly the same as 19 × 19. The question is whether this is a coincidence or a divine miracle?
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 05:56 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles


Over it(hell) are Nineteen” 3

“ Yea, Woe to him; How he plotted!-20Then he looked round;21 Then he …

“ Yea, Woe to him; How he plotted!-20Then he looked round;21 Then he frowned and he scowled;22 Then he turned back and was haughty;23 Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old;24 "This is nothing but the word of a mortal!"25 Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire!26 And what will explain to thee what Hell-Fire is? 27 Naught doth it permit to endure, and naught doth it leave alone!-28 Darkening and changing the colour of man!29 Over it are Nineteen. 30 And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth Allah intend by this?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.” Muddaththir: 74: 20-31
The number of the Arabic letter qaf in chapter Qaf, chapter 50 in the holy Qur'an, is 57, a multiple of number 19 and the number of the same letter, qaf, in chapter 42, Shura, is also 57. It’s worth noting here that both chapters start with the letter qaf. The total of times the letter qaf is repeated in both chapters is 57 + 57 = 114, the same number as that of Qur’anic chapters. The word Qur'an also starts with the letter qaf. Besides, the number of the Arabic letters Ya and Sin in chapter 36, Ya- Sin, which is the heart of the holy Qur'an is 285, also a multiple of number 19. The order of this chapter according to the Qur’anic chapters which start with letters (mystic letters) is also 19. Such abundant numerical agreement is practical evidence that the holy Qur’an is a divine book and the word of Allah, the exalted.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:00 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The Number 19

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories/12341234.jpg The number of Qur’anic chapters, surahs is 114, a multiple of the number 19. Allah …

The number of Qur’anic chapters, surahs is 114, a multiple of the number 19. Allah, the almighty challenges all mankind and jinns to produce the like of the holy Qur’an; Allah says in the holy Qur’an:
“Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.” Isra’: 17:88
The number of words of the above verse, in Arabic, is nineteen and the number of its letters is 76, a multiple of the number 19 and the number of Arabic alphabets of which the above verse is written is also 19 letters and the total of 19+ 19 + 76= 114, the same number as that of the chapters of the holy Qur’an! We can’t but glorify Allah, the almighty who says in the holy Qur’an:
Over it are Nineteen.” Mudather: 74:30

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:01 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The number 309

http://kaheel7.com/eng/images/stories/22%284%29.jpg The people of the cave (Ashabu al-Kahaf) stayed in the cave for 309 years; amazingly, …

The people of the cave (Ashabu al-Kahaf) stayed in the cave for 309 years; amazingly, when we count the number of words of the story in the holy Qur’an starting with the first time the word “stayed” is mentioned: Then We roused them,
In order to test which
Of the two parties was best
At calculating the term
Of years they had tarried! (stayed) Cave: 12 (ibid) ending with the last time the same word “stayed” is mentioned: Say: "God knows best
How long they stayed: Cave: 26 (ibid) we’ll find that the total number of words is exactly and precisely 309 words i.e. the same number of years the people of the cave stayed in it!!!! More amazing though is the fact that the number of the word (one hundred) in the phrase three hundred is exactly three hundred. The question that needs be answered here is what does it mean to find that the number of words from the word "stayed" to "stayed" is equal to the number of years the people of the cave stayed in it? What does it also mean to find the number of the word three hundred consistent with what this word means? It means that Allah, the exalted is the one who revealed this surah and entrusted in it this numerical miracle so as to be a proof of Qur’anic genuineness and truthfulness.

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:03 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The Big Challenge

http://kaheel7.com/eng/images/stories/434344%282%29.jpgAllah, the exalted challenges mankind and jinns to produce the like of the holy Qur'an:
“Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof…

Allah, the exalted challenges mankind and jinns to produce the like of the holy Qur'an:
“Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.” Isra’: 17:88
The number of words of this verse is 19 and the number of the letters of the above verse is 76, a multiple of number 19 i.e. 19 × 4= 76 and the letters of which this verse is written in Arabic are qaf, lam, ya, alef, gem, ta, mem, e’in, non, sin, waw, tha, ha, za, ra, kaf, ba, da, tha, and they are exactly 19 letters. The question is what's the relationship between these numbers and the holy Qur’an?
Amazingly, the total of these numbers is 19+ 19 +76 =114 and the number of the chapters, surahs, of the holy Qur’an is exactly 114. The question is what does it mean to find a verse, the verse above, in the holy Qur'an that challenges mankind and jinns to produce the like of the holy Qur'an and then find that the number of words of this verse is 19 and the number of its letters is a multiple of 19 and the number of letters of which it's written is also 19 and then realise that the total of these numbers is 114, the same number as that of the chapters of the holy Qur’an? It means that such numbers could never be a coincidence, but are rather the ordering of Allah, the exalted in power, the omniscient. All glory to Allah.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:05 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Would you look at this ant!


Would you look at this ant! It has two jaws that are, according to entomologists, stronger than …


Would you look at this ant! It has two jaws that are, according to entomologists, stronger than the jaws of crocodiles of course if we take into consideration their sizes. According to an accurate study that was conducted on ants, it was found that when ants attach their prey, they hit them with their jaws in such a rapid manner that exceeds that of any wild animal. All glory to Allah, the almighty who entrusted all such secrets in these small weak creatures. The least of such secrets is that ants have a special ******** to communicate and warn each other against any danger. Aren’t ants worthy of being contemplated especially that the holy Qur’an has one chapter about ants; Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:
“At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "o ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it” Naml or Ants: 27: 18
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:07 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The colors and number seven

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories...943%281%29.jpg The word “colors” was repeated in Qur’an, is there any relation between number of colors of the light spectrum and number of repeating that word? Let us read….


A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multi coloured arc. The rainbow consists of seven colors as the following:


and the most strange thing is that the word ”colors” was mentioned in Qur’an seven times equals to the number of colors in the spectrum of light. Allah Almighty says:

1. (And whatsoever He has created for you on this earth of varying colors Verily! In this is a sign for people who remember){Sûrat An-Nahl- The Bees-verse13 }

2. ("Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying color wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think.){Sûrat An-Nahl- The Bees-verse69}

3. (And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your ********s and colors. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge){Sûrat Ar-Rûm- The Romans-verse22 }

4. (See you not that Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, and We produce therewith fruits of varying colors){Sûrat Fâtir- The Originator of Creation-verse27 }

5. (And among the mountains are streaks white and red, of varying colors and (others) very black.) ){Sûrat Fâtir- The Originator of Creation-verse27 }

6. (And of men and Ad*Dawab (moving living creatures, beasts, etc.), and cattle, in like manner of various colors) {Sûrat Fâtir- The Originator of Creation-verse28 }

7. (See you not, that Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, and causes it to penetrate the earth, (and then makes it to spring up) as water-springs and afterward thereby produces crops of different colors){Sûrat Az-Zumar- The Groups-verse21}

The question, is it a coincidence or a proof that Qur’an is a divine book?


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:09 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Numeric Secrets


Among the Qur’anic miracles is the Night (Lail) sura which confirms that night conceals everything …
Night in the Holy Qur’an:
Among the Qur’anic miracles is the Night (Lail) sura which confirms that night conceals everything, a fact that has been proven by cosmologists. Miraculously enough, the number of this sura according to Qur'anic order is 92 and the word night and all its derivations are repeated exactly 92 times in the Holy Qur'an, the same number as that of the Night sura!! Let's contemplate such harmony; could it possibly be a mere coincidence or is it rather the will of Allah, the Great, who has made the holy Qur’an a fundamental book with established and categorical meanings in all its verses?
Allah, the Almighty says:
“(This is) a Book,
With verses basic or fundamental
(Of established meaning),
Further explained in detail,—
From One Who is Wise
And Well-Acquainted (with al] things)"1 Hud: 1
Hell Gates:
Allah has made merely seven gates for hell; Allah, the Exalted says:
“To it are seven Gates:
For each of those Gates
Is a (special) class
(Of sinners) assigned." Hijr or the Rocky Tract: 44 (ibid)
The word hell is repeated 77 times in the Holy Qur’an; it's such a marvelous consistency that proves that the Qur'anic diction is fundamental with established meanings. Moreover, Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, informed us that hell is dark black and if we trace the word black as a color in the Holy Qur’an, we’ll find that it’s repeated exactly seven times, the same number as that of hell gates. Do you think that such numerical consistency is just haphazard?!
The Gates of Paradise:
Allah has made eight gates for paradise as Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, said in the Sahih hadith. If we consider the color of garments of the companions of the Garden, we’ll find it green. Allah, the Almighty says:
“And they will wear
Green garments of fine silk
And heavy brocade" Kahf or the Cave: 31 (ibid)
If we trace the word green as a color in the Holy Qur’an, we’ll realize that it’s repeated eight times, the exact number of the gates of paradise!!! Will you contemplate such a wonderful numerical consistency? Could it possibly be a coincidence?
Sujud (Prostration to Allah):
One of the Qur’anic suras is Sajda or Adoration whose number according to the Qur’anic order is 32. What’s astonishing about this sura is that its number is exactly the same as that of the times when prostration is repeated in the holy Qur'an, 32 times. Furthermore, this sura includes a prostration verse (which upon being recited, worshippers are supposed to prostrate):
“Only those believe
In Our Signs, who, when
They are recited to them,
Fall down in adoration,
And celebrate the praises
Of their Lord, nor are they
(Ever) puffed up with pride.” Sajda or Adoration: 15 (ibid)
The number of the above verse is 15 and the times when Muslims are asked to prostrate in the holy Qur’an is also 15!!! Could all these numerical consistencies be mere accidents???
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:11 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

This book sheds light upon a recent discovery centred around one of the most exciting topics in world religion and Islam in particular: the miracles of the Noble Qur’an …

This book sheds light upon a recent discovery centred around one of the most exciting topics in world religion and Islam in particular: the miracles of the Noble Qur’an. After studying thousands of Qur’anic words and passages, I have arrived at what can be considered the discovery of an intricate numeric system that rests within the verses of the Noble Qur’an. By the blessing of God Almighty, I have succeeded – after a detailed and methodical investigation – in proving both the existence and accuracy of this prolific numeric system, which comprehensively covers the Qur’an’s chapters, verses, words and letters.

This new phenomenon will be referred to as the ‘numeric miracle’ of the Qur’an.

The foundation and basis of this numeric system is the number 7, one of the most significant numbers in the Noble Qur’an1 (if not the most significant), and a hint, perhaps, that the Creator of the seven heavens is indeed the One Who sent down this Book, preserving it from distortion.

This work is an attempt at establishing firm scientific and ethical grounds on which to base any study of the numeric miracle. A sound scientific approach must be adhered to whenever Qur’anic numbers are analysed, and this is something that I have honoured throughout this study and hope that fellow researchers will honour as well.

A substantially large collection of profound numerical truths will be conveyed in this book. These include a study of the numeric arrangements found in the first verse of the Qur’an, the first chapter of the Qur’an, and other chapters across the Qur’an such as Surat2 Al-Ikhlas (Chapter: Sincerity), one of the shortest yet most important chapters. Furthermore, the numeric miracle has been analysed with respect to a single verse, a segment of a verse, and in one instance, the numeric consistencies of a single Qur’anic word have been explored.

In addition, this book tries to explain some of the secrets behind the mysterious disconnected letters of the Qur’an. These disconnected letters, which will be called ‘special phrases’, are unique letter combinations found at the beginning of about a quarter of the Qur’an’s chapters, and their meaning, to this very date, remains uncertain. The consensus of Muslim scholars has been that these letters are one of God’s Qur’anic miracles, and that only He knows their full meaning. This is a fact I neither doubt nor dare challenge, and by no means do I claim to have unravelled their entire wonders. Nevertheless, after studying them in much detail, I have reached the firm conclusion that at least one of the miracles inherent in these mystifying letters is indeed a numeric one.

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By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:13 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Miracle of ADAM and JESUS

The Qur’an contains many fabulous miracles, one of them is the numeric miracle of ADAM and JESUS peace be upon them …


References to 'ADAM' in QUR’AN

Chapter Number


And he taught Adam all the names



He said Adam! Inform them of their names



Prostrate yourselves before Adam



O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden.



Then Adam received Words from his Lord



Indeed! God chose Adam



Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam



Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam



Then We bade the angels bow down to Adam



O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden



O Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you



O Children of Adam! Let not Satan deceive you



O Children of Adam! Look to your adornment at every place of worship



O Children of Adam! If there come to you Messengers



And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam



Prostrate to Adam



Verily We have honored the Children of Adam



Prostrate to Adam



of the offspring of Adam



And indeed We made a covenant with Adam before



Prostrate yourselves to Adam



O Adam! Verily, this is an enemy to you and to your wife



O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity



Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray



Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Satan



References to JESUS’in QUR’AN

Chapter Number


We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear Signs



and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord



to Jesus the son of Mary We gave clear (Signs)



Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus



Then when Jesus came to know of their disbelief



O Jesus! I will take you and raise you to Myself



Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam



and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord



And because of their saying : We killed the Messiah Jesus son of Mary



we sent inspiration to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus



The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah



We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him



by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary



O Jesus , son of Mary! Remember My favour unto thee and unto thy mother



O Jesus the son of Mary! can thy Lord send down to us a table spread



Jesus, son of Mary, said: O Allah, our Lord



O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Worship me and my mother



And Zachariah and John and Jesus and Elias



Such is Jesus, son of Mary



and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus



that which We commended unto Abraham and Moses and Jesus



When Jesus came with Clear Signs



We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary



And remember Jesus the son of Mary



As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples


From the above table we have to demonstrate three amazing conclusions:
Allah Almighty says: (Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allah is the likeness of Adam){Sûrat Al-Imrân -The Family of Imran –verse 59}.
The first: is that the word Jesusis repeated in the Qur’an 25 times the same as the wordAdam!!!! The second: number of times the word Adam was mentioned from the beginning of the Qur’an up to this crucial verse is 7 times, and the number of times Jesus was mentioned from the beginning of the Qur’an up to this verse is also 7 times. The third: is that the word Adam is mentioned for the 19th time in the Qur’an and also the word Jesusis mentioned for the 19th time in chapter with the name Mary [Sûrat Maryam] which is the chapter number 19 in the holy Qur’an.
All of these conclusions are considered to be a coincidence or a miracle?!!!!!
Indeed it is a miracle because Allah Almighty made a challenge to all mankind and jinn by saying: (Say: "If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another."){Sûrat Al-Isrâ’-The Journey by Night -verse88}.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:15 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

My story began in the early ‘90s, when I met a young man who never registered to the whole concept of God and religion.…

We begin with the story behind this recent discovery, that of the numeric miracle of the Holy Qur’an. We will answer important questions, and respond to some criticism that has targeted this topic.


Among these questions are the following: What are the benefits, anyway, of the numeric miracle of the Qur’an, for both Muslims and non-Muslims? What is the story of Rashad Khalifa, the man who claimed both prophethood and the discovery of a mathematical system in the Qur’an? Does the mathematical technique known as Arabic gematria, or the Abjad numerals, hold any merit? What about the various recitations of the Qur’an, and do they contain a numeric miracle?

In this first part of the book, we will establish some important guidelines that must be followed when extracting numbers from the Holy Qur’an. We will also demonstrate that we have adhered to these guidelines, and to a sound scientific method that has been followed throughout this entire book. Finally, we will end with a brief, yet captivating numeric example from Surat al-Kahf (Chapter: The Cave).

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By: Abduldaem Al-Kahee

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:17 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

Among the real mysteries of the Holy Qur’an are those seemingly random letters found at
the forefront of about one quarter of the chapters of the Qur’an …

Among the real mysteries of the Holy Qur’an are those seemingly random letters found at the forefront of about one quarter of the chapters of the Qur’an. That being said, has the age arrived where we finally discover at least some of the secrets behind these ‘special’ letters? Can the ******** of numbers reveal some of their marvels?


Although scholars have never been able to fully explain the meaning behind these letters, most have appropriately given their opinion on the matter by saying, “God knows best!”.

Indeed, they did not discourage reflecting upon these letters and researching them. And as such, we have undertaken a detailed study into the arrangement and repetition of these mystifying letters, only to discover that underlying them is a most profound miracle of numbers.

In this part is an abundance of numeric illustrations depicting the relationship of these letters with the number 7, which is the basis of the these letters’ numeric system and the foundation of the numeric miracle in general. This part is also a response to any claims that the Holy Qur’an contains meaningless letters, because the numeric system behind the special letters is clear evidence of their inimitability, in today’s age of numbers and information.

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By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:18 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Free Book: Numeric Miracle In Every Verse

If we were to study every verse of the Holy Qur’an from a numerical point of view …
In this part, we discover new truths into the numeric system underlying the Holy Qur’an’s magnificent letters. We will yet again prove, through the ******** of numbers, that every verse carries with it an astounding numeric miracle that deserves pondering and reflection.
We will select different verses from across the Holy Qur’an in an attempt to show, by way of example, that God Almighty has deposited in each of His verses a number (or more!) that is a multiple of 7: a tangible indication that no human can replicate a verse, (even a word, as we will show!) similar to any in the Qur’an.
Indeed, one of the sheer wonders of this Book is that we find a miracle in each verse, and often in segments of verses, even in mere words, and that is what we will attempt to illustrate in the pages to follow….
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:20 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

“Al-Fatihah” means The Opening, and most fittingly, it is the opening chapter of the Holy Qur’an, and a chapter like no other,…Download free book...

“Al-Fatihah” means The Opening, and most fittingly, it is the opening chapter of the Holy Qur’an, and a chapter like no other, as the Prophet (pbuh) himself swore that God Almighty did not reveal any chapter which resembles Al-Fatihah in any Holy Scripture, be it the Old Testament, the New Testament, or the Holy Qur’an itself.

Having said this, we now embark on a magnificent journey with this captivating, albeit very short, chapter, but using one of the ********s of our 21st century: the simple ******** of numbers. The numeric patterns we are about to witness will not fail to fascinate, and remind us of the unintelligible wonders of this profound book that is the Holy Qur’an. This system of numeric perfection is but a concrete declaration that no other than God Almighty could have designed such a book and revealed its message to humanity.


The Greatness of Al-Fatihah

When the prophet (pbuh) spoke of the greatest chapter in the whole of the Qur’an, he explained that this chapter was: "Alhamdu-lillahi Rabbil-'Alamin (i.e. Surat Al-Fatihah) which is the seven oft-repeated verses (Al-Mathani) and the Grand Qur’an which has been given to me.” It is considered the mother of the Book, and on one occasion when God Almighty speaks of this Chapter in the Holy Qur’an, he mentions this chapter before mentioning the Qur’an itself: { And We have bestowed upon thee the Seven Oft-repeated (verses) (i.e. Surat Al-Fatihah) and the Grand Qur'an } [Al-Hijr, 15:87].

In addition, Al-Fatihah is the only chapter which features in all five of the daily prayers of Muslims. It is the first of the Qur’an’s 114 chapters, and God has chosen for it to consist of precisely 7 verses.

And now we may ask this question: Does this chapter carry with it an inherent miracle that is most suitable to our current age, and our modern times? Does the ******** of numbers play its part in deciphering a further layer of beauty about Al-Fatihah?

The idea behind this study is very simple, because Surat Al-Fatihah, like any other chapter, or any other text for that matter, contains words and letters, and those are the focus of our study. And after studying this brilliant chapter, we came to the unquestionable conclusion that the foundation of this numeric system of Al-Fatihah’s words and letters is the number 7. This indeed makes sense, especially because God Almighty deliberately referred to this chapter as the “Seven Oft-Repeated Verses”, thereby giving specific emphasis to the number of its verses. We will soon witness how all the numeric results related to this chapter are in fact perfect multiples of 7.


