ملتقى الشفاء الإسلامي

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أبـو شاهين 16-04-2010 08:04 PM

شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )

الحمد لله وحده وبعد :

هذا النوع الخبيث من الجن يدخل مع الحسد ويسبب التالي :

1- مشاكل صحية متتالية
2- تداخل الأعراض بصورة كبيرة
3- الشعور الدائم أو نوبات بالموت
4- أكثرهم كافر
5- يتعب عند آيات واتبعوا ما تتلو الشياطين
6- أكثرهم ساحر
7- يجعل المريض يحسد الشيء الذي أمامه بمجرد التفكير فيه
8- يعطي أعراض المس والسحر والعين مع بعض وأكثرها العين والمس
9- أغلبيتهم لا يتكلموا
10- أمراض عضوية ونفسية
11- مراوغ كذاب فاشل خادع
12- يسبب بكاء كثير للمريض
13- يخلق المشاكل للمريض
14- يسبب الكسل الشديد للمريض
15- يعطي العكوس في حياة المريض
16- يساوم المريض على مساعدته بكلام داخلي
17- يسبب وساوس كبيرة وكثيرة
18- يجعل المريض يفكر كثيرا
19- الشيء الذي في صالح المريض يجعله لا يذهب إليه
20- يسبب النوم الكثير والكبير
21- يجعل المريض يحسد الناس وأولاده أولاً
22- هو الحاسد وليس المريض
23- يسبب تثاؤب مع صوت آه آه عالي ومسموع
24- ينفخ صدر المريض عند العلاج
25- يعطي المريض قوة في مقاومة الرقاة
26- يحاول إخفاء الأعراض ظاهريا ولكن يقتل المريض داخليا
27- يتعب جدا جدا جدا عند آيات الحسد ولربما السحر آية 102
28 - الشعور بالخدر الكامل في الجسم وخاصة منطقة الصدر
29 - الشعور بتوهان وكان المريض يحلم وهو في اليقظة
30 - الأحلام المتكررة بالجنازة
31 - أغلبه ينقلب لمس عاشق وخاصة إذا كان المرض له فترة طويلة - فيعطي أعراض المس العاشق
32 - يكره الفتاة في الزواج والرجال والجماع
33- يزيد من شهوة المريض الجنسية للرجال والنساء - ومع الاستمرار ينقلب لعاشق


اكتشفت الشيء الذي يؤدبه بإذن الله تعالى ووالله عن تجربة
((((((((( خل التفاح مع شبة وملح )))))))

وطريقة العلاج بخل التفاح في هذا الرابط



البرنامج العلاجي لشيطان الحسد :

1- البقرة يومياً مرتين – مرة صباحاً ومرة مساءً
2- الفلق مكررة بمساعات هيدفون مرة صباحاً ومرة مساءً
3- سماع تعاويذ العين بسماعات هيدفون مرتين يومياً
4- الاغتسال بخل التفاح مضافاً له شبة وملح بحري ( ولا يوضع على الشعر للنساء *


5- الشرب من الماء المقروء عليه يومياً على الريق وكلما عطش
6- تكرار ( أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شيطان الحسد ) يومياً 500 مرة

6- قراءة سورة الصافات مرة واحدة يومياً


طريقة للاختبار هل انت مصاب بشيطان الحسد

قل أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شيطان الحسد وكررها 200 مرة وانظر للتأثير


وأنا كتبتها لكم عن تجربة مع هذا الخبيث المراوغ الذي حير الرقاة وبفضل الله تم شفاء حالات عن طريق هذا البرنامج

أخوكم أبو شاهين
الجمعة الموافق 24 / 4 / 1431هـ
ليس لدي بفضل الله تعالى مراجع وإنما عن طريق الخبرات العلاجية السابقة والله تعالى أعلم

تعاويذ العين والحسد

* أعوذ بكلمات الله التامة من كل شيطان وهامة ومن كل عين لامة

* أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق

* اللهم اذهب حرّ العين وبردها ووصبها

* اللهم ولي الكلمات التامات والدعوات المستجابات عافني من أعين الإنس وأنفس الجن

* أعوذ بكلمات الله التامة من شيطان الحسد

* بسم الله أرقي نفسي من كل شر يؤذيني ومن شر كل نفس وعين كل حاسد الله يشفيني

* رب الناس أذهب البأس واشف انت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفائك شفاء لا يغادر سقماً