One thing we absolutely must remember is that the brilliant numeric consistencies in the Qur’an are not our ultimate goal per se. Just like the Qur’an contains scientific facts but is not a book of science, it contains numeric facts but is not a book of mathematics. These are simply a means to an end, an end which involves fully appreciating the perfection and wonders of this Book, but more importantly, the message and the guidance that it carries with it to all of mankind: { Verily this Qur'an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable), and giveth the Glad Tidings to the Believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward } [Al-Isra’, 17:9].

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By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:39 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Between Numeric and Universal Phenomena in the Holy Qur’an

Allah the Almighty has repeatedly cited the day and night, and the sun and moon in the Holy Qur’an, …
Allah the Almighty has repeatedly cited the day and night, and the sun and moon in the Holy Qur’an, in a manner that perfectly complies with the respective astronomical cycle of each; an indication of a sublime coherence between the universe and the Qur’an.
God Almighty is the One and Only Creator of the universe, and also the One who sent down the Holy Qur’an. Both are profound creations; we therefore believe that a certain pattern of consistency must exist between the universe and the Holy Qur’an.
The Moon’s Cycle
If we happen to go out on a moonlit night, take a picture of the full moon, then come back and take a picture the next night, there will be a difference, regardless of whether we notice it. This difference will be in terms of both its position in the sky and the amount of light that it reflects. The night after, it will again be slightly more different: its position will have somewhat changed, and it will no longer be the full moon it was two nights ago.

Performing the same experiment a month later will also give us different results, and none of the pictures we take will perfectly match. Here, we remember God Almighty’s words: {It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty), and measured out stages for her; that ye might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did God create this but in truth and righteousness. (Thus) doth He explain His Signs in detail, for those who understand.} [Yunus, 10:5].
And now we ask: when does the first picture we took repeat itself? In other words, when does the moon appear again both as a full moon and in the exact same position in the sky?
This question has been studied for thousands of years, and scientists have discovered that what is known as the Moon’s Metonic Cycle (named after the Greek astronomer Meton of Athens) occurs every 19 years. That first image we took of the moon will reassume precisely the same position as a full moon approximately 19 years later.
The Sidereal Period
There are many different types of orbital periods. The sidereal period is considered an object’s true orbital period, because it represents the time it takes a celestial ****** to make one full orbit around the sun, relative to the fixed stars. In astronomy, when an object’s ‘orbital period’ is mentioned without further explanation, it is naturally assumed that the sidereal period is being referred to.
That being said, the sidereal (or orbital) period of the moon is 27.3 days, which means that, approximately, the moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27 days. Similarly, the word “moon” is mentioned precisely 27 times in the Qur’an!
Please note that this differs from the moon’s synodic period of about 29.5 days, which is the time it takes the moon to return to approximately the same position as seen by an observer on Earth. This figure is not the moon’s actual orbital period, because it is affected by both the rotation of the Earth and the Earth’s revolution around the sun.

The Earth takes about 365 ¼ days to complete one full revolution around the sun. Furthermore, the sun orbits the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, and completes one full revolution in approximately 250 million years. Here, we are reminded of God Almighty wisdom when He states: {It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).} [Yaasin, 36:40].
When observing the rotation of electrons at atomic level, we find that they rotate from left to right, or counter-clockwise; the same direction as the various rotations and revolutions of the sun, moon and Earth. To be more specific, the moon rotates counter-clockwise around its orbit. Similarly, the moon performs counter-clockwise revolutions around the Earth. The same is true with regards to the Earth’s rotations around its own orbit and its revolutions around the sun. In short, all these celestial movements take place in one and the same direction; counter-clockwise, from left to right.
Putting this into perspective for Muslims in particular, during the Hajj season, Muslims complete seven laps around the Ka’aba in Mecca. The direction of movement of these worshippers is always from left to right, in perfect congruence with the rest of the universe.
God Almighty says:
{The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving!} [Al-Isra’, 17:44]
The Sun’s Cycle
The sun’s solar cycle is witnessed by counting the placement and frequency of visible sunspots on the sun, which appear as a result of intense magnetic activity. These sunspots face significant variations, rising and falling in an irregular cycle that takes place about every 11 years.
The Sun and Moon in the Qur’an
If we take a closer look at the verses of the Holy Qur’an, we notice that the word “sun” always comes before the word “moon”. For instance, God Almighty says: {God is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the throne (of authority); He has subjected the sun and the moon (to his Law)! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed. He doth regulate all affairs, explaining the signs in detail, that ye may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.} [Al-Ra’d, 13:2].
And from this, we can conclude from this that God indeed preceded the sun’s mention over the moon’s because the sun is the ultimate source of light. In other words, referring to the sun before the moon is but a sweet indication of the origin of the moon’s light, which is the sun, because the moon merely reflects the sun’s light and emanates no light in and of itself.
Another lovely fact that caught my attention was that “sun” is mentioned in the entire Qur’an more times than “moon”. That is, the word “sun” is mentioned precisely 33 times in the Qur’an, and the word “moon” is cited 27 times.
A Beautiful Meeting of Moon and Sun!
Astronomers have established that a natural 19-year cycle exists between the moon and the sun. That is, they interact together in a cycle which takes about 19 years to complete. Very interestingly, we find that the words “sun” and “moon” have been mentioned together exactly 19 times in the Holy Qur’an. In other words, there are precisely 19 Qur’anic verses which contain the combined phrase “the sun and the moon”.
Night and Day in the Qur’an
One of the important facts of our universe is that night originally prevailed before day or light ever appeared. That is, our universe, in the beginning of its existence, encountered a lengthy period of darkness, and afterwards, light and day emerged. In the same way that night appeared before day, we find that in the Qur’an, in all the verses which mention night and day, the word “night” always comes before “day”! For instance, God Almighty says: {He has made subject to you the Night and the Day; the sun and the moon; and the stars are in subjection by His Command: verily in this are Signs for men who are wise.} [Al-Nahl, 16:12].
Moreover, the word “night” is mentioned more times than the word “day”! That is, “night” is mentioned 92 times and “day” 57 times, making the very order of night and day in our universe consistent with the repetition of each phenomenon in the Qur’an.
The Night, the Day, the Sun and the Moon
The words “night”, “day”, “sun” and “moon” are all found in the Qur’an. However, they have been mentioned together in the same verse on two occasions, and interestingly, the order is the same on both occasions: “night” is mentioned first, followed by “day”, “sun”, and “moon”. For example, God says: {It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.} [Al-Anbiya’, 21:33]
But more amazingly, the number repetitions of each of these words in the Holy Qur’an is in that very same order: “Night” has been repeated the most, followed by “day”, then “sun”, and finally “moon”!
The word “night” is repeated 92 times.
The word “day” is repeated 57 times.
The word “sun” is repeated 33 times.
The word “moon” is repeated 27 times.
Qur’anic and Universal Compatibility!
God Almighty is the Creator of this universe and the One who revealed the Holy Qur’an to mankind. Therefore, it is necessary for consistency to be found between the Qur’an and the universe, and this was something that truly caught me by surprise when I came across the following profound numeric miracle.
We have already established that the moon reassumes the same form in exactly the same position every 19 years. The sun’s cycle, on the other hand, repeats itself every 11 years. In other words, we can say that the universal cycles of the sun and moon repeat themselves every (19 x 11) years, or every 209 years.
Since the degrees of dark and light (or night and day) are determined by the sun’s solar cycle and the moon’s metonic cycle, which are represented by the numbers 11 and 19 respectively, we can also say that the cycles of night, day, the sun and the moon repeat themselves every (19 x 11) years, or every 209 years.
That being said, when we count the repetitions of the words “night”, “day”, “sun” and “moon” across the entire Qur’an, we find that they are repeated:
92 + 57 + 33 + 27 = 209 times!
And the number 209 is equal to 19 x 11. In other words, the cycles of the night, the day, the sun and the moon take place every 209 years, and the repetition of those very four words in the Qur’an is also 209, resembling the exact number of those years!
The Miracles in Brief
1- The word “night” in the Qur’an always comes before the word “day”, and in this fact lies two observations, a universal and numeric observation. Universally, night, or darkness, originated first, and is accordingly mentioned first. Numerically, “night” is mentioned more times than “day”, and for that reason too, is accordingly mentioned first.
2- The word “sun” in the Qur’an always comes before the word “moon”, and again, our observations are the same. In our universe, the sun is the source of light, and the moon merely reflects this light, therefore, it is only fitting for it to be mentioned first. And in terms of numbers, “sun” is mentioned more times than “moon”, and it thus makes sense that it is mentioned first for that reason as well.
3- The words (The night and the day, and the sun and the moon) appear in that order wherever they are mentioned in the Qur’an (two instances), and there is also both a universal and numerical significance here. First, universally, night (or darkness) prevails over almost the entire universe. That is, it covers more than 99% of it. Day (or light) has its presence in less than 1% of the universe. Next comes the sun, which is larger than the moon, and so we notice a descending order in terms of size. Numerically, of course, as we stated before, the repetition of these words is also in the same descending order.
4- The sun’s solar cycle, which is a sign of day, is repeated every 11 years, and the moon’s Metonic cycle, which is a sign of night, is repeated ever 19 years. And the words “night”, “day”, “sun” and “moon” are repeated a total of 11 x 19 times in the Qur’an, in a manner that matches their respective cycles.
Finally, we can only ask: Could this beautiful coming together of universal and Qur’anic marvels have occurred by chance? Can coincidence be used to explain this immaculate compatibility, or is the Creator of this universe Himself the One who sent down this Holy Scripture? He explains in the Qur’an: {God is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs.} [Al-Zumar, 39:62].
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:42 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles

In this part, we experience a divine miracle in four words: the verse most recited in the life of every Muslim.…
It is the first verse of the Qur’an, commonly known as the “Basmala”: { In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful } Al-Fatihah, 1:1
Using the un*****ocal ******** of numbers, we will witness how every single letter in this verse carries with it a divine miracle, proving that such a verse could not have been the work of man.
We finally ask: Besides the Qur’an, does any book carry so many hidden numeric accuracies within its words? Can anyone realistically respond to the challenge of the Qur’an and produce a book, even a chapter, like it?
Recited constantly by millions of Muslims all over the world, the Basmala serves as a precursor to all their daily actions. Made up of only four Arabic words, saying this verse brings Muslims comfort and assurance that God is their true Lord and Protector, and that He alone answers their prayers.

But that is only true for those who believe in the message of the Qur’an. What about those who simply don’t? What about people who are sceptical about the Qur’an, or people who reject the very concept of God, and any notion of religion for that matter? What about people who only believe in literal reality, in science and all things tangible?
Could God have deposited in His Book literal proof that this Book is His indeed? Is there anything in this Book, and particularly in this verse, that tangibly proves not only the existence, but the true greatness of God Almighty?
Allah the Almighty, as we believe and will attempt to illustrate, has constructed the Holy Qur’an in a way that is based remarkably on the number 7. Without further ado, it’s time to plunge into the secrets of this verse in much more detail.
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By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:49 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Amazing Miracle in "Alrahman" Chapter

“Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?” Why is this Verse repeated 31 times in the same Chapter?….
This is a question that puzzled me for so long; I could not figure out why this particular verse occurs no less than 31 times in the Holy Qur’an and in the same Chapter, namely Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent). Let’s take a look at a wonderful numerical consistency.
Many are the puzzling phenomena that seem to elude us about the Qur’an. Such phenomena are a strong point of argument for people who question the validity of the Qur’an. Many sceptics, for instance, claim that the Qur’an is the written word of Muhammad (pbuh).
When certain verses are repeated many times, such as the verse mentioned above, one argument that sceptics present is that Muhammad used to forget what he wanted to write and therefore repeated the same verses over and over again. Therefore, to apply reason, we will assume that this argument may hold true, and say this: If Muhammad indeed did write the Qur’an and therefore this Chapter (The Beneficent), why then did he repeat this verse a total of 31 times? What is the wisdom behind such repetition, why such a peculiar number, and why isn’t only once enough?
Our belief, of course, is that Muhammad never wrote a single word of the Qur’an; that it is the word of God Almighty, and that He, in his great wisdom, placed secrets within its verses that, if uncovered will reveal an unprecedented miracle for any atheist living on Earth today!
After researching this Verse for some time, I discovered a profound numerical arrangement based on the central number of 7, an assurance that no unnecessary repetition exists in the Qur’an. Rather, it is a miraculously delicate consistency.
The number 7, as noted in previous research articles, has many wonderful implications throughout the Qur’an, and is the basis for all research relating to the Qur’an’s numerical miracle.
Therefore, I observed the Verses of “The Beneficent” where the Verse (Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?”) is repeated, and found that it is first cited in the 13th Verse and last cited in the 77th Verse of the Chapter. This is illustrated below:
The Most Gracious (Allah)! (1) Has taught (you mankind) the Quran (by His Mercy). (2) He created man. (3) He taught him eloquent speech. (4) The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning). (5) And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate. (6) And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance. (7) In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. (8) And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient. (9) And the earth He has put down (laid) for the creatures. (10) Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates). (11) And also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-scented plants. (12) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (13) He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery. (14) And the jinn He created from a smokeless flame of fire. (15)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (16) (He is) the Lord of the two easts (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the two wests (places of sunset during early summer and early winter). (17) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (18) He has let loose the two seas (the salt and the fresh water) meeting together. (19) Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress. (20) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (21)Out of them both come out pearl and coral. (22) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (23) And His are the ships going and coming in the seas, like mountains. (24) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (25) Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish. (26) And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever. (27) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (28)Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He is (engaged) in some affair (such as giving honour or disgrace to some, life or death to some, etc.)! (29) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (30) We shall attend to you, O you two classes (jinn and men)! (31) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (32) O assembly of jinn and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass beyond (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)! (33) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (34) There will be sent against you both, smokeless flames of fire and (molten) brass, and you will not be able to defend yourselves. (35) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (36) Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide. (37) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (38) So on that Day no question will be asked of man or jinn as to his sin, (because they have already been known from their faces either white or black). (39)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (40) The guilty will be known by their marks, and will be taken by the forelocks and the feet. (41) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (42) This is Hell which the guilty deny.(43) They will go between it (Hell) and the fierce boiling water! (44) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (45) But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise). (46) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (47)With spreading branches. (48) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (49) In them (both) will be two springs flowing (free). (50) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (51) In them (both) will be every kind of fruit in pairs. (52) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (53)Reclining upon the couches lined with silk brocade, and the fruits of the two Gardens will be near at hand. (54) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (55) In them will be (Maidens), chaste, restraining their glances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched. (56) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (57) (In beauty) they are like rubies and coral. (58) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (59) Is there any reward for good other than good? (60) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (61) And besides these two, there are two other Gardens (i.e. in Paradise). (62) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (63)Dark green (in colour). (64) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (65) In them (both) will be two springs gushing forth. (66) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (67)In them (both) will be fruits, and date- palms and pomegranates. (68) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (69) Therein (gardens) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful. (70) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (71) Fair ones, close guarded in pavilions; (72) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (73)whom no man or Jinn before them has touched. (74) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (75)Reclining on green cushions and rich beautiful mattresses. (76) Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (77)Blessed is the Name of your Lord (Allah), the Owner of Majesty and Honour. (78)

I have highlighted the repeated Verses in blue to make it easier for readers to check these facts for themselves. Counting these Verses, we find that they are 31, and their respective numbers are as follows:

13 16 18 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77
Arranging the numbers

It must be noted that in all our research of the numerical miracles, we follow the exact same method of arranging numbers, and that is by placing one number in front of the other, and reading the resulting number as it appears.

That being said, when we arrange the numbers of the 31 Verses shown above, the result is a huge 62-digit number:
77757371696765636159575553514947454240383634323028 252321181613

This large number, which represents the Verse numbers where (Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?), is, amazingly enough, a multiple of seven: a whole number with no decimals!

This coherence, to me at least, demonstrates that these Verses were perfectly assembled by God Almighty. Still, however, one may have his doubts. So what is the evidence that this did not simply happen by chance?
Reading from the opposite direction

The Verse we are dealing with talks about mankind and Jinns, and is a reminder for them of the endless blessings of God. Now, reading this 62-digit from the opposite direction; i.e. from right to left, we arrive at the following:

31618112325282032343638304245474941535557595163656 769617375777

Incredibly, this number is yet again a multiple of 7! Therefore, to reflect: the figure which represents the numbers of Verses where (Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?)is divisible by 7 in both directions, whichever way it is read. Is this not a powerful indication that no meaningless repetition exists in the Qur’an, but a perfect numerical system instead?

No coincidence in the Qur’an

Still, one may continue to claim that the possibility of coincidence cannot be completely ruled out. Hence, we search further.

At this point, it is crucial to ask: Why 31? Why is this verse not repeated 32 or 30 times? What is the wisdom behind this number? Confronted with these questions, I did a simple experiment. Numbering the repeated Verses in sequential order (i.e. 1-2-3-4...31), I placed the resulting number as shown below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
To my surprise, this was a multiple of 7! And, applying the same logic as the example above, I read the number from right to left, and then found that the number, namely:

12345678901112131415161718191021222324252627282920 313
to be perfectly divisible by 7!!

This, for me, erases any doubt as to the possibility of coincidence.
Please note, that in the above example, had the Verse numbers been in any other order (e.g. the first repeated Verse was Verse [12] rather than Verse [13]), the resulting number would have not been divisible by 7, and would have had decimals. Also, had the number of Verses been 30 or 32 instead of 31, all the above numbers would have not been divisible by 7, and would have all had decimals!
31 Again
Another beautiful consistency I noticed relates to the following Verse of the Chapter we dealt with, The Beneficent. It reads: (We shall attend to you, O you two classes (jinns and men)! (The Beneficent: 31). In Arabic, these ‘jinns and men’ are referred to in this Verse in just one word, namely (Ath-thaqalan). It should be noted that this is the only Qur’anic reference to both mankind and jinns collectively in one word. So I wondered: is there any relationship between this Verse and the repeated Verses, which directly address jinns and men?
I realised that that Verse was the 31st Verse of the Chapter! In other words, the number of repeated Verses which directly address jinns and men are 31, and so is the Verse number where they are collectively addressed in one word. Again, we find that this consistency could not have easily arrived by chance.
The Results
To reflect upon our results we found that:

  • The 62-digit number comprised of the Verse numbers representing the repeated Verse (Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?) is a multiple of 7, read from both directions.
  • The 53-digit number comprised of the numbers 1 through to 31 in serial order, is also a multiple of 7, read from both directions.
  • Any arrangement of numbers other than that used above as indicated by the Holy Qur’an would have contradicted this numerical consistency and resulted in numbers that were not multiples of 7 and therefore not whole numbers.
Please note that a normal calculator cannot usually perform such large calculations. In this case, even some scientific calculators may not arrive at a perfect number without decimals. To make life easier for those wishing to crunch the numbers for themselves, we have provided a useful link below that assists in this.
In the end, we can only say that Glory be to Allah for these wonderful miracles. At the same time, we say that all opinions and judgments are respected, regardless of whether readers choose to believe what is presented. In our modest opinion, however, it is only through the wisdom of God Almighty that these numbers were arranged with such perfection, confirming that this Holy Book is not one of repetition, but a profound miracle in every sense of the word. And it is He, God Almighty, who says: (And say: Praise be to Allah who will show you His Signs so that ye shall know them, And thy Lord is not unaware of what ye do.) [Al-Naml (The Ants): 93].
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

The Million Digit Calculator
Indeed, God Almighty has organised the letters, words, Verses and Chapters of his Book based upon this number, as proof that the author of the Holy Qur’an is in fact the Creator of the seven heavens and the universe.

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 21-02-2014 06:51 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Numeric Miracle in the First Verse

We'll see a numerical miracle in the first verse of Holy Koran: "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful "….

When Allah sent down the holy Koran, He filled it with all proofs that would lead mankind to the divinity of this book, each with the tongue of his era. So, as long as atheists, nowadays, do not believe anything except the ******** of numbers, Allah has blessed us with the discovery of the numeric miracles in the Koran, that we offer to our readers for free, but for the sake of Allah, Glorified be Him.

Our Creator, Hollowed be Him, has set for His holy book a perfect system of writing so that no human being is able to do a similar thing. Allah has arranged the letters and words according to a wonderful, unique mathematic system. Among these arrangements, we come across with a marvellous mathematic system in the Koran that concerns the distribution of the letters of God’s names: Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. These are the first names mentioned in the Koran.

The idea behind this paper is based on the studying of these names in the first verse of Koran: ‘In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful’. The result will show that the distribution of the letters of these words comes in harmony with number 7.

The miracle comes out of the counting of the letters of the name ‘Allah’ in each word of the verse, so we are not going to count all the letters but only those of the name ‘Allah’: Alif, Lam, Haâ:

N.B.: the counting is that of the Arabic letters

﴿ÈöÓúãö﴾/In The name: 0Alif Haa Lam

﴿Çááåö﴾/Allah 4Alif Haa Lam

﴿ÇáÑøóÍúãäö﴾/The Most Gracious :2Alif Haa Lam

﴿ÇáÑøóÍöíãö﴾/The Most Mercifu:2Alif Haa Lam

We, then, in front of a series of numbers : 0-4-2-2, each number represents how much letters alif, lam, haâ, the word contains. Thus, we rewrite the numbers to have the following:

ÈöÓúãö Çááå ÇáÑøóÍúãäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

[In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful]

2 2 4 0

The final number 2240 is a multiple of 7 so that:

2240 = 7 × 320

Whoever wants to look, in the Koran, for Allah’s name ‘arrahmane’ (The Most Gracious) they will find that it is mentioned whenever there is a state of adversity or when there is a glorifying of Allah (Great be Him), like in the verse : “For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) Most Gracious that He should beget a son” [Maryam:92]; on the other hand, Allah’s name ‘arrahim’ (The Most Merciful) is mentioned whenever there is a stating of mercy, forgiveness and repentance, as in: “Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft Forgiving Most Merciful” [ The Crowds: 53].

Therefore, we are face to face with two opposed ranges of linguistic and semantic meaning, and we ask: what about the numeric system of these two words? Is it possible that we will find the same contrast as in the linguistic meaning? This is, in fact, what we are going to in the following secion.

1- The distribution of the letters of Allah’s name ‘arrahmane’ (The Most Gracious):

if we write all the words of the bassmalah, and each word we put the corresponding number that represent the number of arrahmane’s letters (laif, lam, raâ, haâ, mim and noune: all are Arabic letters), we will have the following result:

ÈöÓúãö Çááå ÇáÑøóÍúãäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

5 6 3 1

The final number that represents the distribution of arrahamne’s letters all through the bassmalah is 5631 from left to right, and 1365 from right to left. 1365 is a multiple of 7:

1365 = 7 × 195

2- The distribution of arrahime’s ( The Most Merciful) letters in the bassmalah:

now we write the words of the bassmalah and under each word we put the corresponding number that represents the number of arrahime’s letters (The Most Merciful) in the word:

ÈöÓúãö Çááå ÇáÑøóÍúãäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

6 5 3 1

The distribution of the above letters in this verse is represented in the number 6531, which is a multiple of 7!

6531 = 7 × 933

Now, we write again all the distributions, and we observe one more:

The distribution of Allah’s letters:

2 2 4 0

The distribution of arrahmane’s letters:

5 6 3 1

The distribution of arrahime’s letters:

6 5 3 1

The number that represents the distribution of Allah’s name is read from left to right and it is a multiple of 7. the number that represents that distribution of arrahmane’s letters is read from right to left, and it is a multiple of 7 too. The last number that concerns the name arrahime’s, is read from left to right, and it is a multiple of 7!

Then, there are three opposed directions: right, left, right.; these directions signify that there is nothing haphazard, and that this system was not set be a human being!

Then, this perfect numeric system just tells the absolute truth. The reading of the number has been reversed when the meaning is inverted too. This conclusion proves that there are two ways of reading the numbers in the Koran, and it is all about the meaning of the Koranic text, and I wonder whether these are the repeated couples Allah speaks of in The Crowd chapter?

ÇáÑøóÍúãäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

This can be one answer to the couples that was mentioned in The Crowd chapter: “Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful message in the form of a Book consistent with itself (Yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord” [39/23].

And it is only Allah who knows everything.

These coordination and arrangements of different numbers with 7, leads us to question: is this all a work of haphazard? Does chance play such a role to give us the above results that are wonderfully arranged? We say : "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord"…


In the holy Koran, there are114 bassmalah (the fragment that says ‘in the name of Allah the Most Gracious, he Most Merciful’, distributed according to a particular system all through the Koran’s chapters so that in the beginning of each chapter we read ‘in the name of Allah the Most Gracious, he Most Merciful’ except for the Repentance chapter where the bassmalah is absent; yet, there is another chapter, The Ants, where the bassmalah has been repeated twice, at the beginning and in the 30th verse: “it is from Salomon and it is in the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” [27/30].

What makes this distribution pretty much wonderful, the fact that it has an precise arrangement through which Allah shows us that He, the Almighty, has protected His holy book to the Last Day.

I have tried to study the distribution of these bassmalahs all through the Koran, and what is most marvellous is that I found a surprising harmony of these bassmalahs with number 7! But how is it?


I tried to ******* each chapter with a given number, which concerns the repetition of the bassmalah in this chapter; likewise, the Opening chapter will take number 1 as it contains one bassmalah; The Cow chapter also will take number 1, and the same for The Family of Imrane chapter…and so on, until we reach The Repentance chapter which will take number 0 because it contains no bassmalah while The Ants chapter will take the number 2, for it contains two bassmalahs…

After ranging these numbers we will have the following number, that contains 114 number, i.e. the same as the number of the Koran’s chapters:




We can see that all the chapters have taken number 1 except for The Repentance chapter that took number 0 for it contains no bassmalah, and The Ants chapter that took number 2 because it contains two bassmalahs. The final number we get is written along three lines.

This big number, that contains 114 number, is a multiple of 114 in two ways however we read it, from right to left or from left to right. The wonderful thing about this number is that it contains 19 segments, each segment is a multiple of 7, but why is it 19? And the answer is that the number of the bassmalah’s letters is 19!

111111 11011 111111 111111 1112111 111111 111111

111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111

111111 111111 111111 111111 111111

Dear reader, think about the bigness of this number and how we found that it is a multiple of 7, either if we read it from left to right or from right to left!! And think about the number 19, and how each segment is a multiple of 7, so do you think that this system of a book was made by a human being?

Obviously, the number we first got should be written on one lien, but because there was no space I was obliged to write it on three lines; here lies the wonder of the whole matter! Was this harmony with number 7 on two ways a work of chance? And do chance and fate have the same role for number 19 that is the same as the number of the bassmalah’s letters and in two ways too? But say “it (this book) was revealed by the one who knows the secret (of everything)….


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:07 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Beautiful Findings: The Numerical Miracle of Surat Al-Fatiha

In describing the Holy Qur’an, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once explained that this is a Book whose wonders shall not cease, and whose marvels shall never be old.….
It is every Muslim’s belief that this Holy Book is one for all people and all ages, and one that will forever stand the test of time and never become obsolete. And in today’s age of technology and numbers, we are confronted with a new and profound Qur’anic miracle that speaks the ******** of this age; a mesmerising indication of the truth of the Holy Qur’an, and a proof that its words could not have been altered.
The First Chapter of the Qur’an
One of our guides to this new type of miracle – the numerical miracle of the Qur’an – is none other than the very first Chapter of the Qur’an, namely “Surat Al-Fatiha” (Chapter: The Opening), where we discover numerous examples of numerical phenomena centred around the number 7.
And this is not strange, for in the Qur’an, God Almighty has in fact called this Chapter “The Seven Mathani” i.e. The Seven Oft Repeated Verses: (We have given thee seven of the oft repeated (Verses) (i.e. Surat Al-Fatiha) and the Grand Qur’an) [Al-Hijr, 15:87] (Stone Land, 15:87).
Therefore, we shall demonstrate that the numerical truths inherent in this opening Chapter are all consistently multiples of this central number of 7, to declare that God Almighty, the Creator of the seven heavens and the universe, is also the One who authored the divine words of the Holy Qur’an.
Please note that various explanations of the abovementioned Verse, as well as sayings of the Prophet Muhammad have come to show that the 'Seven Oft Repeated Verses' is a reference to Surat Al-Fatiha. Surat Al-Fatiha is indeed an oft-repeated Chapter, because Muslims repeat this Chapter in all of their daily prayers and it is the one Chapter which every Muslim has most certainly memorised by heart. In the context of Fact 6, we shall refer to Surat Al-Fatiha as the 'Seven Mathani' Chapter, and to the abovementioned Verse as the 'Seven Mathani' Verse. To put it briefly, 'Mathani' is Arabic for 'Oft-Repeated'.
So why was the number 7 attributed to this Chapter?
The following 20 facts represent a modest effort at proving the existence of a numerical miracle in Surat Al-Fatiha, which no human can possibly manufacture. The foundation of this miracle will always be the number 7.
Fact 1
The first Chapter in the Qur’an, Surat Al-Fatiha, which is considered “Umm Al-Kitab” (The Mother of the Book), consists of 7 Verses.
Similarly, the number 7 has a significant presence in the life of every person and every believer in particular. There are 7 heavens, the Earth’s crust has 7 layers, the Earth has 7 atmospheric layers, the days of the week are 7 and there are 7 continents. Specifically for Muslims, when performing “Hajj” in Mecca, they complete 7 laps around the Ka’aba. In addition, a Muslim in prayer prostrates on 7 body parts (face, 2 hands, 2 knees, 2 feet), and the importance of this number is often noted in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.
Please note that the number 7, as discussed in other research articles, has many wonderful implications throughout the Qur’an, and is the basis for all research relating to the Qur’an’s numerical miracle. Indeed, God Almighty has organised the letters, words, Verses and Chapters of his Book based upon this number, as proof that the author of the Holy Qur’an is in fact the Creator of the seven heavens and the universe.
Furthermore, according to Muslims, God Almighty has created 7 doors to Hellfire, and the word “Hellfire” (Ìåäã) happens to be repeated in the Qur’an exactly 77 times; this number is our first example of a multiple of 7:
“Hellfire” is mentioned in the Qur’an 77 times, or 11 x 7
Fact 2
We don’t expect people to be convinced yet; this is only the start.
The Arabic ******** is the ******** of the Qur’an, and the number of letters in the Arabic alphabet is 28. This number, of course, is divisible by 7:
There are 28 Arabic letters in the Qur’an, or 4 x 7
In addition, out of these 28 letters, only 7 letters are not used in Surat Al-Fatiha
(Ë- Ì- Î- Ò- Ô- Ù- Ý). This means that 21 Arabic letters are used in this Chapter, and again, this number is a multiple of 7:

Number of Arabic letters used in Surat Al-Fatiha is 21, or 3 x 7
Fact 3
The Holy Qur’an contains some ‘special letters’ which create ‘special words’ that are used as the opening Verses of 29 Chapters. We call them ‘special’ because the full meaning behind these seemingly disconnected characters ((Çáã¡ ØÓã¡ ßåíÚÕ... has not yet been fully understood, but the number of different ‘special letters’ used – without any repetition – is exactly 14:
‘Special letters’ used in the Qur’an (without repetition) are 14, or 2 x 7
Interestingly enough, all 14 letters are used in Surat Al-Fatiha, and these 14 letters are repeated exactly 119 times in this Chapter; another encounter with a multiple of 7:
‘Special letters’ used in Surat Al-Fatiha (without repetition) are 14, or 2 x 7
‘Special letters’ used in Surat Al-Fatiha (with repetition) are 119, or 17 x 7
Fact 4
This is one of the more intriguing examples. The letters comprising the word “Allah” in Arabic, namely (Çááå), are 3, and these are “Alif” (Ã), “Laam” (á), and “Haa’” (å), and counting the instances when these letters are repeated in Surat Al-Fatiha, we find exactly 49, a multiple of 7:
The letters making up the Arabic word for Allah (Çááå): ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ and ‘Haa’ are repeated in Surat Al-Fatiha 49 times, or 7 x 7
Fact 5
We mentioned that there are 14 ‘special letters’ in the Qur’an. We also mentioned that these letters make up ‘special words’ which are used as the opening Verses of 29 Qur’anic Chapters. This number, however, includes repetitions. For example, (ÇáÜÜÑ) is a ‘special word’ which is used as the opening Verse of several Chapters. And ignoring any repetition, the number of different ‘special words’ is also 14, just like the number of ‘special letters’.
That being said, the first ‘special word’ in the Qur’an is (ÇáÜÜã), which is the first Verse in Surat Al-Baqara (Chapter: The Cow), the second Chapter of the Qur’an. Now, taking the three letters which create (ÇáÜÜã) separately, we will look for the repetition of each separate letter in Surat Al-Fatiha. We find that ‘Alif’ (Ã), ‘Laam’ (á) and ‘Meem’ (ã) are repeated 22, 22 and 15 times respectively as follows:
Meem(ã) Laam (á) Alif (Ã)
15 22 22
It must be noted that in all our research of the numerical miracle, we follow one consistent method of arranging numbers, and that is by doing so in the order in which they are logically read in Arabic, i.e. from right to left. In other words, the numbers above create the 6-digit whole number 152222.
The number we arrive at above is, amazingly, perfectly divisible by 7:
The repetition of the three special letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’ (ÇáÜÜã)separately in Surat Al-Fatiha forms 152222, or 21746 x 7
Fact 6
The same above exercise will be applied to what is known as the ‘Basmala’. The Basmala is the first Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha, (ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã) (In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful). The Basmala, which is also found elsewhere in the Qur’an, is a commonly recited Verse that Muslims normally repeat before commencing any activity in their daily lives.
As is well known amongst Muslims, there are different ways of reciting the Qur’an. Some types of recitations don’t actually treat the Basmala as a Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha, and recitation begins from the second Verse onwards! Despite this, however, we still find a numerical arrangement based on the number 7 in this very Verse.
The three letters (ÇáÜÜã) are cited in the Basmala as follows:
Meem(ã) Laam (á) Alif (Ã)
3 4 3
This produces the number 343, which (you guessed it) is a multiple of 7 once again:
The repetition of the three letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ and ‘Meem’(ÇáÜÜã) in the Basmala forms 343, or 49 x 7
Fact 7
The Verse which speaks about Surat Al-Fatiha is the 87th Verse of Surat Al-Hijr:
(We have given thee seven of the oft repeated (Verses) (i.e. Surat Al-Fatiha) and the Grand Qur’an) [Al-Hijr, 15:87] (Stone Land, 15:87).
God Almighty has placed this Verse in Surat Al-Hijr, a Chapter in which the first Verse is a “special phrase”, namely(ÇáÜÜÑ). The question here is whether any connection related to the number 7 exists.
As we did in Fact 5, we will now take the three letters which comprise (ÇáÜÜÑ) separately, and look for repetitions of each separate letter in this Verse. We find that ‘Alif’ (Ã), ‘Laam’ (á) and ‘Raa’ (Ñ) are repeated 7 times, 4 times and 1 time respectively.
Raa(Ñ) Laam (á) Alif (Ã)
1 4 7
The resulting number – 147 – is a multiple of 7, not once, but twice:
The repetition of the letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ and ‘Raa’(ÇáÜÜÑ)separately in the 87th Verse of Surat Al-Hijr (The 'Seven Mathani' Verse) forms 147, or 3 x 7 x 7
Continuing, we find that incredibly, the repetition of the very same letters in Surat Al Fatiha also divides by 7 twice!! Indeed, ‘Alif’ (Ã), ‘Laam’ (á) and ‘Raa’ (Ñ) are repeated 22 times, 22 times and 8 times respectively:
Raa(Ñ) Laam (á) Alif (Ã)
8 22 22
This number – 82222 – also divides by 7 twice:
The repetition of the three letters ‘Alif’, ‘Laam’ and ‘Raa’(ÇáÜÜÑ)separately in Surat Al-Fatiha (The 'Seven Mathani' Chapter) forms 82222, or 1678 x 7 x 7
And that is not all. We actually find another link between the 'Seven Mathani' Chapter (Surat Al-Fatiha) and the 'Seven Mathani' Verse in Surat Al-Hijr. It relates to the number of words in each of these. Surat Al-Fatiha comprises of 31 words and the 'Seven Mathani' Verse comprises of 9 words:
Word Count in '7 Mathani' Verse Word Count in '7 Mathani' Chapter
9 31
The number we arrive at – 931 – is once again, a multiple of 7 twice:
The number of words in the 'Seven Mathani' Chapter and the 'Seven Mathani' Verse forms 931, or 19 x 7 x 7
We now reflect: The 87th Verse of Surat Al-Hijr speaks of Surat Al-Fatiha, which is known as the Seven Oft-Repeated Verses, or the 'Seven Mathani' Chapter. The repetition of the three separate letters of the 'special phrase' (ÇáÜÜÑ) in this Verse forms a multiple of seven twice. Similarly, the repetition of these separate letters in Surat Al-Fatiha itself forms a multiple of seven twice. And incredibly, the number of words in both Surat Al-Fatiha and this 87th Verse of Surat Al-Hijr forms a number which divides by seven twice!
Is this not a profound example of concise arrangement worth pondering upon?
Fact 8
One of the beauties of Surat Al-Fatiha is that it links the beginning of the Qur'an to its end, with the number 7 placed at the heart of this connection. That being said, the first Chapter in the Qur'an, Surat Al-Fatiha, is Chapter 1, and the last Chapter of the Qur'an, Surat Al-Nas [Chapter: Mankind] is Chapter 114. These two numbers come together to form 1141, a multiple of 7:
The Chapter numbers of the first and last Chapters of the Qur'an form 1141, or 163 x 7
Fact 9
Similar to the above fact, we find a link between the first Verse and the last Verse in the Qur'an. The first Verse is of course the opening Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha, namely (ÈöÓúãö Çááøóåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö)(In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) [Al-Fatiha, 1:1]. The number of letters in each of its four words are 6 – 6 – 4 – 3 respectively. The number 6643 indeed divides by 7:
The number of letters in each word of the first Verse of the Quran forms 6643, or 949 x 7
To avoid inconsistency, we consult the last Verse of the Qur'an,(ãöäó ÇáúÌöäøóÉö æóÇáäøóÇÓö) (Of the jinn and of mankind) [Al-Nas, 114:6]. The number of letters in each of its four words are 5 – 1 – 5 – 2 respectively. The outcome, 5152, is also a multiple of 7:
The number of letters in each word of the last Verse of the Quran forms 5152, or 736 x 7
Fact 10
Having found a link in both the first and last Chapter and the first and last Verse, we shall now tackle more delicate grounds by looking at the first and last word in the Qur'an.
The very first word is(ÈÓã) (In the Name of) and the last word is(ÇáäÇÓ) (mankind). Searching for these words throughout the Qur'an, the first word (ÇÓã) (i.e. Name) is cited 22 times in the Qur'an, and the last word (ÇáäÇÓ)is cited 241 times. Again, the resulting number – 24122 – is a perfect multiple of 7:
The repetition of the first and last word in the Qur'an forms 24122, or 3446 x 7
Pondering upon these findings, we have witnessed a connection between the first and last Chapter, the first and last Verse and even the first and last word of the Qur'an. The method used for finding this connection has always been one and the same, and the basis of this connection has always been the number 7. The question that begs itself is: can this simply boil down to pure coincidence?
Fact 11
Such consistency is not merely limited to both ends of the Qur'an. Rather, it is even found in the beginning and end of Surat Al-Fatiha.
That being said, the first Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha, (ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã), consists of 19 letters. The last Verse of this Chapter,
(ÕÑØ ÇáÐíä ÃäÚãÊ Úáíåã ÛíÑ ÇáãÛÖæÈ Úáíåã æáÇ ÇáÖÇáíä), consists of 43 letters.
Combining these numbers, 4319, we arrive at a multiple of 7:
The number of letters in the first and last Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha forms 4319, or 617 x 7
And to remove the possibility of coincidence, we shall count the letters of both these Verses again, but this time without any repetition (i.e. the letters of the alphabet contained in these two Verses). We now find that the first and last Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha contain 10 and 16 alphabetical letters respectively. The outcome, 1610, gives a multiple of 7 once again:
The number of letters (without repetition) in the first and last Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha forms 1610, or 230 x 7
Finally, we point out that the number of words in the first Verse is 4, and the number of words in the last Verse is 10. Therefore, the total number of words in both Verses is 14, a multiple of 7:
The total number of words in the first and last Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha is 14, or 2 x 7
Fact 12
This mesmerising fact answers the following question: Why did God Almighty divide Surat Al-Fatiha into seven Verses?
The answer, of course, is that God’s wisdom is ultimate, and we will never know the entire reason behind this and many other phenomena because our knowledge will always be limited, but we can at least attempt to identify some traces of the answer.
We also believe that a profound numerical miracle exists to help explain the division of Surat Al-Fatiha into seven Verses. That being said, each Verse of this Chapter ends with a particular word; these words are as follows:
(ÇáÑÍíã – ÇáÚáãíä - ÇáÑÍíã – ÇáÏíä– äÓÊÚíä – ÇáãÓÊÞíã – ÇáÖÇáíä)
These words are called the ‘breaks’ or ‘intervals’ of a Chapter, because they separate between each Verse.
Incredibly, the letters of these seven words have come to present an astounding numerical result based on the number 7. Counting the number of letters in each separate word, we arrive at the following: 7 – 8 – 6 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 6. This number, 7865676, divides by 7 an astounding 5 times!
The number of letters in each separate ‘interval’ word in Surat Al-Fatiha forms 7865676, or 468 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
Fact 13
Every Chapter in the Qur’an is identified by two numbers: The Chapter number and the number of Verses. And one of the wonders of Surat Al-Fatiha is its connection with other significant Chapters of the Qur’an with respect to these two numbers.
One of these Chapters is Surat Al-Ikhlas (Chapter: Sincerity), a Chapter about which the Prophet Muhammad once commented, saying that reciting it equalled one third of the Qur’an in reward. To explain further, Surat Al-Fatiha is Chapter 1 and its Verses are 7. Surat Al-Ikhlas is Chapter 112 and its Verses are 4. These numbers are, as always, arranged in logical order (i.e. Surat Al-Fatiha first, its Chapter number followed by the number of its Verses, followed by Surat Al-Ikhlas, etc.). This leaves us with 4 – 112 – 7 – 1, a multiple of 7:
The Chapter number and number of Verses of both Surat Al-Fatiha and Surat Al-Ikhlas are arranged to form 411271, or 58753 x 7
Fact 14
The exact same connection observed in the fact above is found with two Chapters that the Prophet Muhammad frequently recited. These are the last two Chapters of the Qur’an, namely Surat Al-Falaq (Chapter: The Daybreak, Dawn) and Surat Al-Nas (Chapter: Mankind). They are also known as “Al-Mu'awwithatain” (The two Chapters of refuge), since both begin with “Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of…”
Therefore, applying the same logic that was followed in Fact 13, Surat Al-Fatiha is Chapter 1 and its Verses are 7, and Surat Al-Falaq is Chapter 113 and its Verses are 5. We are left with 5 – 113 – 7 – 1, a multiple of 7:
The Chapter number and number of Verses of both Surat Al-Fatiha and Surat Al-Falaq are arranged to form 511371, or 73053 x 7
As for Surat Al-Nas, we find that it is Chapter 114 and its Verses are 6. The outcome is 6 – 114 – 7 – 1, a number which divides by 7 yet again:
The Chapter number and number of Verses of both Surat Al-Fatiha and Surat Al-Nas are arranged to form 611471, or 87353 x 7
And now to reflect: Surat Al-Fatiha is linked to the last three Chapters of the Qur’an on a numerical level, in precisely the same way, and the foundation of all these connections is the number 7. And had the Chapter number or number of Verses of any of the above Chapters differed by no more than one digit, the entire test would have failed miserably, because we would have arrived at decimals rather than whole numbers.


ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:11 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Beautiful Findings: The Numerical Miracle of Surat Al-Fatiha

Fact 15

All the numbers related to Surat Al-Fatiha are in fact connected with each other on the same basis (yes, the number 7!).

In other words, Surat Al-Fatiha is Chapter 1, it has 7 Verses and consists of exactly 31 words. These numbers give 31 – 7 – 1, which is a multiple of 7:

The Chapter number, number of Verses and number of words are arranged to form 3171, or 453 x 7


Fact 16

Facts 4 told us that Allah’s name in Arabic, (Çááå), is made up of three letters, namely “Alif” (Ã), “Laam” (á), and “Haa’” (å), and these three letters are found 49 times in Surat Al-Fatiha.

Revisiting this fact, we now ask: How exactly were these three letters arranged in this Chapter? This is better illustrated below, by presenting Surat Al-Fatiha entirely, as it is read in the Qur’an (the 3 letters are each highlighted in a different colour):

(ÈÓã ÇááÜåÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã * ÇáÍãÏ ááÜå ÑÈ ÇáÚáãíä * ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã * ãáß íæã ÇáÏíä * ÅíÇß äÚÈÏ æÅíÇß äÓÊÚíä* ÇåÏäÇÇáÕÑØ ÇáãÓÊÞíã * ÕÑØ ÇáÐíä ÃäÚãÊ Úáíåã ÛíÑ ÇáãÛÖæÈ Úáíåã æáÇÇáÖÇáíä)

We will now look for the three letters that comprise the name of (Çááå) in each of the Chapter’s 31 words. The first word, (ÈÓã), contains none of these letters, therefore the first number is zero. The second, (Çááå), has 4 of these letters (i.e. ‘Alif’ once, ‘Laam’ twice, and ‘Haa’ once) and so on. The number we arrive at is 31 digits long:


And believe it or not, as large as this number is, it divides perfectly by 7 (no decimals!!!):

The repetition of the three letters comprising the word (Çááå) in each word of Surat Al-Fatiha forms 4202202120223020022012230322240

or 600314588603288574573175760320 x 7

Again, if any of the 31 digits had been any different, this consistency would have been shattered by the appearance of decimals.

Fact 17

Now, we look for the three letters comprising God Almighty’s name, (Çááå), in each of the Basmala’s four words. The resulting number is 2240, and surely enough, it divides by 7:

The repetition of the three letters comprising the word (Çááå) in each word of the Basmala is 2240, or 320 x 7

Isn’t this like a watermark signature on behalf of God Almighty, a hidden confirmation that it is none other than He who authored the Holy Qur’an?

Fact 18

This fact demonstrates to us that the precision of the numerical miracle is so profound, to the extent that it covers all the letters of Surat Al-Fatiha.

As we stated in Fact 2, 21 different Arabic letters are used in Surat Al-Fatiha. We shall now illustrate how frequently each of these letters is repeated in this Chapter, in descending order (from most to least frequently repeated letter). The result is as follows:

à á ã í ä Ñ Ú åÜ Í È Ï æ Ó ß Ê Õ Ø Û Ö Þ Ð

1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 11 14 15 22 22

The 26-digit number, 11222233344455681114152222, is a perfect multiple of 7!

The repetition of the all the letters of Surat Al-Fatiha, arranged in descending order, forms 11222233344455681114152222, or 1603176192065097302021746 x 7

Could the Prophet Muhammad have possibly manufactured and hidden such a perfect numerical code within the Verses of the Qur’an?

Fact 19

Despite the example shown above in Fact 18, some people may claim that the large number we arrived at is only a coincidence. We respect all opinions despite our beliefs. And to be frank, although we find it highly unlikely, the possibility of coincidence is not impossible.

Therefore, we apply the same logic that was followed in previous facts, where we performed the same experiment twice: Once by taking Surat Al-Fatiha as a whole, and once by considering the Basmala on its own.

In the previous fact, we examined the repetition of the letters of Surat Al-Fatiha as a whole, and now, we shall look for the repetition of the letters of the Basmala alone.

The Basmala, of course, is (ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã). It consists of 10 different Arabic letters. Again, we write the frequency of each letter below in descending order:

á ã Ã Ñ Í È Ó åÜ ä í

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

Surely enough, this number, 1111122334, passes the test of divisibility by 7:

The repetition of the all letters of the Basmala, arranged in descending order, form 1111122334, or 158731762 x 7

Fact 20

Someone may ask: ‘You only addressed the Qur’an in its textual form. What about the pronunciation of the Qur’an’s words? Is there anything miraculous about it?’ To this, we confidently say that the scope of the numerical miracle covers both the written and recited word of the Qur’an.

Having said that, a quick Arabic lesson needs to be learnt by those who are unfamiliar with the ********. Some Arabic words contain letters that are pronounced twice but written only once. This is known as consonant doubling, and the technical term is ‘gemination’. In Arabic, this is known as ‘tashdiid’. “Instead of writing the letter twice, Arabic has a diacritical symbol that is written above the doubled consonant which shows that it is pronounced with twice the emphasis.”[1] The name of this symbol is ‘shadda’ (intensification), and it looks like this: ø (looks like a mini ‘w’). So for example, the word ‘very’ in Arabic is ÌÏøÇð. The transliteration of this word is ‘jidd-an’. The letter ‘d’ is the *****alent of the letter ‘Ï ’ in Arabic. Notice, however, that the English letter ‘d’ is written twice, while the Arabic letter ‘Ï ’ is written just once. Instead of writing ‘Ï ’ twice, the ‘shadda’ is inserted to represent the need to emphasise the double ‘d’ sound, i.e. it is written as ÌÏøÇð to illustrate ‘tashdiid’.

Therefore, we ask: Are these ‘shadda’ letters involved in any numerical arrangement?

The answer is that there are exactly 14 such letters in Surat Al-Fatiha, and this is the first multiple of 7. But more interesting is the way in which these 14 letters are arranged in this Chapter. Indeed, this Chapter consists of seven Verses, and each Verse contains a particular number of “shadda” letters:

Verse Number: [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1]

Number of “shadda” letters: 3 1 2 1 2 2 3

The number 3121223 is a multiple of 7:

The number of “shadda” letters arranged according to their appearance in each Verse of Surat Al-Fatiha forms 3121223, or 445889 x 7

That is not all, however. Even more astonishing is the order in which these 14 letters are found across the 31 words of Surat Al-Fatiha. Below, we have reproduced the entire Chapter, highlighting the 14 “shadda” letters:

(ÈÓã Çááøå ÇáÑøÍãä ÇáÑøÍíã. ÇáÍãÏ áÜáøå ÑÈø ÇáÚáãíä. ÇáÑøÍãä ÇáÑøÍíã. ãáß íæã ÇáÏøíä. ÅíøÇß äÚÈÏ æÅíøóÇß äÓÊÚíä. ÇåÏäÇ ÇáÕøÑØ ÇáãÓÊÞíã. ÕÑØ ÇáøÐíä ÃäÚãÊ Úáíåã ÛíÑ ÇáãÛÖæÈ Úáíåã æáÇ ÇáÖøóÇáøíä)

We will now look for the number of “shadda” letters in each word of Surat Al-Fatiha. Clearly, this number will be very large, and will include many zeros, but nevertheless, it is as follows:


And incredibly, this massive number is none other than a multiple of 7!

The number of “shadda” letters in each word of Surat Al-Fatiha forms 2000000010010010011001101101110 =

285714287144287144428728728730 x 7

Upon reflection, we say: When reciting Surat Al-Fatiha, the number of “shadda” letters represents a multiple of 7. Furthermore, the arrangement of these letters in every Verse of this Chapter represents a multiple of 7. And finally, counting the number of “shadda” letters in each word of this Chapter gives us a 31-digit number that, again, is a multiple of 7.

Miracle or just A Coincidence?

Finally, we must put matters into perspective by logically considering the above facts. How indeed did this series of consistent numerical arrangements take place?

There are only two available possibilities here: Coincidence or miracle.

Although coincidence simply cannot occur in one Chapter as frequently as it did with Surat Al-Fatiha, we can nevertheless mathematically calculate the probability of coincidence using the simple law of probabilities.

Thus, in any literary text, the probability of deriving a number that divides by 7 is 1/7. The probability of deriving two numbers that divide by 7 is 1/7 x 7, or 1/49. The probability of deriving three numbers that are multiples of 7 is 1/7 x 7 x 7, or 1/343. As we can see, the probability of coincidence diminishes with every additional number divisible by 7.

And as we discovered with Surat Al-Fatiha, more than 30 multiples of 7 were extracted! Mathematically, the probability of this being mere coincidence is 1/7 x 7 x 7 x 7…30 times! In other words, this is approximately 0.000000000000000000000000044%. Therefore, coincidence is logically out of the question.

It is at such moments when we remember the profound Verses of challenge in the Qur’an:

(Let them then produce a recital like unto it (the Quran) if they are truthful) (Al-Tuur, 52:34) [The Mount, 52:34].

(Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support) (Al-Isra’, 17:88) [The Night Journey, 17:88].

(Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other than God, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy) (Al-Nisa’, 4:82) [Women, 4:82].



It is crucial to note that the various numerical methods explored above, from arranging numbers to finding sequences and patterns linking words to numbers, are all very recently discovered techniques. This is only one way in which the Holy Qur’an exceeds modern science and technology in wisdom and knowledge.

Also, the accuracy of the above calculations must be appreciated. The wonders of Surat Al-Fatiha have been presented in light of absolute numerical precision; the numbers we arrived at, no matter how large, were always multiples of 7; this means that they were always whole numbers with no decimals!

The numerical consistencies and arrangements successfully prevailed in all our examples. This accuracy was maintained everywhere from the Chapter numbers, numbers of Verses, numbers of words, and even the numbers of letters. It must be stated that the meticulous care for detail is unparalleled in any other book, and is something that humans are unable to fully comprehend, let alone produce.

We must also stop and admire the Arabic ********, and particularly the Arabic of the Qur’an. This is because the Qur’an, in its textual form is written in classical Arabic, and the way in which some words are written in classical Arabic differs from modern Arabic as we know it today. For example, in Surat Al-Fatiha, the word ÕÑØ))is found in the seventh Verse. In modern Arabic, this word is written with an additional letter “Alif” (Ã), making it ÕÑÇØ)). Had this been the way this small word was written in the Chapter, many of the facts discussed above would simply have become incorrect, and the numerical arrangement would have been completely falsified.This tells us that the exact wording of the Qur’an has been preserved, and that the divine precision of the Holy Qur’an stretches to the very minute of details.

We appreciate the fact that people who don’t know Arabic may find some difficulty in easily following every detailed fact, and have therefore attempted to explain things as simply as possible. However, the beauty of the numerical miracle, of course, is that it speaks the ******** of numbers, a universal ******** that people of all tongues can relate to with relative ease.

We found that some of the numbers that were derived were significantly large, which means that a normal calculator does not usually suffice, and even a scientific one may not necessarily provide the intended result. We therefore provided a useful link to an online calculator that performs such large calculations, and gives answers up to one million digits, meaning that readers can clearly see whether a number contains decimals or not. That is, if our normal calculators at home are not sufficient enough to perform such calculations, what calculator could the Prophet Muhammad have used 1400 years ago, if he indeed was the one who designed the numerical miracle?

The Qur’an defends itself in the following Verse:

(Or do they say, "He (Muhammad pbuh) forged it"? say: "Bring then a Surah (Chapter) like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can besides God, if it be ye speak the truth!") (Yunus, 10:38) [Jonah, 10:38].

Indeed, for anyone doubting the miracle of the Qur’an, we simply present to them the Qur’an’s challenge, and say that regardless the author of the Qur’an, this challenge has not yet been matched, even in this day and age. Also, can anyone realistically come up with a Chapter like Surat Al-Fatiha, which contains a similarly unique numerical arrangement, whilst preserving meaning, context, wisdom and profound ******** throughout the Chapter? This is simply beyond the scope of human competence, which is why the divine challenges of the Qur’an have persisted more than 14 centuries after the Qur’an was revealed.

Indeed, it is but a never-ending miracle. Allah says: (Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind, that they may reflect) (Al-Hashr, 59:21) [Exile, 59:21].


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

[1] Ryding, K. (2005) A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic, 1st ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p:24.

[2] The Million Digit Calculator

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ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:16 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Free Book: Secrets Of Numeric Miracle

We offer to our readers this free book which gives a new vision on numeric miracle in the Holy Quran….
The book contains many numerical facts which increases the believe and trust in Allah All Mighty. In 72 pages we'll see amazing relationships between the numbers and words of Holy Quran. The miracle of word "ALLAH" , the miracle of "Basmalah" , the miracle of "Jesus" peace be upon him, the miracle of "Alif Lam Meem" and many other miracles…
Download the book (PDF 566 kb)

We hope you spread this free book among your friends and non-Muslims
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:18 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Number 11: A witness to the Oneness of God

Like the words of Allah have no end, also the numbers Allah has mentioned are infinite. And this is a miracle regarding to number 11 in Holy Quran….
If we really want to see the Koranic miraculousness and comprehend the greatness of each miracle of Allah’s (swt) verses, then we have to analyse the miraculousness within the one verse, inside each Koranic text, which itself contains many marvellous verses, and even in a small fragment from one verse. On the other hand, we can also analyse a given miracle in only one word and its repetition in the holy Book.
The Koran is not a poetic text on which we can apply a rule or a single rhyme or meter, nay! In the book of Allah, each verse is miraculous; each chapter is great. I say, each letter is astonishing!
This general vision of the miraculousness of the Koran needs a lot of scientific researches, and each research there must be a presentation of one side of the miracles: numeric, linguistic, scientific…
In fact, this is what we are doing through a series of Koranic researches. These researches will draw an excellent idea about he numeric miraculousness of the Koran; this is why every and any question, the reader may ask, will be answered, if not in this research, then in the next episodes, Allah’s willing.
The Oneness of God and His Most Beautiful Names:
Like the words of Allah have no end, also the numbers Allah has mentioned are infinite. Likewise, the miraculousness is not limited around number 7. There is much more numbers (too numerous to be counted) which really contain magnificent miracles. It is, then, the case for number 11. Number is a single, prime number, which cannot be divided only on itself or on number 1. Its existence in the holy Book of Allah is only a strong proof of His Oneness .
The second number, we may encounter, is number 99; the latter represents Allah’s Most Beautiful Names, and its existence in the Koran proves again that Allah has 99 Name. Then, verily it is what dear prophet, Mohamed has said.