لكل منها ( 7 ) مرات

موحد الله 16-04-2010 09:52 PM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
كُل الاعراض موجوده

موحد الله 16-04-2010 09:58 PM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
بس انه احسد حد لا

النورفى قلبى 08-05-2010 12:46 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
السلام عليكم شكرا يااخى ولكن ما المدة المحددة للبرنامج

hardeep15 08-05-2020 03:14 PM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Go to Roku page roku activation record enter Roku com activation code appeared on Roku TV. My Roku com activate not working use new Roku code.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:49 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Try http://downoffice.com/setup which is very easy to install, download and redeem. Use of it is also simple and the user can learn the use of it easily. Online Support&help option is also available in all application which provides an instant guideline. http://unitedstates-office.com/setup Microsoft Office Setup is the complete bundle of Microsoft programs as it takes to the a variety of jobs, servers, and affiliations like PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, and Access.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:49 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
A progressing Microsoft statement gives some comprehension of how the association designs the landing of new Office 365 ProPlus features. http://office.com-setup.en.brosft.com Microsoft uses the *****alent "channels" ******** for MS Office 365 ProPlus incorporates revives as it does with Windows 10 feature invigorates. To activate office setup you need to visit* http://mipoffice.com/setup where you can find what all you can do on office setup.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:49 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
office*Remote turns your phone into a smart remote that interacts with Microsoft*Office*on your PC. http://msofficeword.com/setup The app lets you ******* Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from across the room, so you can walk around freely during presentations. You will use your Microsoft account for everything you do with*Office*.* http://livemyaccount.com If you use a Microsoft service, such as Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype, you already have an account.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:50 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Be more innovative and accomplish what is important with Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and that's only the tip. https://getsofti.com/en-us/myaccount For more details go through the links: Log in with Microsoft Account using Id and password associated with the copy of MS office you have bought https://getsofti.com/en-us/office Setup Office 365/2019.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:50 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Simple Ways to Activate MS*Office Setup. For activating the*Office setup, you need to access*Office*website or by using the product key in one of the*Office*applications. https://getsofti.com/en-us/office-com-setup In case, you purchased a retail version of*Office setup, and then you will find a 25 digit product key in the package. Have a glimpse on the listed below points and know how. McAfee antivirus works as a shield of device. It protect against virus, malware, online threats etc. You can easily download, install and activate McAfee products through http://knmcafee.com/activate When you will go with this link, you can follow the process of downloading, installing and activating McAfee with activation code.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:50 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
McAfee inception with Mcafee antivirus gives all-around protection blocking all the bothersome perils, malware disease which can hurt your PC. http://25digitcode.com Introduce mcafee antivirus in your PC with high class experts and best tech group. Simply ring us and we are prepared to help you till the last moment of establishment https://fixmcafee.com/activate visit here.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:51 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
If you want to protect all the important data files as well as laptops to get damaged may download McAfee activate for your protection. https://getsofti.com/en-us/25-digit-code Mcafee is a standout amongst the best antivirus to ensure your computer,laptop and otherdevices fromvirus attacks.Mcafee program shield your PC from infection. in the event that you need to introduce mcafee in your pc, visit: https://getsofti.com/en-us/mcafee-com-activate for complete establishment and initiation.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:51 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Activate your product. Activation normally occurs when you install your software, but if it hasn't, you can activate at any time. 1 Right-click the McAfee icon in your taskbar. 2 From the menu, select Activate. Activating the*McAfee*via* https://mcafee.en.softdepots.com *could be the one-stop solution to all the security concern.*McAfee*is a renowned and trusted American based MNC which is popular for producing the antivirus https://25mcafee.site software to protect the device against the online attacks.