Number 11: A testimony to Allah’s Oneness :
In the following paragraphs, we will observe together wonderful coordinations with number 11; this number is one of the many proofs to the Aloneness of the One who has set down the Koran. But before we start representing some wonderful realities, limited to number 11, we just must mention that the verse ‘(1)Say: He is Allah the One and Only’ (Þá åæ Çááå ÃÍÏ) contains 11 letters.
The repetition of the ‘Basmalah’/ “In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful”:
In the words of this fragment [“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful”], there is always a given number of words’ repetition as following:
*the word ‘in the name’ (ÈÓã) is mentioned in the whole Book 22 times,
*the word ‘Allah’(Çááå )mentioned in the whole Book 2699 times
*the word ‘The Most Gracious’(ÇáÑÍãä) is mentioned in the whole Book 57 times
*the word ‘The Most Merciful’(ÇáÑÍíã) is mentioned the whole Book 115 times
Let’s now put these data in a table, where we can observe the wonders of these repetitions:
ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
22 2699 57 115
These numbers ranged together give the number 11557269922; the latter is made up of 11 classes. This same number is a multiple of 11 :
11557269922 = 11 × 1050660902
Even if we gather the numbers above, the result is a number multiple of 11:
22 + 2699 + 57 + 115 = 2893 / 2893 = 11 × 263
The number 263 is made up of numbers, once gathered, give the number 11:
3 + 6 + 2 = 11
Some given letters and the repetitions of the word ‘Allah’:
The number of the letters of ‘Allah’ =4 (in Arabic of course!), and it was mentioned 2699 times in the Koran.
Then both numbers, if ranged, are related with 11:
2699 (how much ‘Allah’ was mentioned) 4 (the number of ‘Allah’’s letters)
26994, that is resulted, is a multiple of 11:
26994 = 11 × 2454
and now, let me ask these two questions: “where was ‘Allah’ first mentioned?” and “where was it last mentioned?”, then “did Allah truly organise the numbers of chapters and verses to coordinate with His Holy Name?”

Read the following:
The first time the word ‘Allah’ is mentioned is in this verse: ‘in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful’ (1:1) and last it was mentioned in this verse: ‘(2)Allah the Eternal Absolute’ (2:112)
The first verse:
the number of the verse the number of the chapter
1 1
The last verse:
the number of the verse the number of the chapter
2 112
The first: 11 and the second: 2112. So, 2112 next to 11 gives the number 211211, which is a multiple of 11:
211211 = 11 × 19201
But what is more puzzling is that the number of each verse is a multiple of 11:
1 next to 11 gives 111:
111=11*11 (for the first verse)
2 next to 112 gives 2112:
The repetitions of the letters:
In (ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã)/ ‘in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful’, the Arabic letter ‘Alif’ is mentioned 3 times; ‘lam’ is mentioned 4 times and ‘haâ’ is mentioned one time:
‘Haâ’ ‘Lam’ ‘Alif’ [ ÇáÃáÝ ÇááÇã ÇáåÇÁ]
1 4 3
*The number 143 is a multiple of 11: 143= 11*13!
As for the last verse, ‘(2)Allah the Eternal Absolute’ (2:112), we have :
Haâ’ ‘Lam’ ‘Alif’
1 3 2
*The number 132 again is a multiple of 11:
132= 11*12
Now, there is something more beautiful. ‘ Allah’’s letters are also mentioned in another miraculous way based on 111, just to be sure that Allah is ONE and LONELY!
Look at these coordinations:
((ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã (Çááå ÇáÕãÏ)
Ç áÜÜáÜÜÜå Ç áÜáÜÜå (Allah)
3 4 4 1 2 3 3 1
= 111 × 13 = 111 × 12
The repetitions of the letters of the word ‘Allah’ in the first verse:
Haâ’ ‘lam’ ‘Lam’ ‘Alif’
1 4 4 3
The number we have, i.e. 1443 is a multiple of 111: 1443 = 111*13
And in the verse ‘Allah the Eternal Absolute) we have this:
Haâ’ ‘Lam’ ‘Lam’ ‘Alif’
1 3 3 2
Again, the number 1332 is a multiple of 111: 1332= 111*12
Hallowed be God! Even if we have twice mentioned the letter ‘lam’, the number is always repeated once. This is how these repetitions are strong, undoubted demonstration to the Oneness of The One God.

The number 99 and The Most Beautiful Names:
In the first verse: ‘in the name of Allah, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful’, there are three Names of Allah: Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful
Each of these has been mentioned for a specific number in the Koran, as following:
The Most Merciful The Most Gracious Allah
115 57 2699
The arrangement of these three numbers gives: 115572699, which is a multiple of 99:
115572699 = 99 × 1167401
And what is really surprising is that gathering these numbers also gives a number multiple of 99:
2699 + 57 + 115 = 2871 2871 = 99 × 29
More wonders! If we change the place of ‘Allah’ and ‘The Most Gracious’, in this way:
The Most Merciful Allah The Most Gracious
115 2699 57
We will have this number: 115269957, and it is a multiple of 99: 115269957 = 99 × 1164343
This perfect, amazing system is only an evidence with which we can easily argue anyone and everyone that what Allah has said in this verse: (110)Say: "Call upon Allah or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names (110:17) is unquestionably right and true!
‘Allah the Eternal Absolute’:
this is the first verse of ‘Alikhlas’ (the sincerity) chapter; it claims that Allah is One and Lonely God. The number of the letters of the word ‘Allah’ in this verse is as following:
Haâ Lam Lam Alif
2 3 3 2
The result of the arrangement of these numbers is 2332; it is a multiple of 11:
2332 = 11 × 212
This wonderful coordinations can be applied on the whole chapter of ‘Alikhlas’, as following:
(Þõáú åõæó Çááøóåõ ÃóÍóÏñ * Çááøóåõ ÇáÕøóãóÏõ * áóãú íóáöÏú æóáóãú íõæáóÏú * æóáóãú íóßõä áøóåõ ßõÝõæÇð ÃóÍóÏñ)

“(1)Say: He is Allah the One and Only; (2)Allah the Eternal Absolute; (3)He begetteth not nor is He begotten;(4)And there is none like unto Him”
Haâ Lam Lam Alif / Ç áÜÜÜÜáÜÜÜÜå
4 12 12 6
This number, 412126, which represents the repetitions of the letters of the word ‘Allah’ in ‘Alkhlas’ chapter, is a multiple of 11 for two times and in two directions:
412126 = 11 × 11 × 3406
Its reverse: 621214 = 11 × 11 × 5134
These results witness that Allah has organised the letters of His great Name in each verse and each word perfectly!
Numbers, which proves Allah’s Oneness :
Allah, the Wisest, has chosen for His Majesty, a name that is ‘Allah’. This name is about three letters:
  • Alif: repeated in ‘Allah’ one time 1
  • Lam: repeated in ‘Allah’ two times 2
  • Haâ: repeated in ‘Allah’ one time 1
We range theses numbers, and we get this: 121, which is once again a multiple of 11:
121 = 11 × 11
But wait for more! If we write the word ‘Allah’ and change each letter with the corresponding number, we will have:
Haâ lam lam alif
1 2 2 1
Range these numbers and you will get 1221 which is about: 11*111!
1221 = 11 × 111
And look again at this beautiful picture:
Ç á åÜÇ á á åÜ
1 2 1 1 2 2 1
= 11 × 11 = 11 × 111
Don’t you get it?! Dear reader, observe now with small concentration how number 1 is repeated, either in 11 or in 111. Aren’t these numbers true testimonies to the Oneness and Oneness of God?!
Is it All?
Truly, these scientific realities we have been presenting all along this research don’t even represent a single drop of the great ocean of the miraculousness of the Holy Koran. And if we can write books as many atoms as there are in the universe, the wonders of this book will never end! And how will the miracles of Allah’s words end?!
This numeric miracle we have seen in this research is a strong demonstration that this book, the Koran, can speak to anybody, at any time and everywhere. You know it; the numeric ********, nowadays, is the ******** the entire world can understand. Likewise, we easily prove, through this numeric ********, that dear prophet Mohamed was sent to all humankind to the end of this world.
Now, let us hear these divine, striking words from Allah’s Book:(158)Say: "O men! I am sent unto you all as the apostle of Allah to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He that giveth both life and death. So believe in Allah and His apostle the unlettered Prophet who believed in Allah and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided."
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

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ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:20 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The Miracle of "Jesus"

We'll see an amazing system for the repetition of ‘Jesus the son of Merriam’. It is clear numeric miracle confirms the divine source of Holy Quran….

If you want to know who is Jesus (peace be upon him), then read the Koran! You know why, because Koran is the sole holy book that contains all certain realities. Likewise, we notice that Allah has put in the name of prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) a great numeric miracle, which unveils the numeric ******** of Koran, for we must be sure that Koran is Right. This miracle is based on number seven and its multiples; the latter is another proof that Koran has been revealed by the Lord of the seven heavens, Hallowed be Him.

In this research, we use the method of ‘arranging the numbers’, which is in fact a mathematic method called ‘the decimal series’, i.e. each limit is multiplied ten times than the preceding limit; or in other words, in this research we read the numbers like they are and do not gather them.

An amazing system for the repetition of ‘Jesus the son of Merriam’:

When we look for the word ‘Issah’ (Jesus) in the Koran, we find that it was repeated all in all 25 times, and the word ‘son’ was mentioned 35 times, and finally the word ‘Merriam’ was mentioned 34 times. We write these numbers arranged in this way:

Merriam the son of Jesus

ÚíÓì ÇÈä ãÑíã

34 35 25

The number which represents the repetitions of these words is a multiple of seven:

25 35 34 = 7 × 49075

The same can be said for the letters of ‘Jesus the son of Merriam’: ‘Jesus’ contains 4 letters, ‘the son of’ contains 3 and ‘Merriam’ contains 4.

Merriam the son of Jesus

ÚíÓì ÇÈä ãÑíã

4 3 4

434 = 7 × 62

You see ! we have discovered a wonderful system special to the name of Jesus ‘Jesus the Son of Merriam’ , yet there are forms for this same name as ‘The Messiah the son of Merriam’, so is there another perfect system for this form?

A marvellous system for the repetition of ‘The Messiah the son of Merriam’ found in the Koran:

‘The Messiah’ is repeated 11 times in the Koran whereas ‘The son of’ is cited 35 times and ‘Merriam’ as we saw it is mentioned 34 times. Let us write these words and the numbers for which they are repeated in this way:

Merriam the son of The Messiah

ÇáãÓíÍ ÇÈä ãÑíã

34 35 11

The resulting number, i.e. 113534, is a multiple of seven!

Accordingly, I claim that the repetition of the expression ‘The Messiah the son of Merriam’ agrees with the koranic system based on number seven.

Allah says in The Women chapter, verse 171: ‘Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an Apostle of Allah’. As I have been reading this divine description of Jesus, I noticed that the letters of this expression : Christ Jesus the son of Mary was an Apostle of Allah, agree in a wonderful way with number seven. We write the expression and the number of letters:

Christ Jesus the son of Mary [was (no more than)] an Apostle [of] Allah

The resulting number is again a multiple of seven:

444346 = 7 × 63478

Now look at the surprising remark: if we gather the numbers constituting this number, we will have number 25:

6 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 = (25)

25 represents the repetitions of the word ‘ Jesus’ in the Koran, and the number 63478, what results if we divide 444346 by 7, is a multiple of seven and 34; 34 represents how many time ‘Merriam’ was repeated in the Koran:

63478 = 34 × 1867

Another miraculous system for the repeating of ‘Merriam’:

Look at these agreements between the word ‘Merriam’, ‘Messiah’ and ‘Jesus’; all these words’ repetitions consist of an accurate system based on number seven. We know that Merriam is Jesus’ mother (peace be upon them all), so what can relate the two:

Messiah Merriam

11 34

1134 is a number multiple of 7:

1134 = 7 × 162

If we do the same for the words ‘Merriam’ and ‘Jesus’, we will have:

Jesus Merriam

25 34

And 2534 is another number that is multiple of 7:

2534 = 7 × 362

We try now to gather the three words’ repetitions:

34 + 11 + 25 = 70

Awesome! Isn’t it? Number 70 is a multiple of seven: 70=7*10

And even the gathering of the words ‘Messiah’ ‘Jesus’ ‘The son of’ ‘Merriam’ will give a number multiple of 7:

11 + 25 + 35 + 34 = 105

105 = 7 × 15

And we reask the same question:

Is it possible to come across such wonderful, accurate system? It is God The Almighty who has created everything; it is He who has organised the realities, for they would witness His oneness, witness that Jesus The Son of Merriam is Allah’s word and spirit .

This system (based on seven) of the repetition of Jesus’ name in the Koran coordinating with seven is a strong testimony that what dear prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) brought is about the same thing dear prophet Jesus brought. It proves that Allah , the All-Knowing has organised the name of this prophet according to system based on 7,to tell us that the One who has revealed the Koran is the Lord of the seven heavens, Hallowed be Him from what they say.

You, dear reader, if you want really to read the real bible then read the Holy Koran!

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:26 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Introduction To The Numeric Miracles

Some believes that the miracles of the Koran are in its eloquence, ******** and fluency, not in its numbers!....
Praised be Allah, The Lord of all human kinds, The One who said in His Holy Book: ‘ And We have sent down on thee the book to be a demonstration for everything and a guidance and a mercy and a good news for those who submit’, and peace and prayers may be upon His prophet (saas), the mercy and the interceder for the believers, and on his family and companions.
A lot of doubts have been raised around the numeric miracles of the Koran. Some considers it a useless matter to study the numbers of the Koran because (as they see it) Koran is a book of guidance, orders and rules and not a book of maths and numbers!
Some believes that the miracles of the Koran are in its eloquence, ******** and fluency, not in its numbers! Therefore, some readers will question about the accuracy of the books that deal with the numeric miracles of Koran, and how much exacts are the results these books give? Nevertheless, what is astonishing is that some people completely deny the numeric miracle of Koran.
But why do scholars put away maths from Koran? And are there any misconceptions built around this science only because some errors were made by Rashad Khalifa ( the first to deal with this subject for the passing 25 years) and others?
Concerning these confusions, we are going to stop at the answering of the many questions and critics the numeric miracles face nowadays. Moreover, we have to make it clear and understandable how important this new field is, and what are the things any researcher should respect and the others they should avoid.
We are going to expose objectively all the critics and answer them frankly; therefore, the motive behind this paper is our love and fear for the protection of Koran and the demonstration of the truth and the reality. Then we have to pray the Lord for sincerity and knowledge.
Now, we have to start with this question:
Who is Rashad Khalifa?
Since hundreds of years, Muslim scholars have looked for the numeric miracles of the Koran. They counted its verses, its chapters, its letters and its words. Yet, their calculations often faced some inaccuracies because of the difficulty of the matter.
If we follow the writings, which deal with this subject, produced since Ibn Araby and the counting of the ‘ letters for numbers’ ( djummal), up to the era of Rashad Khalifa and his hypothesis concerning the number 19, we ultimately find a lot of errors and misinterpretations that are far from being logically scientific.
This man has taken some numeric realties found in the Koran as a favour, that of the number 19, and he has considered that Koran is built all in all on this number. However, what he has claimed has been wronged and his results have been denied. Thus, the numbers he has chosen for his book The Miracle of the Koran are not exact at all.
Some of the most important examples he has mentioned in his research is about the first verse: ‘ in the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful’ ( the Bassmalah) being repeated in the Koran 19 times. This saying is not accurate.
He says the first word ‘ bism’ ( in the name of), instead of ‘ism’ ( name), was mentioned 19 times, yet it was mentioned 22 times ( it is not a multiple of 19).
He says that the word ‘Allah’ was repeated 2698 (19*142), but this number is not exact too! ‘Allah’ was repeated 2699 (not a multiple of 19). However, what he has mentioned about the word ‘ arrahmane’ (the Gracious), being repeated 57 times, is true.
‘Arrahim’ (the Merciful), he said, is repeated 114. It is not true! It was mentioned 115. Therefore, Khalifa has given only one number out of four. This is how he deals with the other numbers he exposes. What he does is only mingling one true number with many wrong ones to give the idea of the truthfulness of his saying. Thus his hypothesis can be considered as a wrong theory.
What about the others?
Most of the researchers who consider 19 as a basis of their researches have fallen in a big trap even if it is unintentionally, either because of the wrong counting of the letters or in the way they counted them. Yet, we have not to deny the existance of some agreements based on the number 19. Truly, this number represents another numeric miracle Koran contains, and this has to do with the 30th verse of ‘ Almudathir’ chapter ((30)Over it are Nineteen), and we are to see some of the wonders this verse represents in the Koran.:
The number of chapters is 114 ( a multiple of 19)
The number of the letters of the first verse in the Koran ( basmalah) is 19
The number of /q/ letter in ‘Qaf’ chapter is 57 (3*19)
The number of /q/ letter in ‘ Ashuraa’ chapter is 57, and both chapters start with this letter.
The number of ‘yaâ’ and ‘sine’ in ‘Yassine’ chapter is 285 ( a multiple of 19)
In addition to these agreements, we have many numbers, which make alike agreements as the number 7 ( the most frequent number in the Koran after n° 1). Allah has created 7 havens and this expression: “seven heavens, seven earths) has been mentioned exactly 7 times. Likewise, the word ‘qiblah’ ( the orientation or direction of prayer) has been repeated 77 times, and we know that the turning around the Kaâbah in Hadj and Omra is about seven times. Then we know that Allah has created seven doors to the hell-fire and the mentioning of the latter is about seven.
Another numeric miracle is the one concerning months; the word ‘month’ is repeated 12 times ! it is the number of months of the year. The word ‘day’ is also mentioned 365 times which equals the number of days in the year. ‘Dunia’ or the world of this life and ‘alakhirah’ ( the hereafter), both are mentioned 115 exactly.
However, we can say that most of the researchers, nowadays, are sincere, inchaâllah, even if they are wronged from time to time ( either for some errors or for some false counting) because of the difficulty of the researches in the numeric miracles, and because of the absence of references concerning this field. So, we hope they will try their best to look for the most reliable and logic way in their researches together with the strong proofs (and numeric results) to strengthen their hypothesis.
What about the ‘counting of letters’ (hissab aljumal)?
A lot of researchers have worked hard to use this counting while looking for the numeric miracles in Koran, so what is it about?
It is a very old way people have used to find some numeric miracles in Koran. It is based on the substitution of each letter by a corresponding number: ‘alif’ for 1, ‘baâ’ for 2, ‘jim’ for 3…according to the ABC of Arabic.
Consequently, I would like to ask this question for all those who have used this method: is it a scientific method? And I do not think I will have a logic answer for which I understand why ‘alif’ has been given the number 1 and ‘baâ’ for 2 and why wouldn’t it be for 4 for example?
This method has given no miraculous result, even if it sometimes gives some agreements. Yet, using this method to look for the Koran’s miracles is something illegal and may not please God. This is why it is better to avoid such method and all that concerns numeric symbols for Koranic letters, which may not be logic nor scientific, and may even be banned, till we prove its accuracy.
What are the benefits behind the numeric miracles of the Koran?
May some people say: “what is good about the study of the ******** of numbers of the Koran mainly if we do have other fields of study as ‘fiqh’, science of worships, rules, interpretations…which are more important.
First of all we have to look for what makes people ( among which we have scholars) tend to disdain the study of numeric miracles though we know how important the ******** of numbers is nowadays as long as this ******** has taken over everything around us. And because Koran is the book of all times and all places, it is necessary to find such a relationship with which we challenge the world with in this day and age.
Then those who think it useless to study numbers in the Koran, are only far away from the evolutions of this era, and almost are not specialised in maths, but what is confusing is that how come that a man who knows nothing about maths would criticize a mathematic miracle found in the Koran?
The numeric miracle is a new way through which we have to deal with the book of Allah nowadays, and the aim of it is to increase our faith (‘and the Believers may increase in Faith’ 31 al mudathir chapter).
This miracle is also a means the believers use to strengthen their belief with and increase their certainty in the book of their Lord with; this is how they would never doubt or be disturbed about this last divine message: ‘that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers’ 31 al mudathir chapter. So, the one who does not believe in this Koran and does not respect its numeric miracles, what do you think his reaction would be? Allah has informed us about his reaction: ‘and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say "What symbol doth Allah intend by this?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth and guide whom He pleaseth 31 al mudathir.’ This is the state of being of the disbelievers; they are astray till they meet their Lord.
Some exaggerations we need to get away from:
It is noticed that most of the researchers in this field do base their intention in their researches on the numbers, and so they greaten their the results they have reached; then they ignore other miracles, linguistic ones, ruling ones… so don’t you think that this is a serious exaggeration we need to avoid?
This remark does really exist, and it has its reasons! The looking for a numeric miracle in the book of Allah, the Koran which does contain no single equation or number only those of the verses and chapters, is about a very difficult procedure. It requires that the researcher has to spend all his time and effort searching and inquiring. Moreover, no sources or references are available.
Yet, I am so sure that the miracles of the Koran are all interrelated. The numeric miracle is originated in the linguistic miracle Koran contains, and both are based on the letters and the numbers. May the meaning of some verses leads us to discover some numeric miracles. This is, for instance, what the story of ‘the people of the cave’ contains. The verse gives us how many years the young men have stayed in the cave: 309 years. The story starts by Allah’s saying: “(10) Behold the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said "Our Lord! Bestow on us Mercy from Thyself and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!” and finishes with His saying: “(25) So they stayed in their Cave three hundred years and (some) add nine (more)”, and if we count the words from the first word to the last one, we find exactly 309 word (=the number of the years they stayed in the cave).
Anyway! Any researcher, who is trying to look for the numeric miracles, needs to be interested in other koranic miracles, and he has to be sure that the numeric miracles are only one drop of the great ocean of the koranic miracles.
Do the numeric miracles lead the believer away from the meaning and the significance of the verses?
Some Muslim scholars see that being interested in counting the letters and the words of the Koran may lead the believer away from the meaning and the significance of the verses, which guides him to the path of His God!
This is also a wrong understanding! How come that the Omnipotent, the Great Creator would put in His book something that can lead the people away from the understanding of its verses?!!
Every single letter of the Koran contains a linguistic and a numeric miracle that needs a great comprehension and thinking. And because this book comes from Allah (swt), everything it contains is from God. Therefore, the true believer needs not to reject this miracle claiming that he is a righteous believer; on the contrary, he has to have a strong faith and believe in everything that is divine: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord" (Al Imrane, 7).
To meditate on the words of the Koran, its verses and its letters from the numeric side, gives the believer more chance to learn by heart the verses and remember them easily, and this is out of a long experience of ten years of looking after the koranic numeric miracles. Nevertheless, though I spend a long time searching and studying the numeric miracles of the Koran, I have never been astray from the significance of its verses; quite the reverse, I acquired something new, that of the good reciting of the verses, and the conserving of each letter, then never to add or cut another.
Then, the true believer, who loves Allah and His prophet (saas) and who has chosen the Koran ‘a prospectus’ for his life, should not be away from the new scientces and technological innovations. Thus, the believer is always running to look after everything new about his sacred book, the Koran, and everything that would strengthen the word of Allah and His religion. As for the errors and some of the misinterpretations many researchers have made ( unintentionally) would never stop us from studying this new field, yet they might be a motivation for us to know more errors to be avoided.
Can humankinds bring similar miracles?
May some people, those who know nothing about nothing about the counting of the Koranic words, say: “isn’t it easy for a human being to construct sentences in which the repetition of words is calculated? So what is miraculous about what you are talking about?
When dealing with the book of Allah, we are in front of two parameters: linguistic and numeric. Then we cannot find any difference or disturbance in the ******** of the Koran and its eloquence from A to Z ; the same is true for the numeric feature. It is a perfect numerically and linguistically. The temptation of limiting the Koran within numbers would perturb its linguistic side; this is how none of us can ever produce similar book eloquent and balanced, then at the same time numerically arranged. There will be always something missing in people’s saying, and this is a divine law no person can break.”Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah they would surely have found therein much discrepancy “ (Annissaâ, 82); this verse proves that what we have said is true. You see! This calls us to think about the beautiful arrangements the word of Allah contains, and which makes it different from people’s sayings. Isn’t it an indirect sign to look for the numeric arrangements and the linguistic ones?
Are the numeric miracles reliable for the ten readings?
Numbers in the Koran constitute a point of disagreement between scholars and researchers because there are ten readings of the Koran; the latter can differ in the number of verses of some chapters, so how can we claim that these verse contain an assured reality as long as they can differ from one book (Mushaf) to another?
The answer of this question is found in the saying of Allah: ”Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah they would surely have found therein much discrepancy “ (Annissaâ, 82). Then, there is no difference in the book of Allah; it is only about some differences in the way the Koran is read, and others that concern numbers. Yet this variation represents in itself a variation of miracles, and gives more miracles. Thus I can say that the numeric miracles concern all the readings, all the verses, all the chapters, all the letters and all the numbers of the Koran; even a punctuation has a miraculous system in the Koran.
Nevertheless, the researchers about the numeric miracles limit their research on the reading of ‘Hafs for Assam’ which is the most spread in the Islamic world, and that we have in hands nowadays. Then, if we look for another numeric miracle for the other readings, we have to make a comparative study concerning numbers, but what is certain is that for each reading there is a miracle, and the wisdom behind this variation is to add more miracles and challenges that no human being can bring. Allah says: “Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an they could not produce the like thereof even if they backed up each other with help and support” (Alissraâ, 88).
However, these readings, we have to know it, are similar apart from some letters and some ways of spelling that change from one reading to another to make it easy for the people. Accordingly, we can say that these numeric miracles are reliable for all readings. Then, every believer be certain about how arranged this book is, in its meaning and significance, in its numbers of words and letters… may this variation of readings hide a great linguistic or numeric miracle, yet being unable to catch it does not mean it exists not, but it means that perception and understanding as human beings are very limited.
Is there a numeric miracle in the spelling the Koranic words?
There is an important question we can raise: ‘to what extent do the researchers in the numeric miracles consider the spelling of the Koranic words as long as we know that Koran has been sent down read and not written?
I have been interested in this question long time ago, and after a long thinking and searching I came to know that there is something in the Koran hides behind it a great miracle. Any one who reads the Koran notices that the number of the written letters is not equal to the one of the spelled letters, which means a variation in the numbers. Moreover, this variation can increase if we read continuously the verse or word by word, and there are some letters, which are read and not written; others are written and not read.
Accordingly, I have made a research on ‘ The Opening’ chapter (Seven Oft-Repeated verses) and I found that there is a numeric construction based on n°7, to write these words the way they are written in Koran, and another construction based on 7 but concerning the spelling of words. Thus, we can conclude that the miracle includes tha written form as well as the spoken (spelled) form! This is what gives more miracles and it is enough to know that the Opening chapter contains 14 geminated letters (7*2) letters are written once but read twice.
Can we know the unseen by the means of the numeric miracles?
There is some people who exaggerate in their researches about the numeric miracle; they link Koranic numbers with political events and historical ones as the collapse of Israel’s government and the 11th of September events, and the prediction of the coming of ‘Last Day’, don’t you think it’s a deviation?
Such exaggerations are found in all sciences, even in the interpretations of Koran. We may have in scholars’ opinions some disagreements about interpretations, and we may have some contrast in others as well as wrong interpretations.
The numeric ******** is the ******** we use to express the past and the future. We express dates by numbers; we express some of our deeds by numbers ( as travelling, Hadj, Ramadhan…) “We have made the Night and the Day as two (of Our) Signs: the Sign of the Night have We obscured while the Sign of the day We have made to enlighten you; that ye may seek Bounty from your Lord and that ye may know the number and count of the years: all things have We explained in detail” (Israa 12).
Nowadays, astronomers can predicate the exact time of the sun’s and moon’s eclipses, and this is not forbidden. It is true that the unseen is in the hands of God, but there are things we can know through calculations like the black holes which can’t be seen but can be calculated by the means of their distance, gravity and how fast the are moving.
Then, the problem is not in numbers, but the use of them in a scientific way. Any one who claims that he has got from Koran some futuristic dates or events, has to bring a scientific proof. Yet, we better avoid talking about the unseen without proofs and just remember: (59)With Him are the keys of the Unseen the treasures that none knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered) but is (inscribed) in a Record Clear (to those who can read) Alanaâm.
What are the conditions the researcher in this field should respect?
Scientific research is about three elements: data, plan of studying and results. Moreover, it should be within the boundaries of religion and its rules, for it can be accepted logically and religiously.
The data: it must be from Koran itself, and we have to be careful not to include things Allah will not be pleased with. This is what can make many researches lose their accuracy. If we substitute Allah’s name with n°66 ( ABC for 123…) where ‘alif’ is for 1 and the first lam is for 30 as the second and the haâ for 5, to get 1+30+30+5=66, who ever said that this number represents Allah’s name?!!
This is why it is necessary to get all numbers from Koran, as the number of verses, chapters, letters…in a way that convinces both the believer and the disbeliever. For instance, saying that the number of verses of the Opening is 7 is true and exact because it exists in Koran and you can count it.
The way we have to deal with this data: it must be based on a scientific and a religious pillar. It is forbidden to use non-scientific methods because Koran, as Allah has perfectly created and sustained this universe, is also perfectly arranged: (1)Alif Lam Ra. (This is) a Book with verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning) further explained in detail from One Who is Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things) Hud. Some researchers follow non-scientific methods; sometimes they add number of verses; others they subtract numbers of letters or add or divide …for they can have a previous result they thought about. Some others try to convince the readers with a hypothesis they have already put in their brains. This is not scientific at all only if they would prove it.
The results: they must represent a true miracle; any researcher needs to find an accurate, not by hazardous, result using the law of probabilities. Moreover, he has to be aware that numeric miracles is a means to perceive the numeric construction of Koran and not an aim!
He has to stay away from predictions which are in the hands of God, and never relates events and dates with numbers. We do not deny that Koran contains all sciences and all times but we need to be ware and patient before claiming any result, if not we are going to help our enemies to deny the miracles of this book.
Words have to be said…
Any new science would face errors at the beginning till it reaches exact knowledge. And this is absolutely normal for numeric miracles because the latter are hard to discover, and need thousands of researchers to work on though some have fallen in errors. However, true believers who fear for their religion should correct these errors to have Allah’s reward.
Even if some see it useless to study numbers of the Koran, it has no scientific proof or raison to avoid that. Yet all technological evolutions nowadays have proved how important the numeric ******** is and challenge the ones who deny the truthfulness of this book with it. Because the numeric ******** is the ******** of modern sciences, what makes it impossible to find it in the Koran? And what is bad about the publications that may give more importance to the word of Allah and challenge the materialists with the ******** they master?
This is how the true believer should not reject this miracle; he needs to think over Koran and look after its miracles; Koran will be his interceder on the day of judgement when being alone. So look for what you have done for the book of Allah and His religion?
O Lord! Make us see the right every where and follow it… And make us see the false and avoid it !!!
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:29 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
New Numeric Miracle

We can say: In every number, there is a wonderful miracle, because the Quran is the book of Allah…

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious The Most Merciful, Allah says:

"Let them then produce a recital like unto it if (it be) they speak the Truth!" (The Tur chapter :34)

The numbers that Allah has chosen for His holy book (The Koran) no human kind can ever produce like them. Allah, Glorified be Him, has chosen for his book:

  • The number of verses: 6236 verses
  • The number of chapters: 114 chapters
  • The number of the years of revelation: 23 years.

Then these special numbers found in the Qur’an fit a very big number of equations that would never be realized by other numbers…and the following are some of these equations; the numbers are ranged from big to small.

The number of the koranic chapters 114: its characteristic is that the number of the first chapter and that of the last one constitute the number of the number 114, and it is a multiple of the number 7; moreover, the total of its numbers gives the sum of 7: ( 1+1+4+1=7)

The years of revelation 23: it has the same feature, in the sense that the first year and the last one constitute the number of 231 ( a multiple of 7).

The verses and the chapters constitute the number of 1146236 which is about seven categories and can be divided by 7 in the two senses; the sum of its numbers too gives 23 ( the number of the years of revelation):


The total of the singles of the three numbers:

2+3+1+1+4+6+2+3+6= 28=7×4

The number 28 has a very important significance, i.e. it represents the number of the letters of the Arabic ABC (the ******** of the Koran)

The chapter 114 and the years 23: the constitute a number that is a multiple of 7: 23114, and the total of the numbers of each is:



then 56 is a multiple of 7.

The verses and the years: they constitute a number that is multiple of 7 was too: 236236

The verse which talks about the divine protection of the holy Koran:

"We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption" (Al Hijr chapter: 9).

The number of the letters in this verse is 28, the same number of the letters of the Arabic ABC!!!

Moreover, the number of this verse (which talks about the protection of the Koran) wonderfully agrees with the number of the Koranic chapters as following:

The verses together with the number of this verse gives 96236 which is a multiple of 7 for two times.

The chapters together with the number of this verse gives 9114 which is also a multiple of 7 for two times.

To conclude, nothing is left but to mention that each of these three numbers has a limited number of classes:

23114 is a number of 5 classes

236236 is a number of 6 classes

1146236 is a number of 7 classes

and if we range the three numbers, we will have 567 (a multiple of 7).

So look how wonderful and miraculous these agreements between 7 and the three numbers (the number of verses, of chapters and of the years of revelation), and this is only part of the many equations. Then, researches that have been published contain more equations and more agreements between 7 and other prime numbers which have a koranic significance.

Therefore, we have to ask a question to those who have claimed they can produce such divine book:

‘Can you bring these three numbers 23-114-6236 only? so if you can not do, just remember Allah’s saying:

"And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant then produce a Surah like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah if your (doubts) are true. But if you cannot and of a surety you cannot then fear the fire whose fuel is Men and Stones which is prepared for those who reject Faith. (The Cow chapter: 23-24)


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:32 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
What Is The Reason of Studying Numeric Miracles?