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:52 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Enter 25 digit*activation*code is necessary to*activate mcafee*product key.* https://mcafee.productcode.site McAfee*is an antivirus software that helps you protect your device and personal / important information or data from Threats, Viruses, Malware, Trojans, and so on.mcafee antivirus is widely used aantivirus helps to detect and neutralize computer virus, the mail worms,the trojan programs,and also helps your system free of virus and other malware is quite a daily challenge. for more details visit https://ctc-mcafee.site here.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:52 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Mcafee Product Activation web based utilizing the web is simple. Go to the official site and buy it. Spare it, run it and go through some simple guidance and concur every one of the setup. When you open, it demonstrates an alarm about Activation. https://need-mcafee.site Dynamic mcafee online item key on the web. An item key is of 25-characters and it. mcafee antivirus is broadly utilized antivirus recognizes and kill PC infection, the infected mail ,the malware programs,and https://1gav.com/en-us/article/mcafe...cafee-activate enables your framework to free of infection and other malware is a serious every day challenge.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:52 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Download norton antivirus to make your computer virus free with the best support and tech team. Feel free to contact us. http://setupkey.net Norton web security is commonly used antivirus gives the least requesting to use and most intutive affirmation for your PC and your mobiles .present it and negligence viruses,spyware,root-units - , Download norton 360 *******. http://9norton.uk for more nuances visit.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:52 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
To enact the Norton setup, select the Activate Now option at the base. To recharge the membership for Norton, select the Help choice and snap on Enter item key. http://enrollsnorton.com/setup.html Cautiously type the right Norton item key in the clear. Snap on the Next catch.Go through with for more details.Download Norton Mobile Security and Antivirus application that can shield your records from getting affected from any online malware or contamination* https://norton.productcode.site norton setup product key.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:53 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Go to the Norton Security Online page and click Get Norton Security Online. Type in your Xfinity ID and password, if you're asked. Create a Norton account, then sign in. https://getsofti.com/en-us/norton Choose whether you want to install it on this device or another one. Start your installation. Click Run. Let the program run. If Windows asks for permission, click Yes.To install Norton Security Online on a different computer, log in to that computer and then download Norton. Comcast now offers Norton Security Online instead of Norton Security Suite, and it is available at the Xfinity website. https://getsofti.com/en-us/norton-setup You are not required to update to Norton Security Online. Norton Security Online has a new look and feel.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:53 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Download Norton Security. Manage Users & Alerts. Reset My Password. Find My Account Number. Monitor Home Security. Upgrade My Service. Find My Xfinity ID. Get Help & Support. https://nortonenter.site Program My Remote. Submit Feedback. Find an Xfinity Store. Move My Services. Run Internet Speed Test. Bundles & Promotions. Customer Guarantee. Compare the Competition.Norton Internet Security gave you virus protection. Norton 360 gives you much more. https://need-norton.site Norton 360 plans give you device security to help protect PCs, Mac® and mobile devices against viruses and malware, plus new ways to help protect your devices and online privacy – all in a single solution.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:54 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Norton help to verify your devices against antiviruses and help to progress and keep up your information from compitetior. Present norton in your pc https://1gav.com/en-us/article/norto...up-product-key click here for nuances.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:54 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Webroot AntiVirus is a not too bad, secure program that successfully sees and shields you from Mac malware. http://webmysafe.com It has safe program remembers that single work for Safari, which also makes Webroot's less practical at perceiving a couple of Windows perils. Webroot digital security is an extreme web security suite for complete assurance against the present different scope of danger on windows. key highlights are 100% secure shopping, 1 snap infection examining, pernicious site separating, unblock antivirus. http://keycodeactivation.com if you need to introduce it at that point visit our site:

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:54 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Webroot AntiVirus keeps watch on obscure projects until its cerebrum in the cloud goes to a judgment. The small nearby program clears out the assailant and turns around its activities. https://getsofti.com/en-us/20-digit-code It's an exceptionally unordinary framework, however testing demonstrates that it carries out the responsibility, and does it well.Webroot SecureAnywhereMobile Free keeps you secure when perusing, shopping, and depending on your Android gadget. https://getsofti.com/en-us/register This application utilizes the Device Administrator authorization.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:55 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
webroot is a simply used software,install extreme digital security at webroot safe or at , https://getsofti.com/en-us/safe click here to download webroot safe. Webroot AntiVirus is a decent, secure program that effectively perceives and shields you from Mac malware. It has safe program includes that solitary work in Safari, which additionally makes Webroot's less viable at recognizing a few Windows dangers. https://securewebroot.com/safe Go to the link for more information:*

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:55 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
webroot is a light weighted software,install extreme digital security at webroot safe or at webroot safe introduce ,click here to download webroot safe. https://sidwebroot.com Download Webroot Geek Squad Antiviurs If you own a device or system and you are connecting it to internet or another device then you must have antivirus software. https://sidwebroot.com/safe Virus or any risky threat like Malware, Trojan, Spyware, Rootkit or online hacking or attack can steal your data and damage your system.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:55 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Much obliged to you for picking Webroot web security. You're nearly secured! Essentially complete the accompanying strides beneath to finish your introduce. https://squadwebroot.com/safe Antivirus programming, for example, Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus baffles malware in two or three different ways. install webroot with key code It filters information and squares infections that it recognizes. https://wetwebroot.com What's more, it evacuates malware that is as of now held up in a PC.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:56 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Webroot cyber security is a ultimate internet security suite for complete protection against today's diverse range of threat on windows. key features are 100% secure secure shopping, https://wetwebroot.com/safe 1 click virus scanning, malicious website filtering, unblock antivirus.if you want to install it then visit our site:Get instant help for downloading webroot antivirus to protect your device appoint https://ws-webroot.com/safe where you can find all your problems solved.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:56 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Go to Roku page record enter Roku com association code appeared on Roku TV. http://onlinetvlink.com My Roku com associate not working use new Roku code.Roku is a streaming device, which is a reasonable http://onlinetvmount.com and other Set-up Box. Roku is a bundle of amusement, where client can stream for boundless motion appears, web setup news, animation and a lot more projects.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:56 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Giving users an unparalleled streaming experience, Team http://rokukok.com/link.html takes great pride in being the number one streaming service providers in the world.Sanction Roku associate, go to roku.com/link record enter Roku interface code appeared on Roku TV. My roku com interface not working use new Roku code. http://rolinku.com/link.html To download click for more subtleties.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 08:57 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Roku is a gushing gadget, which is a sensible roku setup and other Set-up Box. Roku is a heap of diversion, where customer can stream for unlimited movement shows up, web game plan, news, liveliness and significantly more https://channels-roku.com activities.Roku works by downloading video from the web, you at that point watch on your TV. The video isn't spared as it's viewed while Roku downloads or "streams" the video. Applications or "stations" are programs you load onto your Roku gadget that give you different films and TV appears. https://channels-roku.com/link This works a lot of like introducing applications on a cell phone or tablet.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:04 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Roku provides the simplest way to stream entertainment to your TV. On your terms. http://usadevicelink.com With thousands of available channels to choose from.Roku enables you to choose what gives you need to watch, and when you need to watch them. http://getdevicelinkcode.com It resembles sitting in front of the TV as though everything is on-request. Since Roku extraordinarily extends your on-request alternatives, you may even need one to enhance your link membership as opposed to supplanting it. I'll really expound on that later in the guide.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:04 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Roku gives the least complex approach to stream stimulation to your TV. https://getsofti.com/en-us/link-code On your terms. With a large number of accessible channels to look over.Are you looking for activating your Roku com link? This can turn your tv into up to date streaming gadget, https://foxroku.site you can stay advanced and stay.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:04 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Learn how to link the Roku player to your TV using. Enter the Roku activation code which displays on your TV screen in https://roku.productcode.site page. Activate roku device Follow the Quick Start Guide that accompanied your Roku gadget. https://lite-roku.site For extra help setting up your Roku gadget, visit the Setup and Troubleshooting segment of the Roku site given above.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:05 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Roku offers the accompanying seven gushing gadgets. There are five set-top gushing boxes, the Roku Ultra, Roku Premiere, Roku Premire+, Roku Express, and Express+. https://rokutv.site Roku Activation Code At that point there are two sticks, the Roku Streaming Stick and Roku Streaming Stick Plus. https://rokuconnect.site Steps to interface your Player to your TV. Roku activate gadget is the easiest method to stream stimulation to your TV. visit for roku

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:05 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Stream hundreds of hit movies, TV shows and more on the go with The Roku Channel, use it as a second remote, enjoy private listening, and more. Roku gathers data from devices you use to get to our services https://unique-roku.site , similar to your IP addresses, device identifiers, search and review history, and other use data.if you want more information about roku link https://turn-roku.site click here.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:05 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
The simpletest way to enjoy the large variety of streaming channels on your TV can be available at https://1gav.com/en-us/article/roku-...roku-code-link . Roku provide great and large variety of streaming channels and other features at its best.Initiate Roku tv, go to http://en-roku.com record enter Roku com connection code showed on Roku TV. My roku com connect not working utilize new Roku code.

hardeep15 06-06-2020 09:05 AM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
Roku spilling players need web access to stream content. http://tv-roku.com They utilize remote to interface with your home system.roku.com/link this is least problematic approach to manage stream impelling to your TV. On your terms. With a significant number of accessible channels to explore http://en-roku.com/link for more details.visit: today

الاسيوي 08-11-2020 12:56 PM

رد: شيطان الحسد ( أعراضه والعلاج منه بإذن الله )
بارك الله فيك

الساعة الآن : 12:49 PM

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