This is an article about my story with ‘the numeric miracles in the Book of Allah’. How was beginning…
The beginning of the journey
It all started 20 years ago when I read a small book entitled ‘On it, their is 19 ‘ (by Dr . Rached Khalifa) . The numbers and the coordinations that were built on 19 the book contained have startled me so much . Yet, after years and after I discovered they were almost all wrong, every thing has changed . Moreover, things got worse when I heard that Dr. Rached Khalifa claimed himself a prophet and able to predict the date of doomsday and was killed after words.
Then, I became not convinced at about the idea of numeric miracle, and what had strengthen my point of view what I heard from many great scholars; the latter completely denied this kind if miracles because they always came back to the example of Rashad Khalifa who went astray and died a heretic. But more than that, some of them were warning people not to study numbers in Koran for not fall in the same sin as Rashad Khalifa who came to the point to precise the date of the Day of Judgement claiming it will be on the year 1710 hijri ( the number is a multiple of 19) .
I kept on my denying this miracle till I started learning by heart the verses and chapters of the Book of Allah and repeat them then apprehend their significance, eloquence and perfect weaving. Then I was persuaded that the miracle of Koran is in its eloquence and ******** not in its numbers.
A meeting with an atheist
Allah wanted me to meet one of the atheists who have been influenced by the West and its materialistic ideologies, for which they became to consider everything by numbers and calculations. And after a lot of debates, I discovered that the way of the thinking of those atheists is to wrong any believer who tries to talk with them about religion, to convince him he is a stupid person and to prove the absence of any God to this universe which relies only on Nature its rules and eternity.
I tried to show him some Koranic verses which have influenced me the most with their eloquences and meaning after I learned them by heart. And I said to him: “can you find in humankind’s speeches such eloquence?”, and he immediately answered: “ yes! In Arabic old poetry which was more eloquent!!” o men! I beg the Lord for forgiveness, but this is their doctrine and this is their way of answering. Then, to close the door of debate about the ******** and eloquence of Koran, he added: “and in British literature, there is more eloquence and in the saying of Indian wise men and in the followers of Buddha’s sayings too, there is more clarity and eloquence.”
After many debates about the Koranic miracles, as the Koran’s prediction of the Roman’s victory after their defeat in 620 ad, or the mentioning of internal waves in the deep dark sea, or the mentioning of mountains inside the earth, and so many examples of historical, scientific and ruling miracles, I found him answering repeatedly: “ I’m not a man of seas, I’m not a man of mountains and I’m not a man of geology!!!”. Then, I did not find any way out except numeric miracles to argue him with after he closed all fields –though I was not convinced with this field of numeric miracles-. I gave him one single correct example I was sure of, that of the first verse of Koran: the ‘basmalah’ (in the name of Allah), where the number of letters is 19, and it was mentioned 114 times in the Koran, i.e. a multiple of 19.
Disturbed then ran away
I found him stand and think over and over then felt disturbed by unexpected surprise. He could not run away from this numeric strong ********, but he did not find the words to say except: “this is a coincidence!”. Therefore, I gave him another example but more complicated; I said: “don’t you that there are in Koran chapters that begin with fragments of letters none of the interpreters or researchers could understand; two of these chapters start with the letter ‘qaf’ (/q/) : Shuraa and Qaf. Though the first one is much longer than the second, the number of the letter ‘qaf’ in both chapters is 57 and which is a multiple of 19 (57=19*3).
This is not enough; the total of letters for both chapters is 57+57 and which gives 114 exactly; this number represent the number of chapters in Koran, and the letter ‘qaf’, in Arabic, is at the beginning of the word Qur’an. Moreover, the first chapter ( Shuraa) begins with talking about revelation: (1-3)
And the second one (Qaf) starts with talking about the Koran: (1)
This is a sign that the starting with the letter ‘qaf’ for both chapters is a symbol of Koran, even its mentioning in both chapters is equal to the number of chapters of the Koran, i.e. 114. this wonderful harmonization disturbed our friend who turned on the paper on which I wrote these numbers; he tried to wrong these results and calculations, yet he could not do so because it is all correct. After a long appraisal of these results, he said critically: “this is another twist of fate!”, then added: “if all the Koran is built on such perfect numeric system, only at that time I will be convinced!”
The beginning of a new journey
I restarted my searching in the books of numeric miracle to look for more numeric realities, yet I found nothing but preludes to some agreements based on number 19 and other prime numbers. These agreements and arrangements were not enough to convince this atheist or other people like him about the perfect numeric system the letters, the verse and the chapters of Koran constitute.
The conditions through which I met this atheist are gone, but the word he said: ‘if all the Koran is built on such perfect numeric system, only at that time I will be convinced!’ made me start a new journey in the world of Koran, and change my way of thinking; I said: “ as long as Allah is the One who has settled down Koran, then it is impossible not to find perfect coordination and agreements in everything not only in some verses and chapters, and as long as it is He who has put this perfect system in His book, then their must be a great aim behind it because Allah does not put something in His book aimlessly.
And recognised what Quran calls us to do: to think over about the arrangements and coordinations found in Allah’s word, to deprive it from any disorder, differentiations or contrast human beings’ words contain. It leads us, too, to apprehend the perfection and order the system Koran contains, for we can be so sure about its divinity, and not because I felt doubt about the book of Allah at all, but to have more knowledge, certainty and greatening of His book, the book that will intercede for me on the day of judgement when I will all alone. Yet, my researches and works are for the sake of Allah, Him The Oft-Forgiver.
A sincere prayer
I prayed Allah, the Accepter of All prayers, He would choose me out of His billion servants to have more knowledge about His miracle, I prayed Allah that my work would bring benefit and profit . I started to beg Him for His protection from any bad or useless knowledge as our prophet (p.b.u.h) taught us to do and say. Then years have passed, passed full of work and continuous searching within good conditions Allah has bestowed me with, and which were there for me to help me spend the day and night counting the letters and words of Koran, and try to look for the numeric construction of these verses.
The only thing that pushed me to withstand, though so hard was the searching, is being sure to gain a great reward whatever the result would be. If the numeric miracle does really exist, then, I thought, Allah (swt) has chosen me to unveil this new miracle Koran contains, and which may have a string influence to guide some atheist to the right path of their Lord, to His religion and His book. And if such miracle does not exist, then Allah has chosen me to warn people from such science and its illusions and that these numbers are useless.
In both cases, the reward of Allah is there, inchaâllah. Then as long as the heart is sane and full of sincerity and faith, Allah will undoubtedly guides me to the right path because it is He who says: “and if anyone believes in Allah (Allah) guides his heart (aright): for Allah knows all things” (Taghabun, 11) and He says: “And if anyone puts his trust in Allah sufficient is (Allah) for him” (Talaq, 3).
Some intentional and unintentional errors
When I was reading what has been written about numeric miracles, I always had some surprises about intentional and unintentional errors, and what made it impossible for me to be convinced was that some writers did not follow a stable plan, but you find them change his way of calculation just to get a previous result they had on their minds. They seemed to take all ways only to show right their calculations. Others even included numbers from outside the Koran. Others considered any result they got as a great miracle and always forgot that coincidence plays a role in such calculations.
The many errors, either in calculations or in the way of searching, I found in some books, pushed me to look for the truth and follow numeric realities of the Koran only to reach the truth. I thought that if the miracle is there than no need to use complicated ways to discover it. Thus, Allah has described His book as being clear and patent : “(2)By the Book that makes things clear” ( Azukhruf).
I also thought that the miracle should be found in every single Koranic element (its letters, its verses and its chapters), and it must be a concrete proof of the divine protection of this book, the Koran, from any deviation, adding, or lessening for which if a single letter is missing or moved, the whole numeric system will be no more reliable. Accordingly, this system, if it exists, will be a testimony and evidence that this book was sent down by Allah, Hallowed be Him.
Then if we change the order of a single letter, the numeric construction of Koran will be affected; therefore, the miracle should respect the ordering of the words and the verses beside the counting of letters and their totals and orderings in each word of the Koran.
Under this perception, I needed to study letters from Koran differently and with new methods. This is why I went back to Modern Maths’ most complicated numeric system: algebraic series, and I came to know that these mathematic series are used in all modern sciences, from nuclear sciences up to astronomy, even computers are based on doubled numeric series.
A wonderful result
I began, afterwards, to write the Koranic verses as they are written in Koran and count the letters of each word or count the letters of the name of God ‘Allah’, The Highest, in each word then read the resulting number in the way of ‘ranged numbers’. The result was surprising and wonderful because all the resulting numbers were multiples of seven. After that, I spent two years studying this system that is based on 7 and I attained thousands of numeric realities. This is why I was convinced that the letters of Koran are perfectly organised according to a miraculous system based on 7. Nonetheless, atheists always try to find tortuous ways and false proves to deny the clear, absolute truth, i.e. to prove that Koran’s numeric miracles are out of coincidence.
This is why I concentrated the research on special verses and even on special fragments or parts of these verses, only to put aside any pretension around the interference of chance. But there was a question I have asked: “ how can I choose the verses I have to study among thousands of verses? I know they would accuse me to choose verses that fit my calculations and deny the miracle?!!”. Yet, Allah the Merciful helped me find my way out, and I knew that Allah will refute their proves because it is He who said: “(141)Already has He sent you word in the Book that when ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme: if ye did ye would be like them. For Allah will collect the hypocrites and those who defy faith all in hell” (The Women).
Who is more Truthful than Allah?
They do not accept this Koran, and they say it is the production of Mohamed (p.b.u.h)! However, Allah makes sure in one of the Koranic verses how truthful are His sayings: “and whose word can be truer than Allah's?” ( The Women, 122) so tell me is there anyone who is more truthful than Allah?? Yet how can we persuade those people about the truthfulness and divinity of these words? How can we bring strong proves and testimonies to stop them from denying this eternal miracle?
I found, therefore, that the numeric ******** is the strongest and the perfect way to deal with the matter because it is the clearest ******** none can deny. Then, I became convinced at 100% about the existence of a numeric miracle in the Koran mainly after I got thousands of correct, certain results that fit all Koran without exception (in all its letters, verses, and chapters). However, in front of these many words that represent Allah’s words’ truthfulness and veracity, how can we get the miracle out of hem, for it can be a direct and strong proof to those who deny the divinity of this book?
I said: “as long as Allah has created every single nucleus in this world made of 7 layers, has created 7 heavens and 7 earths, has made for the week 7 days, has bestowed His dearest prophet (p.b.u.h) 7 oft-repeated ( The Opening of the Book), has ordered us to turn around the Ka’bah 7 times, and to walk between Safah and Marwa 7 times, to prostrate on 7 bones and to avoid the 7 greatest sins, has made for hell-fire 7 doors and so many things that are based on number 7, then isn’t it out of wisdom to organize His book’s letters according to this number?
The letters of the chosen part
I started to write the letters of the chosen part (verse) and under each word, I put a number, which represent the number of the letters of this word. The result was wonderful: the resulting number is a multiple of 7! Let us see and think about what has been written in the book of Allah:
‘and who is more truthful than Allah’
æ ãä ÃÕÏÞõ ãä Çááå ÞíáÇð
1 2 4 2 4 4
The number 442421 can be divided on 7, i.e. it is a multiple of 7: 442421= 7*63203; even the latter (63203) is a multiple of 7: 63203= 7*9029. Thus we can that the number which represents the letters of the verse above is a multiple of 7 for two times. The believer is certain that this is not out of coincidence as there is no place for that in the Word of Allah, but it is about a perfect divine production. On the other hand, atheists think that this coordination is only by coincidence. This is why I said: “ the miracle of this verse has not begun yet!”
The letters of the name of God ‘Allah’
Now, I wonder how to get more arrangements based on 7 with which I can prove the divinity of the word of Allah, the Koran? This is how I spent many months searching and studying, but I said: “why don’t I try to search in the word ‘Allah’? it is God who said these words, then it is logic that He, the Wisest, would have organized His great name ‘Allah’ in a miraculous way to be a sign to the divinity of this Book. I thought, if I could link between the letters of His name ‘ Allah’ and the verse above to find a relationship between them; that will be the strongest testimony with which I can prove that Koran is Allah’s book where He, the Lonely God, has put His miracle.
Allah has chosen for His name ‘Allah’ the letters (alif, lam, haâ) (a,l,h). Therefore, the secret is there in these chosen letters. This is how I had the idea to count these letters in Koran. I thought, what would happen if I count these letters in Koran?
That was a simple, yet a marvellous, operation. I was surprised to do that but I had such wonderful results: the number of these letters (alif, lam, haâ) in the previous verse is 7!!! ( alif=3, lam=3, haâ=1).
I said: “Praised band Glorified be Allah, in this verse the number of letters which constitute His name is 7! But is it all??” of course not! There is much more arrangements. Yet, will there be arrangements based on 7? I.e. is there any relationship that links between 133 ( which represent the word ‘Allah’ and the repetition of its letters).
This is what I really found! When I ordered these numbers according to the letters of ‘Allah’, this was the result:
1 3 3
The number is 133= 7*19
Now, we have four harmonisations with 7 in the same verse:
  • the number which represents the letters of the verse is a multiple of 7
  • the result of the division of this number on 7 is a multiple of 7
  • the number of the letters of ‘Allah’ in this verse is a multiple of 7
  • the mentioning of these letters in the verse is a multiple of 7
Nonetheless, although these arrangements cannot be by accident, the atheist is always doubtful about any miracle if it will be strengthened by a strong proof. This is why the precedent operation were not enough because I thought that any atheist would say that he is able to write a text where letters are organised in such way.
The greatest numeric results
This issue has given me a new start in my journey of researches. It lasted many months during which I was always praying the Lord to bestow me with sincerity and guidance to His path to discover this miracle. I said: “ if the letters in the name of God ‘ Allah’ and the number of their repetitions is a multiple of 7, so what will I find if ever distributing these numbers on each word of the previous verse?” and verily, I have never predicted to come to such great result, the greatest one all along my journey of searching.
I wrote the words of the verse and under each word, I put the number which refers to how many alif, lam, and haâ the word contains:
‘and who is more truthful than Allah’
æ ãä ÃÕÏÞ ãä Çááå ÞíáÇð
0 0 1 0 4 2
The result is 240100 and it is a multiple of 7 four times:
240100 = 7 * 7 * 7 * 7 * 100
Hallowed be Allah, the One who has perfectly chosen these numbers and these words. You The Most Truthful Most powerful ask Your poor servants to believe You: ‘and who is more truthful than Allah’ and You also put these proves and miracles which they cannot bring things alike, yet they deny and reject this Koran? And You The Merciful, The Gracious, despite their heresy, give them food, money and children and have mercy upon them and forgive them when they repent!!!
Glorified be Allah! A verse which talks about Lord, contains a mentioning of His name’s letters which equals to 7, and their repetition gives a number that is a multiple of 7 and their distribution is a multiple of 7 for 4 times and the whole, final result is about 100!!!! Isn’t it a great result to prove that Koran is Allah’s book,!!
The position of the word ‘Allah’
This is a miracle that needs to be thought over and over; yet it is not all the story! There are more miraculous arrangements based on 7. I read and reread this great word ‘Allah’ and said: “ if Allah had perfectly organized the letters of His name in this verse, has He ordered the position of His great name as well?
Consequently, I tried to count letters before and after ‘Allah’ in this verse. The result was puzzling: the number is 7!! Let us write (in Arabic) the letters:
‘and who is more truthful than Allah’
æóãóäú ÃóÕúÏóÞõ ãöäó (Çááøóåö) ÞöíáÇð
9 4
You see! There are 9 before and 4 after, which gives, once arranged, number 49=7*7!
This is not at all out of coincidence because even the number of words before and after ‘Allah’ is a multiple of 7: 14=7*2
‘and who is more truthful than Allah’
æóãóäú ÃóÕúÏóÞõ ãöäó (Çááøóåö) ÞöíáÇð
4 1
And to burn all doubts, if we count the letters ‘alif’, ‘lam’ and ‘haâ’ before and after:
‘and who is more truthful than Allah’
æóãóäú ÃóÕúÏóÞõ ãöäó (Çááøóåö) ÞöíáÇð
1 2
2 and 1 once arranged, give 21=7*3!
And the question is: you, atheists, can you bring such eloquent literary text where you talk about yourselves like Allah did in this verse, and organise its words and letters in a way to be coordinated with the number 7 and with the letters of your names many times?
So if you do not believe that Koran is the word of Allah, read with me this divine words: (34)Let them then produce a recital like unto it if (it be) they speak the Truth! (Attur), tell me now: why do your hearts refuse to submit in humiliation to the greatness of the words of Allah and to His miracle?
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

- The Encyclopaedia of the Numeric Miracles in the Holy Quran. By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel.

For any comment or notice about our articles please contact Mr/ Ahmed Adham , the English section manager on the following E-Mail:[email protected]

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:35 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Numeric Miracle In Surah "Yassine"

I had a story with a miraculous text from Koran.. with the "Heart" of Koran, Yassine Chapter…we'll see many miracles in this...
There are a lot of things that we see and meet every day, yet most time we just ignore then though they have infinite, interesting secrets and marvels. This is why I have tried my best to look after anything that has a relationship with the book of Allah and look for its significance. I always stopped at any verse and think about and over each verse; I also always heard the verses with great humility and submission, because of the weight of each word of Allah.
The one who spends his life, interests and thinking, reading and comprehending the Koran, the latter becomes his life and all days. This would bring him harmony, influence and pleasure to hear the Koranic verses. Broadly speaking, my every hobby, my every pleasure, my every happiness and my every single moment of joy, all comes to me whenever I read part of the Koran and understand its significance for long hours. This is, for me, the extreme happiness one can have, mainly after I was blessed by the learning of the Koran and the reading of its interpretations, rules, miracles and wonders.
A story
I had a story with a very short, yet so miraculous, text from Koran. I was once coming back from a journey, and the driver, I was with, had put in his car such a beautiful picture where there was written this verse: “Yaâssîne, By the Qur'an full of Wisdom”, and then the whole chapter of ‘Yaâssîne’ was written below this verse with a very beautiful style of writing. This sacred text has attracted me and interested me so much. I felt concentrated in understanding the meaning of this verse. Moreover, I felt that Allah, The Almighty, has organised the words of this verse in such a wonderful and miraculous way. This is how my thinking and staring at the picture has lasted all along the way.
When I came back home, I was still thinking of those words that have hypnotised me: “Yaâssîne, By the Qur'an full of Wisdom”, so the very first thing I did was to write these words to look at them to over think about their significance. Therefore, a strong feeling has fallen upon me to tell me that these words contain a wonderful relationship with what they are talking about, i.e. the wisdom o the Koran, and because this verse talks about the Koran “Yaâssîne, By the Qur'an full of Wisdom”, then there must be a link between its letters and Koran. From that time on, my journey of the studying of this Koranic text has started, with the counting of its letters and words.
Though the operation was too hard, yet my will and eagerness to discover the miracle of this text had pushed forward to resist and carry on. You see! We are in front of four words only, and to each word, there is a limited number of letters:
Yassine for two letters, and for one letter, The Koran for six letters, that is full of wisdom for six letters ( this counting is based on the Arabic letters and the Arabic text) i.e.
Yaâssîne, By the Qur'an full of Wisdom”,
íÓ æ ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáÍßíã
The researches, I have made on the numeric miraculousness of Koran, taught me many things. They taught me that this text has a relationship with what its words mean only because the whole Koran is built on such perfect, organised system. This is, verily, what I have found out.
As we know, ‘Yaâssîne’ chapter is the heart of the Koran, and this is what the most truthful of all humankinds dear prophet (peace be upon him) says in the Hadith. Likewise, we know that this chapter is among the most special chapters of our holy book, among those which begin with fragment of letters; the latter still are a secret that none of the interpreters or even researchers have understood or comprehended. Despite this, we hope that one day Allah will bless one of His servants reaching their meanings.
I wrote the text of this text where under each word I put the corresponding number (which represents the number of letters of the word), for I can get the its system and its relationship with what these words mean, i.e. the wisdom of the Koran.
I thought, if I could find a mathematic relationship between the two, that will be a good, concrete proof to the non-arbitrariness of this book. That will be also a challenge to humankinds ho are unable to bring such organised texts where the letters, the words and the verses are coordinated in a miraculous harmony.
I wrote: "Yaâssîne, *By the Qur'an full of Wisdom"
íÓ æ ÇáÞÑÂä ÇáÍßíã
6 6 1 2
In this beautiful picture, we have two lines: one of words, and the other of numbers where each number express the letters of each word. When we say: ‘(1) Yaâssîne, (2)By the Qur'an full of Wisdom’, we obviously understand that this is a divine a swearword that this book is full of wisdom. On the other hand, when we read the corresponding numbers, we have 6612 which expresses the way the words of the text are ranged: : "Yaâssîne, *By the Qur'an full of Wisdom"
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6 6 1 2
the number 6621 is so accurate because it really represents the number of the letters of this verse, when ranged according to the way they are written in the Koran.
If we gathered the number 2+1+6+6= 15, nothing is shown and nothing is miraculous. However, if we range the numbers horizontally, we get the number 6612. Therefore, we can understand that the whole secret is in the ranging of these words and their numbers.
A question that has confused me
Despite of these things, there still was a question that has taken me months to answer: ‘ what is the relationship between Koran and the number 6612??’
Therefore, after a very long time of thinking and concentration, I started to study this number and analyse it numerically. Great! There lied the surprise; this number (6612) which represents the letters of a text talking about the wisdom of the Koran, coordinates with the number of the chapters in Koran 114!!! And here is the detail…
The number 6612 is equal to 114 multiplied by 58!!
Then, the number which represents the text we have is a multiple of 114 (the umber of the chapters of the Koran), but what about the resulting number 58? Has any relationship with Koran?
This matter also has taken me a very long time of searching about the words in the Koran and looking for how many times they are mentioned. Again, I was very amazed; the word ‘ The Koran’ is mentioned 58 times in the book of Allah. Accordingly, we can read the previous equation as following:
The number, which represents the letters of the text, is equal to the number of chapters in Koran multiplied by the number of the mentioning of the word ‘ The Koran’
Hallowed be Allah, The Wisest, The Almighty! So tell me now, do you think that these numbers are raged in random?! Or it is Allah, with great knowledge and extreme wisdom, who has organised them in this perfect way?!
The heart of the Koran
During my research, I was always thinking with great conviction that the miracles and the miraculousness of this text (and all the other Koranic verses) will never end. I was always thinking too of the prophet’s (p.b.u.h.) saying: “ ‘Yaâssîne’ is the heart of the Koran”. I said: “ can we find a significance between this description ‘ the heart of the Koran’ and the number we have?”
We have the number 6612, but what will happen if we reverse it? (We know that the word ‘heart’ in Arabic is derived from the word ‘overturn’ and the change from one direction to its opposite). Therefore, can we find significance to the overturned number, i.e. 2166? Does it have any relationship with the holy Koran?
This is motivated me to spend more time and strength to look for the answer. Soon, I got a very unexpected result! I found that the overturned number also is a multiple of 114 ( 2166=19*114)!
You see! What miracle to find that a text talking about the wisdom of the Koran is represented by a number that is a multiple of 114 no matter how you read it.
Yet, What about the number 19, what does it represent? We know that every single number in the Koran has its significance!
One more time, I restarted the research to find out the clue. Few days later, I discovered that the order of the ‘Yaâssîne’ chapter among the chapters that begin with fragments of letters is 19! Now, the meaning of the second equation is clarified.
Now we can say
The number which corresponds to the letters of the text or the verses (1) Yaâssîne, (2)By the Qur'an full of Wisdom, is equal to the number of the Koranic chapters multiplied by the number of times the word ‘The Koran’ is mentioned in the holy book, and if we just overturn the first number it will be equal to the number of the Koranic chapters multiplied by the order of ‘Yaâssîne’ among the chapters beginning with fragments of letters, i.e. ‘yaâssîne’ represents the heart the Koran.
In front of this numeric reality that none will deny, the believer must bow in humility and submission before the greatness of this divine book. As for the disbelievers, we should advise them to rethink about their assumption of the denial of the miracles of this book, and to re-ask this question: are they out of coincidence? Or it is Allah who has organised his words in a perfect system, for they can be a strong testimony to the truthfulness of His book and His prophet? This is why the very next verse, Allah mentions His dear prophet to make sure that this apostle, Mohamed (p.b.u.h) is so truthful, and that he is on the right path of His Lord.
Hear now these verses: (1)Ya Sin. (2)By the Qur'an full of Wisdom (3)Thou art indeed one of the apostles (4) On a Straight Way (5)It is a Revelation sent down by (Him) the Exalted in Might Most Merciful.
We have counted the letters as they are written not as they are spelled, and this is the accurate procedure whenever we do a research on numeric miracle.
The connector ‘and’ (in Arabic ‘æÇæ’ ) is taken in consideration as a single, separate word and ever in Arabic we do have words, nouns and letters; this is why, we have counted æÇæ as a single word though it is about a connector and a swearword in the verse.
As for the ranging of the numbers in the way of the decimal system, the latter has a mathematic base called ‘ the decimal series’, where each part of the series is doubled ten times.
The word ‘The Koran’ is mentioned 49 times, and the word ‘Koran’ is mentioned 9 times; the whole is about 58 times. However, the word ‘a Koran’ or ‘his Koran’ were not counted because we have dealt with the way words are written (we consider the words apart from their articles or adjectives).
The specific chapters, which begin with incomprehensible fragments of letters, are about 29, and the number of ‘Yaassine’ among them is 19.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

- The Encyclopaedia of the Numeric Miracles in the Holy Quran. By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel.

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ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:37 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Number 7 in the Holy Quran

Are the Numerical Miracles in the Holy Quran Coincidences? Or Real Miracles! Let's read...
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent. May prayers and peace be upon the prophet Mohammad, his family and his companions.
The logical reasoning says that a coincidence does not happen many times in the same book, except if the author of that book has arranged it following a specific way. The matching results with the number 7 illustrated in this article are clear evidences that God Almighty, Allah, has arranged his book in a form that is in harmony with that number, so that it might lead us to the conclusion that the Quran is a revelation from the Creator of the seven heavens.
The number seven has a great presence in our life and worship, because the heavens are seven, the colors are seven, the days are seven, the orbits in the atom are seven, we turn around the Kaaba seven times, we run between Safa and Marwa seven times, we stone Lucifer seven times, we are commanded by seven commands, we are forbidden to commit seven sins, the greatest sins that directly lead to Hell are seven, there are seven kind of people Allah will put them under His shade on the day of judgment, … and so many other countless things.
The previous makes the number 7 on the top of other numbers after the number 1 that indicates the Unitarianism of God Almighty, because he is one and unique.
The number 1 is the most repeated number in the Quran, after it, comes the number 7, and that might be an indication to the Unitarianism of the Creator firstly, then to his power of creation. Allah says:
“It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like. His command descends between them, that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah surrounds all things in (His) knowledge.” (Al-Talaq 65:12).
Now contemplate with me the following clear facts:
  • The number of heavens is seven, and when we look in the Quran for the statement “seven heavens” we find that it is repeated seven times throughout the whole Quran exactly as the number of heavens!
  • Among all the numbers, the number 7 is the first number stated in the Quran.
  • When we look for the appearing frequencies of all the numbers in the Quran, we find that the number 7 is the most repeated number after the number 1.
  • When we look at the first chapter in Allah’s book, that is Al-Fatihah (the opening), we find that it is made of seven verses, and it is composed of twenty-one alphabets, which is a multiple of 7 (21=7×3).
  • But the astonishing thing in this great Sura which consists of 7 verses is that the number of letters of Allah’s name in this Sura is seven times seven!!! i.e. the number of the letters “A”, “L” and “H” in this Sura is 49 letters, i.e. 7×7.
  • God Almighty has told us about the number of the doors of Hell, may Allah protect us from it, when He said: “To it are seven Gates.” (Al-Hijr 15:44). We find that the word “Hell” is repeated 77 times throughout the whole Quran and this number is also a multiple of 7, and made of 7 and 7, and equal to 7×11, so, Hell has seven gates and was repeated in the Quran in a number of times that is a multiple of seven.

The Number Seven in the Holy Quran
The first time the number seven is stated in the Quran is in the verse where God Almighty says: “ ...then He directed Himself to the heaven, so He made them complete seven heavens, and He knows all things.” (Al-Baqarah 2:29).
And the last time the number seven is stated in the Quran is in the verse: “And We have built above you seven strong (heavens)” (Al-Nabaa 78:12).
Now look at the following facts:
  • When we count the number of Suras from the Sura 2, where the number 7 is stated for the first time, to the Sura 78, where the number 7 is stated for the last time, we find that there are exactly 77 chapters, and this number is a multiple of seven.
  • When we count the number of verses from the verse (2:29), where 7 appears for the first time, to the verse (78:12), where 7 appears for the last time, we find that there are exactly 5649 verses, and this number is also a multiple of seven.
  • When we count the number of verses from the beginning of Surat Al-Baqarah 2 (2:1), where 7 appears for the first time, to the end of Surat An-Naba 78 (78:40), where 7 appears for the last time, we find that there are 5705 verses, and this number is also a multiple of seven!

The question now is: Is it a coincidence that the number of Suras is a multiple of seven, and the number of verses is also a multiple of seven, in verses that are talking about the number seven?!
The Most Beautiful Word
It is the word “Allah” Glory be to Him, God Almighty has arranged that word in his book following a strong pattern based also on the number seven as a proof that He is the Lord of the seven heavens.
The word “Allah” was stated for the first time in the first verse of the Quran, which is “In the name of Allah, most Gracious most Merciful.” (Al-Fatihah 1:1), while the last time this glorious name was stated was in the verse: Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute;” (Al-Ikhlas 112:2)
Now look at the following wonderful facts and their relation with the number 7:
  • From the Sura 1, where the word “Allah” was stated for the first time, to the Sura 112, where “Allah” was stated for the last time, there are exactly 112 Suras, and this number is a multiple of seven.
  • From the verse (1:1) to the verse (112:2) there are 6223 verses, and this number is also a multiple of seven.
  • The total sum of letters in the two verses is 28, which is a multiple of seven.
  • The total sum of Allah letters (i.e. ‘A’, ‘L’ and ‘H’) in the two verses is 14 letters, which is also a multiple of seven!

A Wonderful harmony
To any one who claims that the Quran is corrupted, we present to him the following facts:
  • The number of alphabets used as Initials is 14, i.e. 7×2.
  • The Initials are grouped into 14 different sets, i.e. 7×2.
  • The numbers of the Quran’s alphabets is 28, i.e. 7×4.
  • The number of the words in the first verse and the last verse in the Quran is 7.
  • The number of words in the first Sura and the last Sura is 49= 7 × 7.
  • The number of Suras whose numbers of verses are multiples of 7 is 14 Suras, i.e. 7×2.
  • The first Sura among them is Al-Fatihah with 7 verses, and the last is Sura 112 Al-Ikhlas with 7 verses.
  • The Arabic name for Sura 1 is composed of 7 letters and so is the Arabic name for Sura 112.
  • The Prophet, may peace be upon Him, lived for 63 years, i.e. 7×9.

Is this numerical precision with the number 7 a coincidence? Or is it a clear proof to anyone who has any doubt in the divine origin of the Quran, and that it is Allah’s true word?
“Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian.” Al-Hijr 15:9
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 22-02-2014 07:55 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
I finished the subject

Numeric Miracle

Starts from Reply No. 2 and ending refund the No. 30
Page 3

Tomorrow, allah willing, complete

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 05:51 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Astronomy & Space


The Cosmic Bridge

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories/cosmic-bridge.jpg This is a picture of a 10-million-light year cosmic bridge that joins between two groupings of galaxies …
This is a picture of a 10-million-light year cosmic bridge that joins between two groupings of galaxies. Scientists affirm that the universe is rich in giant structures such as bridges and walls and they are made of galaxies and form solid cosmic buildings. All glory to Allah, the almighty who talks about such structures in the holy Qur’an using a wonderful expression which is zodiac. Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:
It is We Who have set out the zodiacal signs in the heavens, and made them fair-seeming to (all) beholders;” Hijr or the Rocky Tract: 15: 16

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 05:53 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The Lower Heavens

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories/black.jpg contemplate the galaxies of the universe, we’ll realise that such galaxies consist of billions of stars and such stars adorn the sky, heavens …


What’s meant by lower heavens that are mentioned in the holy Qur'an? If we contemplate the galaxies of the universe, we’ll realise that such galaxies consist of billions of stars and such stars adorn the sky, heavens. It could be said, therefore, that all the stars and galaxies that we see around us is within the boundaries of the lower heavens because Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur’an:

So He completed them as seven firmaments in two Days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights, and (provided it) with guard. Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.” Fussilat: 41:12

Lights in the above verse means stars and as we know that stars are outside the solar group and the closest star to us in planet earth is 4.3 light years away i.e. all the stars we see adorn the first or lower heavens. As for the other heavens, merely Allah, the omniscient knows their boundaries.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 05:54 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The Birth of Cells and Galaxies

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories/3463463.jpg The above picture shows the birth of a live cell and the birth takes merely …


The above picture shows the birth of a live cell and the birth takes merely minutes or even less while in the lower picture, we can see the birth of a galaxy which takes millions of years. We can't but glorify Allah, the almighty since the shape is the same but the difference in time is huge. The question to all those who doubt that this universe has a creator is who designed these creatures in the same method and shape? Isn't it the same creator who says in the holy Qur'an:

Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs.” Zumar: 39: 62

Isn’t the above picture sufficient proof that there’s merely one God, Allah?


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 05:56 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
By the sky, (displaying) the Zodiacal Signs”

http://kaheel7.com/Eng/images/stories/2%2838%29.jpg This is a picture of a galaxy that dives in the spacious universe and it contains minimum 100,000,000,000 stars …

This is a picture of a galaxy that dives in the spacious universe and it contains minimum 100,000,000,000 stars. This galaxy along with billions of other galaxies constitute a marvelous cosmic structure that proves the mighty and greatness of Allah, the creator, so blessed be Allah, the best to create. Here it becomes evident that the word of Allah, the exalted asserts the truth of these giant bodies which the holy Qur’an refers to as zodiacal signs and by which Allah, the almighty calls to witness; Allah says in the holy Qur’an:
By the sky, (displaying) the Zodiacal Signs” Buruj: 85:1
Thus, who told Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, that there’s a great cosmic structure in the sky? Isn’t it Allah, the exalted?
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 05:57 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
…Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this…”

http://kaheel7.com/Eng/images/stories/54.png This is a real picture of nebula that’s thousands of billion kilometers away …

This is a real picture of nebula that’s thousands of billion kilometers away from us and it contains a number of stars and every star looks like our sun; it contains cosmic dust and cosmic smoke and the temperature of the surface of stars reaches thousands of degrees Celsius. If we get close to this nebula, we feel extreme heat that results from nuclear reactions inside the stars as well as the collision between the molecules of smoke and dust. Such sight, therefore, reminds us of the punishment of Allah, the exalted and if we go back in time and recall the life of Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, we'll realise that he used to get out of his house at night to contemplate the creation of such stars and say:
Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire." Al-i-Imran: 3: 191
We can also see that Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, combines between contemplating such creations and the penalty of fire (hell). All glory to Allah, the almighty.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 06:00 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
The Fastest Computer in the World

http://kaheel7.com/userimages/JUGENE_orig.JPGLet’s contemplate the new computer that was installed in Germany and it’s a device that carries out 223 billion calculations a second and contains 65 thousand processors and then compare this computer to the tiniest creatures........ …

New Scientific News
Germany is witnessing the installation of the fastest computer for civilian applications in the world. In February22nd, 2008, a giant computer was first installed at the Germany city of Julich. This computer will be used to support the scientific research in Germany and other European countries according to the significance of the research to developapplied sciences in the fields of astronomy, energy, pharmaceutical industry and other fields.
This computer will be the fastest among 500 computers for civilian purposes in the world; the only one faster computer is the computer that’s used for military applications in the American nuclear energy center at the state of California.
“Eugenh” Computer, the supercomputer, isn’t a personal computer for it includes 65 thousand processors that are installed in 16 boxesand each one is the same size as that of the necessary electronic chip for a normal phone. As for its sound during its functioning, it's so loud that it’s recommended to put on ear noise insulation before getting into the hall. In this respect, Dr. NeubertAtej, head of the application dept., says that all sixteen boxes generate heat up to 30 kw capacity.
In order to work, the computer requires an environment of 16 degree temperature. The speed of the computer is almost that of 20 thousand PCs together i.e. it carries out almost 223billion calculations a second and this is something that could hardly be imagined as Atej says. Around 200 research teams from Germany and Europe could depend on the support of the computer in doing relevant calculations to their research and studies. In this respect, there's a committee that specifies which projects to be given the priority of making use of this support.
This is happening because simulation through forming models, charts, and others has become the third major pillar of sciences next to theory and application. Developing a new medicine requires many experiments to know the impact of the ingredients. Through the use of the computer, scientists could explore their general impact and save the time spent in conducting many lab experiments as well as saving money. As for astronomy, the computer plays a bigger role since laboratory experiments are way harder and more complex.
What about Allah’s Creation
Scientists in the West consider this computer at the top of technological and scientific advancement, but as a believer, I'd like to read this news from a faith perspective, an attitude that I often have when I read any scientific research. If we compare this giant computer to a tiny insect such as the mosquito, the mosquito will definitely surpass this device. In the mosquito's brain, there are several hundred thousands of cells and in every cell there's an extremely complex computer.
The supercomputer needs a complete building as well as a team of engineers and researchers. It also requires a special power plant, coolers, noise reduction devices, and ******* systems. This computer has 65,000 processors while the brain of one bee has almost a million processors.
This is the head of a mosquito. Look at this perfect design for most of the head is compound eyes that have thousands of lenses through which the mosquito could see and find its way when flying. If it weren’t for this great design of the mosquito's eyes, it could have never been able to live and perform its functions. Scientists are puzzled and wonder from where has this wonderful design come. The answer is very obvious; it's Allah the Great who says in the holy Qur'an:“God is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer if all affairs.” Zumar or the Crowds: 62
Man’s brain has more than million million neurological cells that function with highly efficiency and in an inimitable coordination. If we contemplate any creature on this earth, we’ll find that their brains function more efficiently than the new supercomputer. Don't all these facts testify and prove the might of Allah, the creator who addresses every atheist by saying:
Such is the Creation of God: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created: nay, but the transgressors are on manifest error.”Luqman: 11
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 06:01 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Deadly solar storm

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories/images%289%29.jpg Allah has protected us from the evil of sun's deadly storms, and this is a new storm that blows from the sun and the scientists have described it for us to contemplate. …


This is a real picture for the sun it has been captured by observatories that works with a special rays, and we can see on the left of this picture a solar storm, and the scientists say that if the extent of this storm reaches the earth it will burn everything on it. But the presence of the atmosphere prevents these deadly solar storms and scatters it and it works as a ceiling that protects the earth from the evil of the sun. Maybe we will be astonished when we know that Quran noted to this atmosphere saying” And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.) " {Al anbiaa- verse 32} Glory to Allah Almighty


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 06:03 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
Deadly solar storm

http://kaheel7.com/ar/images/stories/images%289%29.jpgAllah has protected us from the evil of sun's deadly storms, and this is a new storm that blows from the sun and the scientists have described it for us to contemplate. …
This is a real picture for the sun it has been captured by observatories that works with a special rays, and we can see on the left of this picture a solar storm, and the scientists say that if the extent of this storm reaches the earth it will burn everything on it. But the presence of the atmosphere prevents these deadly solar storms and scatters it and it works as a ceiling that protects the earth from the evil of the sun. Maybe we will be astonished when we know that Quran noted to this atmosphere saying” And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.) " {Al anbiaa- verse 32} Glory to Allah Almighty
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

ÇáÞáÈ ÇáÍÒíä 25-02-2014 06:05 PM

ÑÏ: Secrets Of Quran Miracles
For the first Time: Two Satellites Collide in the Space

http://kaheel7.com/eng/images/stories/12233233.jpg Two digital communication satellites collided one of them is Russian while the other is American for the first time. Such incident makes us contemplate what Allah says in the holy Qur'an “He withholds the sky from falling on the earth” Let’s read…

Despite the vastness of the circumterrestrial outer space and despite the small number of satellites which are very small in comparison to the celestial bodies, and despite the highly developed techniques that astronomers have come up with, the possibility that such satellites might collide is still there and it's actually what happened.

NASA said that the American Iridium satellite collided with an out of service Russian satellite in the Siberian atmosphere while the first was rotating very fast at the height of 780 Km. This incident has been affirmed by the Russian space agency Roscosmos saying that a Russian satellite weighing almost 1000 Kg and which was launched in 1993 and has been out of service lately collided with another satellite.

The collision caused the formation of a huge cloud in the space out of the wreckage of both satellites and it would take weeks for this cloud to vanish. NASA says that since 1957, around 6 thousand satellites have been launched three thousands of which are still currently active and they revolve round the earth constantly, but this is the first time that two satellites collide. NASA added that it’s observing the collision wreckageand hopes that most of it would burn when entering the airspace. There are concerns that the wreckage spreads in the space and collides with the International space station that revolves round the earth at the height of 435 Km. NASA, however confirmed that the collision doesn’t constitute any threat to the international space station where there are three astronauts currently adding that the station’s orbit is 400 Km less than the path of the collision's wreckage. NASA asserts that the space station is able to maneuver when necessary to evade colliding with the wreckage.

Nickolas Johnson, spokesman of Johnson space center, says that the wreckage poses little danger to the giant Hubble space telescope which is close to the collision position and the earth observing satellites. Specialized astronomers in space say the waste that result from old satellites wreckage expressed growing concern over the increase of such waste in the space that started to constitute a danger to space shuttle flights.


A comment on this scientific news

This news about the two satellites collision made me pause and I remembered the following Qur'anic verse:

“Seest thou not that God has made subject to you (men) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by his command? He withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth except by His leave: for God is Most Kind and Most Merciful to man.” Hajj:56

And also the following verse:

“It is God who sustains the heavens and the earth, lest they cease (to function): and if they should fail, there is none—not one— can sustain them thereafter: verily He is Most Forbearing, oft-Forgiving.” Fatir: 41

These verses have long been used by skeptics as a means of challenging the truthfulness of Qur'an. Nevertheless, in light of this scientific news, we realize the significance of these Qur’anic verses. Despite the great techniques the West has; they have, for instance, scientific laboratories, intelligent minds, scientists, and giant computers. Still all such technologies failed to observe a very small satellite that was diving in the space. I'd like therefore to ask atheists how this spacious universe is functioning with all these billions of billions of celestial bodies, galaxies, meteors, black holes, and stars. Could all these bodies function by mere coincidence! That’s why we should realise the meaning of this verse:

“God! There is no god but He,—the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. no slumber can seize Him nor sleep” Baqara: 255

Imagine if Allah slumbers for only one second, what would happen? The entire universe would cease to exist, it would collapse, and collisions would take place, and there would be nothing left of this universe. That’s why Allah says:

“…His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding, and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).” Baqara: 255

All glory to Allah.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

References: BBC

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä : 09:53 AM

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